"It's useless to say it now." Yin Huiyin poured cold water on her, "Don't forget, you are still in the hands of the two giants. Now there is a large group of people, even if you want to escape, you can't escape."

Although the words are not sound, they are also rationalizing.

Duanmu Yawang suddenly wilted.

Yin Huiyin laughed aloud when she saw her like this: "However, you don't need to be so listless. You can't escape now. After entering the Black Forest, we will escape again. The situation in the Black Forest. After entering, the two giants will probably be overwhelmed by themselves. It’s easiest for you to escape."

"Of course I know."

In fact, there is no need for Yin Huiyin to say this. She and Ye Nongying had thought about it a long time ago.

Although Fu Yuan said that after returning from the Hei Deep Forest, they can be let go, but who knows when they will come out of the Hei Deep Forest.

More importantly, can they really get out of it?

Yin Huiyin said: "Before entering the dark forest, let's keep our soldiers still."


Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu were obviously not having a good time outside. After each bathing, they fell asleep on the bed of the medical system.

Duanmu Yawang has not yet told Ye Nongying about Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu's return.

In fact, she did not tell her about the medical system and the source of Linghu. During this time, Ye Nongying was surprised at how she could always take out the medicine, but she only felt that Duanmu Yawang had used it. I didn’t think much about other methods to Tibetan medicine.

Believe in her deeply.

Duanmu Yawang didn't even think about telling her, after all, the two of them were friends in shared weal and woe.

It's just that the medical system and the source of Linghu are too complicated to talk about. Ye Nongying can't see it now, and it's useless to say it. She doesn't know how to talk about it, so she just didn't talk about it.

When Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu came back, Duanmu Yawang's life continued as usual, rested after a break, and when she was sitting in the carriage on the road, she was responsible for breaking the formation.

However, right now the Black Forest is about to arrive, and the formation still cannot be broken.

In this regard, Wang Lao Er mocked her several times.

Fu Yuan and the mayor didn't say anything.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying could not see, but Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu could see. When the Black Forest arrived, Xiao Bailu wowed and said in surprise: "This mountain is too high, right?"

"Not a mountain."

Yin Huiyin rubbed his head, "It should be an endless forest."

"Impossible, these leaves are so high." The little white deer stared at a tree that was towering into the clouds, and said: "I have lived for so long, and I haven't seen such a tall tree."

Duanmu Yawang was also curious, "How tall is it?"

The little white deer touched his chin and said: "This is so hard to say, it can only be said to be many times the height of these giants. I thought that these giants are already tall enough, and in front of these trees, they look like a dwarf."

Duanmuya didn't want to listen to him, and asked Yin Huiyin: "About how many feet?"

Yin Huiyin shook his head, "It's right for nothing, it's really hard to say, it can only be said to be very high, at least a few hundred feet visually."

That is at least 100 meters?

Yin Huiyin added another sentence: "It's not easy to say, it's really hard to say." After all, he touched his chin thoughtfully: "I'm also a book reader, I know a lot, it seems that I have never heard of this. Tree as high as that."

What he said was nothing but words, Duanmu Yawang sighed.

Ye Nongying noticed it and asked her: "What are you sighing?"

Everyone got out of the carriage, and everyone was waiting to enter the dark forest in batches. Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying waited next to each other.

They can leave only if Fu Yuan says they can go in.

"It's nothing, it's just a pity that you can't see the deep forest." The vast expanse of the deep forest towers up into the clouds, how spectacular it should be, and it's really a pity that you can't see it.

"Yes." Ye Nongying also felt a pity: "If you can see it with your own eyes, it would be a kind of old talk."

After speaking, remembering something, he secretly said: "No, we are not invisible. After we go in, after everyone falls asleep at night, we can take off the cloth strips and take a look."

If Duanmu Yawang has no cloth strips in her eyes now, she looks at Ye Nongying's eyes, it must be the same as looking at an idiot: "Didn't you say, there is no light in the black forest, and it will be dark when you go in, even if you take the cloth. It’s impossible for us to see the original appearance of the Black Forest."

Ye Nongying retorted: "I think they have prepared a lot of torches and other lighting items. After they enter, they will definitely have to light them. When everyone is asleep, they should also light the torches. Why can't they watch it?"

Duanmu Yawang wanted to knock her head very much: "How far can the torches shine? These trees are so high, the torches can only help us sit down and watch the sky. If you want to see the real appearance of the Black Forest, you still have to be outside."

At least, the sunshine can make them see a little outline of the Black Forest.

"Well, you are right."

Ye Nong Ying was lingering, no longer refuted.

"What are you two whispering again?" Wang Lao Er really stared at them all the time, "The boss said no, so that you are not allowed to whisper in the heart voice transmission. Believe it or not, I will punish you not to eat for three days. ?"

"All right."

The mayor sighed, "Second, Mo always wants to target the two little girls. You are not a kid anymore. Do not always make jokes."

Wang Lao Er hummed, not continuing this topic, and turned to the mayor: "Qin Fengyue obviously deliberately targeted us. He organized this entry into the Black Forest. He is going to enter now, and he actually let us go ahead. This is not Are you opening the way for us!"

The mayor leaned on crutches, his face still calm: "It's not that you can't open the way, why are you angry."

"Can I be used by Qin Fengyue if I can afford it?"

The mayor said nothing, but patted his arm.

At this time, Qin Fengyue came over boldly and arched her hands: "Brother Fu, the mayor, you will be able to open the way in a while. You are strong, and we can rest assured with you in front."

Fu Yuan gave a faint hum.

Qin Fengyue smiled and said: "Of course, we will also be your backing behind. If you have any situation, please inform as soon as possible, and we will follow up immediately."

Fu Yuan glanced at him, and added a sentence without any ups and downs: "The premise is that you can keep up."

Qin Fengyue's face became stiff, but she quickly smiled again: "That is, after all, the strength of Brother Fu and the mayor is not owned by everyone."

Fu Yuan didn't answer, but raised his head and looked straight at the Hei Deep Forest. He didn't know who he was talking to and sighed slightly, "I haven't come for ten years. I really miss it."

Wang Lao Er rolled his eyes, "What's so missed? It's good if you don't die if you go in, and you won't necessarily be rewarded if you can come out!"

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