Continue to sing for a while.

With the soft soil under her feet and the excessive speed, after a period of time, she felt that her legs were not hers anymore.

Both she and Ye Nongying found it extremely difficult.

After walking in this way for two or three hours, there was no sound from behind, but for the next half hour, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying always couldn't keep up, and they were urged by the second king.

The mayor probably knew that they had no energy, so he said: "Everyone, rest in place."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were liberated. The two leaned against the roots of the tree, and collapsed and sat down to rest.

"It's a waste."

Wang Lao Er said uncomfortably: "Not only is it useless to bring them in, it is also very cumbersome. I really don't know why we should bring them in."

The mayor said: "Don't always be so frizzy. You weren't someone who could talk to others like this before. Why do you always hold on to the two little girls now?"

"They are an eyesore."

The mayor laughed nonchalantly, "Speaking of which, people actually don't want to come in. You still think it's an eye-catching abandonment."

"Two slaves, what do you think of them? Mayor, you just helped them too much."

The mayor did not answer, patted him on the shoulder and said: "They are very smart, they can always help later, you usually save some tongue, I am too noisy."


Although Wang Lao Er was not happy, he nodded obediently.

The mayor was satisfied.

After walking for a few hours, everyone was hungry and tired. Fu Yuan had a Qiankun bag with a lot of food in it. After everyone had a rest, they took out some to eat.

Of course, it was only for five of them to eat.

He didn't give a look at the other four guards.

The four guards also brought their own food stocks, and they didn't dare to say a word to take out their own food to eat.

After everyone finished eating, Fu Yuan took out the wind vane to study.

The mayor took a look, remembered something, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Do you have any new ideas for Zhentu?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head, "No."

It's so rushing along the way, I'm exhausted, and the ghost has time to think about what's going on.

The mayor only nodded without showing any disappointment.

Everyone rested quietly for a while, Fu Yuan said lightly: "Everyone, go ahead."


Ye Nong Yingxinyu's voice transmission shouted to Duanmu Yawang collapsed: "I have never tried to walk such a fast road for a long time in my life. I am really exhausted. I suspect that my legs are going to be swollen!"

"Who isn't."

Duanmu Yawang also felt that she was about to collapse, and she said: "However, it is better for us not to talk about it, and to waste our energy."

The two had to silently follow Fu Yuan's footsteps and rushed.

After walking for about two hours like this, suddenly Fu Yuan stopped again, called her name, and said, "Come here."

Duanmu Yawang knew that he was probably telling her about the wind direction again. She wiped her sweat and walked over.

Fu Yuan estimated that considering her physical strength, he did not directly hold the wind direction wheel to him, but held the wind direction wheel for her to touch.

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand and touched it.

This time, the pointer of the wind vane was still swinging wildly, but the swing was much larger than before.

It used to be a thirty-degree angle, but now it has a width of about forty-five degrees.

Moreover, this time the width is not symmetrical with the central indicator, which means that it is not balanced, but more to the right.

She asked Fu Yuan: "Is the wind direction indicator on the right or the black stone indicator?"

"wind direction."

Duanmu Ya looked at it, but didn't know what she thought of, and asked, "Is it about the upper direction now?"

Fu Yuan replied: "Eastward."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and asked: "The density of the trees here is similar, how thick are the trunks?"

Wang Lao Er said annoyed: "It's so dark here and our lighting distance is limited. How do I know?"

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, Fu Yuan ordered: "Go and observe for a few tens of meters."

Well, in the end, he was the one who was ordered to do the work!

Wang Lao Er bit his gum. Although he was unhappy, he still obediently followed suit.

Duanmu Ya looked at him: "Wait a minute!"

Wang Lao Er was displeased: "What else is there?"

Regardless of his harsh tone, Duanmu Yawang said what he wanted to say: "If you are on the way, observe a place with three small trees over one meter tall, please also record the location where they appear."


After speaking, Wang Lao Er left.

Fu Yuan glanced at Wang Lao Er's back, pointed in four directions and said to the other four guards: "You should also observe around, and report truthfully after the observation. If you let me know that you are reporting a holiday, this is you. Place of burial."

The four guards were unhappy, but at this time there was no way, they could only scatter and observe.

When Fu Yuan ordered everyone to do something, Duanmu Yawang pinched her fingers, her lips closed and kept calculating what.

Ye Nongying couldn't see it, but she was curious, and she said to her, "What the **** are you doing? Are you fooling around, or have you really discovered something?"

Duanmu Yawang estimated that his thoughts were interrupted, his tooth sockets were worn out, and he was almost annoyed: "Am I the kind of person who plays mystery?"

"Do you really have an idea?" Ye Nongying asked incredulously, "What does your mind think?"

"Don't worry about what I think, don't bother me now." For a person who is brainstorming, the sudden interruption is simply torture!

"Okay." Ye Nongying said quickly: "But allow me to say the last sentence."

"Say quickly!"

"Are you trying to help them to the end?"

Duanmu Yawang was silent for a moment, and said: "No matter what, let's take a step. Although we are very passive now, if we really solve the battle and know how to go next, we also have some countermeasures. We won't be so passive, right? ?"

"That's right." Ye Nongying nodded and said hurriedly: "Then you go on, I won't disturb you."

Duanmu Yawang sighed secretly, her thoughts were interrupted and she had to start from the beginning to estimate.

She estimated for a moment, and then said to the mayor: "Can you give me a look at the formation?"


The mayor handed her the array map.

Duanmu Yawang took the formation, straightened it, stretched out her hand to touch the whole formation, and then reached out to do some calculations. When she was counting, she didn't know what difficulties she had encountered, so she paused and touched one at random. Branches, draw and write on the ground.

The mayor and others could not understand what she wrote.

However, no one interrupted her at this time.

She drew and wrote for a while, then she stood up again and continued to explore the formation.

When she touched the formation, the second king and the other four guards who were assigned to go out came back one after another.

Fu Yuan asked: "What's the situation?"

It was Wang Lao Er who spoke first, and he said: "I am going east, and walking all the way, the trees I see are all about the same size, and the spacing between each tree is indeed the same."

At this point, he glanced at Duanmu Yawang, unwilling to add: "Also, about every ten meters, there are three small trees about one meter."

As soon as these words came out, the mayor slowly smiled.

Ye Nongying took a sigh of relief.

Fu Yuan's expression also eased, and he asked the other four guards. One of the guards did not report the position. However, he did not see the small tree, only that the spacing between the trees was the same, and the size of the trees was also the same.

Except for him, the other three guards, who reported their directions, said the same words as Wang Lao Er.

Upon hearing this, the mayor asked Duanmu Yawang: "Little girl, what do you think after receiving this information?"

"There must be an idea."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, she stretched out her hand and touched the formation again, and finally pointed at a corner with her fingertips, and said: "If I guessed correctly, we are already in the formation, probably at this position."

As soon as these words came out, the mayor quickly stood up, "Why did the little girl say this?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, and Wang Lao Er took the lead to question: "Since we are already in the formation, why is the wind power and the strength of the black stone unbalanced?"

"I said that the wind in the formation and the attraction of the black stone are balanced?" Duanmu Yawang asked rhetorically.

"Second, don't disturb the little girl, let her finish first." The mayor pulled his face, obviously displeased.

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