However, because Duanmu Yawang never fell asleep in the next two days, Ye Nongying was relieved and her attention returned to the formation.

Because the paperclip formation has to follow the circle, it is always not a long way, and it takes several times longer, and the circle is one after another.

So they walked for three or four days before they really got out of the paperclip formation.

After getting out of the paperclip formation, according to common sense, you should stop and observe first, and re-study the new formation you encounter next before you set off.

They also stopped, but Duanmu Yawang felt the formation and studied it carefully for a long time, then frowned, "The next section of the road is very strange. Although I am in this huge formation, I can't feel the formation. The presence."

"Can't feel the existence of the formation?" The mayor felt strange: "Really, did you read it wrong?"

"It can't be wrong." Duanmu Yawang shook his head and pointed firmly in a direction. "According to the formation, there are at least dozens of miles without formation. Let's just go forward like this. They still carry us. In front, I'll show you the way, just follow."

So everyone continued to move forward.

A few tens of miles is not far for the giant. Even if it is walking, it doesn't take much time before and after. However, not long after everyone set off, Duanmu Yawang sensitively smelled a strong smell.

In fact, the smell has always existed in the Black Forest, because almost no matter where you go, you can almost see the rotting and smelly corpses of evil beasts, but it is so smelly that it has never been seen before.

Obviously, everyone was smoked by the odor coming over their faces, and everyone raised their eyebrows and held their breath.

Ye Nongying complained directly in her ear: "It smells so bad, I feel like vomiting."

Duanmu Yawang also covered his mouth and nose.

Ye Nongying probed his brain, feeling strange: "There seems to be no beast corpse, why is it so smelly?"

Duanmu Yawang also didn't understand.

At this moment, one of the guards carrying them, staggering for some unknown reason, staggered, and the whole person fell down!

As soon as he fell, Nian began to tilt, and Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying also slammed to one side!


All this happened so quickly. The giant was more than two meters high, and the sudden change made Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying out of reach, and they couldn't help screaming.

At this moment, a figure flashed over, and took the side of the shrine, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying did not really fall off.

However, the two were also frightened and their heartbeats accelerated.

"Huh, I was scared to death." Ye Nongying patted her chest, a little frightened.

Duanmu Yawang clutched her chest and looked to the other side, and suddenly saw Fu Yuan who was holding the tilted side.

"Boss, I am coming."

Wang Lao Er hurried forward, Fu Yuan did not refuse, staring at the guard who fell to the ground, and asked coldly: "What's the matter?"

"I, I don't know." After all, the guard was a little afraid of Fu Yuan. He shook his throat and said: "I don't know what I kicked on my foot, and I got stabbed."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly assured Fu Yuan: "Sir, you believe me, what I said is true."

The giant was high, and when he held the torch, the light of the torch could not illuminate the ground clearly. Fu Yuan pursed his lips and bent down slightly.

After bending over, I saw a few bones, and they didn't look like the bones of ordinary beasts.

"Human ribs?"

Duanmu Yawang had always paid attention to Fu Yuan's movements. As soon as he bent down and the fire light shone on the ground, she noticed the bones on the ground.

Moreover, according to the shape of the breastbone, the ribs can be recognized at a glance.

"How come there are human bones here?"

Wang Lao Er's curiosity was also aroused, urging the other three guards to take a few steps forward, and everyone put the noodles down and leaned over there to look at the bones.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying also got down from Niang and walked over.

For Wang Lao Er's words, Duanmu Yawang felt a little funny: "It's not that no one comes in in the Black Forest, and you may not be able to go out even if you come in. Is it weird that there are bones?"

Wang Lao Er said with contempt: "The beasts here like to eat humans the most, and there are no bones left. If anyone dies in it, they will definitely be swallowed up by the beasts with meat and bones in the end. Yes, how could there be any bones left?"

That being said, it is really strange that there are human bones here.

Duanmu Yawang saw that there were branches next to her, so she picked it up and scraped away the leaves covering the bones. She scraped it several times, revealing a huge, complete human bone.

She was silent for a while, and then she glanced at white again, and she scraped the branch in her hand again, "It seems that there is also a pair here."

"This, here too."

On the other side, a guard shook his throat and said, "It seems that there are more than one."

As soon as the words came out, everyone took the first two steps to check.

Everyone scraped away the leaves covered on the ground and checked, and found that there were really more than one, let alone two. Everyone scraped and found that almost all bones covered by fallen leaves were at this position on the road.

There are more than ten in one place here alone.

Seeing these bones, no matter how courageous you are, your face will not look good.

Especially the guard who stepped on the human bone, shrank beside his companion, his face pale all the time.

"Did so many people die here at once?" Ye Nongying covered her mouth and nose, her hands kept scraping the fallen leaves, "Couldn't the smell we smell come from these bodies?" "

"It looks like it is." Duanmu Yawang raised his head and glanced forward, and said: "However, if there are a dozen bones here, plus the time it takes for the bones to form, the smell will also be emitted. It still smells so bad now, I guess it must be here. There won’t be only these dozen bones."

When Ye Nongying heard it, her curiosity was hooked over, and she ran for more than a dozen meters, and then scraped it with a branch. He raised his voice and said to Duan Muya: "There are also here."

When I said it, I scratched it elsewhere, and it also came out.

Duanmu Ya looked at the road ahead, "It is estimated that this section of the road is full of bones."

Ye Nongying geared up: "Then I will continue to look for it?"

"Don't look for it." The mayor said three words without holding his beak, then pursed his lips and said: "It's really bad luck."

Duanmu Yawang glanced at him secretly from the side of light, and saw that his always gentle and loving eyes had undisguised disgust and contempt.

This is the first time Duanmu Yawang has seen him express such emotions.

"It's really bad luck." Wang Lao Er also wrinkled his eyebrows in agreement, and urged: "We don't stay here anymore, let's go quickly."

"Just left?" Duanmu Yawang always felt weird. "There should be a lot of dead people here, and there are no beast bones nearby, so don't everyone be curious about the cause of these people's death?"

Wang Lao Er asked, "Why are you curious?"

"Even if you are not curious, don't you want to take a closer look and guess where these people come from?"

In these bones, almost all people are still wearing clothes, but the clothes are very dirty, and the color is almost invisible, but the texture is not coarse cloth, nor armor clothing, but a more advanced satin garment.

These people obviously have some identity.

Fu Yuan had some status before, and Bai Zhou would know someone with a certain identity.

Such a large number of people came in the Black Forest and did not go out. It should have caused some sensation. She didn't believe that the people like Mayor Fuyuan had not received any noise.

"What's good to guess? There are not many people who can come out of the Black Forest alive. It is normal for them to have no bones left. They still have all the corpses left. Heaven is good enough for them." Wang Lao Er After finishing impatiently, he urged: "You are not on the sidelines yet, because you don't smell enough of the smell, don't you want to leave?"

The mayor also said: "Let's go."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other, and both saw disappointment in each other's eyes.

Because they are very curious about such things, they want to find out.

However, the mayor had already spoken, so it was naturally not their turn to decide.

The four guards obviously didn't want to stay here either. After Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying got on their feet, they flew under their feet and suddenly left the smelly place.

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