After that, Arcane said again: "I also understand that the city lord is aware of this, so he will pay special attention to the two dwarves, but the subordinates are more worried that the city lord will be caught in the game because of too much attention."

City Lord Qin squinted: "Are you talking about slamming?"

"Exactly." Arcane's eyes finally fluctuated, "Fu Yuan looked low-key, and he was particularly good at strategy and strategy, and we had to guard against it."

"You make sense." City Master Qin thought thoughtfully: "Then keep the status quo, and let everyone's attention be on the guests and Fu Yuan in the main hall."

"The city lord is wise."

City Master Qin waved his hand to let the arcane spell go down.

After Duanmu Yawang came back from the house owner and servant's room, the wing was still as yesterday, with a decent breakfast delivered, and then they stayed in the room from morning to night.

In the evening, the other servants came back from the outside exhausted.

After everyone came back, they were still talking about what they saw and heard as they did last night, and they were all excited.

However, they didn't say a few words, Duanmuya wrinkled her nose without a trace, and asked: "Why does our room seem to have a strange atmosphere?"

As soon as she spoke, the others stopped the previous topic, and someone said, "Yes, I was just assigned to this room."

"Me too."

Another person complained: "I don’t know why I was transferred here. Starting tomorrow, I don’t need to train, I just need to follow the master. But I’m going to serve the master farther than the original room. Yes, I don’t know how it was arranged this time, so what room to change!"

"Shhh, don't complain." Someone said cautiously: "The two who were transferred had said that the room was far away from the owner, and they also complained about it. However, their owner seemed to be very uncomfortable in front of City Lord Qin these past two days. Favor, probably for the sake of convenience, I opened the Chinchilla in front of the city lord, so that I can be transferred to a nearby place for the convenience of waiting."

"So that's the case."

Even if the complaining servant is reluctant, he can only sigh.

However, she quickly focused her attention on Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying. Seeing that they were dwarfs and bound their eyes, she expressed her curiosity.

Duanmu Yawang broke a few words with them. Everyone soon became tired afterwards. Besides, there will be no training camp tomorrow. Everyone knows that they will have to wait longer to serve their masters, so they wash themselves off.

Before going to bed, Duanmu Yawang asked: "Are you going to serve your master tomorrow too?"


Someone responded, and then said: "Has your master not summoned you to serve?"

The two shook their heads.

The other servants who lay down to sleep immediately glanced at them with pity, "That's a pity, the hosts are very generous in public, and they behave better in front of their masters. When they have the face and are happy, they can give them a hand. We throw a few pieces of small gold, and the small gold I have received in the past few days is more than what I have held in a few years!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone agreed, "Yes, I am too!"

Suddenly, the room was filled with excited laughter.

There are also people who are afraid that Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying feel that there is a big difference, so they soothed: "Don't be too lost, you just have to think about it, it's good for you to take a break! Also, the banquet is delicious every day. You can eat lamb shank as you like, and I will bring you one back tomorrow."

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, "One? Or just eat it?"


It turned out that the servants smiled openly and said: "We haven't eaten so much meat. We have only been here for two days. I am about to eat this big fish and meat. Fengyue City is really rich."

Ye Nongying snorted, and said to Duanmuya Wangxinyu: "I also said to take care of us. In the meal that the host and servant gave us, there are only a few slices of mutton. People have lamb shanks. You can eat them casually."

Duanmu Yawang actually doesn't care about this, she just feels strange, "Even if Fengyue City is rich, it won't be so rich, right? This is a giant world, and the servants can eat lamb shanks anyway, don't you think it is strange?"

Ye Nongying shrugged and said indifferently: "Didn't you notice that Qin Fengyue has been showing his financial resources and goodwill, and I am afraid that people don't know how rich Fengyue City is. Maybe they just want to be envied by everyone. Woolen cloth?"

Duanmu Yawang understood and raised her eyebrows: "If you have many guests, will you behave better?"

"That's not just a few, it's also about earning face. It must be treated with delicious and delicious treats even to the subordinates. Even if the subordinates mention you Divine Ghost Sect, you have to be envious and praise one or two? "

"So, is it worth it to be more generous?"

"Of course." Ye Nongying curled her lips, she didn't really appreciate Duan Mu Yawang's thoughts, and said contemptuously: "You are also from a well-known family, why are you thinking of such a low-minded man? There are big family sects and these city masters. For being rich, eating and drinking is the lowest expenditure, and it has never been a problem."

"It's not my petty people's mind, but these people are slaves, don't they all beat and scold the slaves when they want to beat them, don't they look at them as people? How can they care whether these slaves praise them or not?"

Ye Nongying shrugged, "For all this, it's just for the sake of face anyway."

Duanmu Yawang also didn't intend to chat more on this, she was curious, "When will you say we will see Fu Yuan?"

"do not know."

Speaking of this, Ye Nong Ying was also a little irritable. Of course, they didn't want to see Fu Yuan, but they had been kept in the room for two days, and they were very uncomfortable not to get in or out.

Of course, they didn't try to go out for a walk, after all, remember the route, it's easy for them to touch it back.

The problem is, they feel a breath lingering around them all the time.

This breath did not disappear even if they went to the room of the house owner and servant to go to the training camp.

Therefore, both of them suspect that someone is staring at them.

As for who is staring at them, they don't know.


Duanmu Yawang secretly sighed.

Ye Nongying spoke to her in her heart, and asked quietly, "Does your method work?"

"It doesn't work, I'll find out in these two days."

"It would be better if I have been waiting for these two days!"

"It won't be more than three days. No matter how rich the landlord is, he wouldn't be willing to let outsiders eat this way, and he will definitely not stay in the castle for so long." Duanmu Yawang said with certainty: "Only two days, if Qin Fengyue If we didn't find us, then we waited for the opportunity to go to the Black Forest. Of course, this is not a good opportunity, but it is better than nothing."

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