Have you all come here?

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched. If the purpose of this Gayou entering the Black Forest is the same as theirs, then their current position is still less than one-tenth the distance of the formation map.

But what he means is that he thinks it is very important to be here?

Does he have some deviations in his understanding of his purpose?

However, Fu Yuan and Gayou obviously have a bad relationship.

He didn't intend to correct his deceased's cognitive bias. He looked straight at his hooded head and said lightly: "But you don't look good now."


Gayou stretched out his hands and laughed: "It's not good to judge good or bad with my eyes. Although I am a bit sloppy, I have lived here for six years. Over the years, I have absorbed countless strengths in the forest. Now my strength is far. Far above you, how many people desire this, why am I not so good?"

Fu Yuan was still expressionless: "Strength is important, but is it really worth it if you don't see the sun in six years?" After the words fell, he added: "Besides, you had a wife and children at the beginning, so we really shouldn't waste six years here. ."

Geyou was very sensitive and suddenly took off the hood on his head: "In the beginning? What did you mean by that?"

Fu Yuan looked at him directly, "I'm waiting for a few people to leave the Black Forest and return, but you and the others have not returned. Your wife thought you were dead and your son was only four years old. The orphan and the widow married someone else. , Your son has changed his surname a long time ago."

When Gayo heard this, his eyes widened and angrily cursed: "That bitch, dare to take my child to marry a wild man. When I go out, I must kill her and take my son back!"

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes secretly when she heard it, and spoke to Ye Nong Ying Xinyu: "This Gayou is really disgusting. He has been away for his own purposes for several years. It is difficult for orphans and widows to survive. He Don’t the women of the family have the right to choose a better life after they die?"

Ye Nongying nodded in agreement, “It’s better to nurture kindness. He doesn’t fulfill his father’s responsibilities. What is his relationship with the child? The child is already sensible at this time. If he goes out and really kills his mother, the child will not even recognize it. His father."

Duanmu Yawang took out a water bag and took a sip of water, and watched Ga You narrowed his eyes with a deep smile: "Of course, the premise is that he can leave the Hei Deep Forest."

"Why not?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, he listened to Gayou angrily asking Fu Yuan: "My Gayou's woman isn't anyone dared to grab, which wild man did that **** take my son to marry?"

Fu Yuan: "Qin Fengyue."


Duanmu Ya, who had just drank the water, looked at it, and sprayed out a sip of water!

Ye Nongying also wowed, and spoke to Duanmu Yawang Xinyu: "This thing seems to be much more fun than we thought."

Duanmu Yawang nodded in agreement.

"Feng, Fengyue?" Gayou's eyes widened when he heard it, and he couldn't believe it: "No, it's impossible...Fengyue is my brother, how could he, he...yes, it's impossible!"

He finished muttering to himself, as if he had convinced himself, and laughed at once: "Fengyue is my brother. He probably wanted to help me take care of my wife and children. You and Fengyue have always been tit-for-tat, so naturally you want to speak ill of him."

"Back then, you were sympathetic to brothers and sisters, and you were even more confidant about him. Of course you didn't believe it."

There was no refutation in Fu Yuan's words. He seemed to just want to tell Gayo the facts: "However, three months after I returned to Baizhou, City Lord Qin married a widow and gave her the title Man. Everyone called her. With a cry of Mrs. Man, your son changed his surname to Qin at the same time. After that, the two sang song every night and gave birth to a son for Qin Fengyue a year later, and a second son in three years."

After finishing the succinct description, he asked Gayo: "Have you ever seen a brother taking care of his wife and children for his deceased brother, taking care of them for three years?"

Guyu staggered two steps, always thinking about impossible.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying had been watching them carefully, listening to their conversation, Ye Nongying was still gossiping at first, saying that Qin Fengyue already had a child, and after a few gossips, he frowned and told Duanmu Yawang Xinyu. Yin: "Do you think that Fu Yuan seems to be telling Geyou this deliberately?"

"Be confident, what is like, he must be on purpose."

Ye Nongying's mind turned around: "This time, Qin Fengyue is here too. Isn't he doing this to get rid of Qin Fengyue with Gayou's hand? However, Qin Fengyue is still far behind now. Yeah, things must be different when he catches up. So, I don’t understand why Fu Yuan did this."

Duanmu Yawang: "Fu Yuan has a deep mind. We know too little about the things between them, and I can't guess."

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Gayou was really irritated, sometimes sneered and sometimes laughed. After maintaining this state for a while, he said viciously: "Good, you Qin Fengyue, if I don't chop you in this life Dog grandson, I will not be called Gayo!"

Fu Yuan looked at him silently.

Gayou was obviously also a strongman, and soon calmed down from the hatred of robbing his wife and child, and stared at Fu Yuan: "You suddenly urged you to leave here, but six years later, why did you come here again? "

Fu Yuan answered simply: "It was also the purpose of the year."

Gayou's eyes were contemptuous: "This is already my territory, the one who opposes me is prosperous, you tell me about Qin Fengyue and that bitch, I owe you a favor, so I give you a chance, as long as you take yours now People go, I don’t have to kill you."

Fu Yuan smiled, "We can stop discussing this point for the time being. In fact, I would like to know that there were only a dozen people who came in together back then. Where did your people come from?"

As he said, he glanced at the crowds around him.

Guyu said proudly: "Of course it came from surrender."

Fu Yuan asked again: "There are countless bones along the way. You killed these people?"

Gayo does not deny: "Almost."

With these three words, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying's faces instantly became serious.

Duanmuya looked at the mayor and Fu Yuan, but saw that there were no surprises, no surprises, and no deep disgust on their faces. There was no shock on their faces. For these people, they were not killed by beasts but by humans. Feel the slightest anger.

Human life is like a must for them.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't hold back, and asked: "Why are you killing them?"

As soon as her voice came out, Gayo finally moved his gaze away from Fu Yuan and turned to look at her. Only then did she discover her and Ye Nongying. When she found the dwarf, there was an interest in her eyes: "Dwarf? You are quite bold, dare to ask me something."

Duanmuya didn't want to answer, just asked: "There are countless bones along the way, and the distance with bones is at least a hundred meters. At least more than a hundred people's bodies are buried here. Why do you kill so many people."

"one hundred?"

Gayou looked up and laughed, "How can I kill only this few people when I've been here for six years?" After speaking, he proudly raised his palm: "The bones here are at least this number."

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids: "Five hundred?"


Gayo nodded appreciatively, "The dwarf actually knows a bit of arithmetic, which is a bit of a brain."

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about her words at all, she continued to ask Gayou unanswered questions: "Why are you killing so many people?"

Gayo took it for granted: "The weak and the strong eat the strong. They come here and naturally have a competitive relationship with me. Why can't I kill them?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids and shrank, "We are here too, so if we don't leave, you have to kill us?"

Gayou was pleased by Duanmu Yawang's shrinking body. He felt that she was afraid of him, and he was in a good mood. He glanced at Fu Yuan and said in a good mood: "Very good, Brother Fu, your slave helps you talk about it. It was transferred back. So, are you going or not?"

Fu Yuan's brows moved, and he asked slowly without answering, "Go or not, I don't know what kind of wishes Brother Guyou wants me to be?"

"Brother Fu asked this question well!"

Gayo slapped his thigh and exclaimed: "Since you ask me that, I am not a dictator, plus we are friends at all times. How about I give you one more choice?"

Fu Yuan: "Oh? That is, I have three choices?"

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