The boss is expressionless, but the second child is even more upset, "So, the difficulty in your mouth is that it can be cured slowly, and it can be improved, but it can't be cured?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

The second child said: "The improvement is to what extent?"

"It takes a few pulses to be sure."

The second one listened and looked at the boss.

The boss shook his head coldly, "The pulse is unnecessary."

Duanmu Yawang didn't feel surprised either, nodded faintly, and before he spoke, the second child was puzzled and said: "Boss, somehow someone can heal your illness. You don't have to suffer from your heart and lungs. Why don't you signal your pulse?"

The boss did not answer his meaning, looking at Duanmu Yawang, "If my lung disease is not treated, what will be the consequences?"

"At least live ten or twenty years less." Duanmu Yawang said frankly, "Moreover, as your age increases, your lung burden will continue to increase. By then, you will live a very painful life. You should be aware of the master, your lung disease has been unbearable for so many years, right?"

The boss did not answer and asked, "How are you going to heal me?"

"I don't know the whole picture, so I won't prescribe a prescription."

The second child questioned: "Did you deliberately? Just because the boss didn't give you a pulse, so you didn't prescribe the prescription? Didn't you notice the boss's condition? Just prescribe the right medicine, where is so much nonsense? "

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "I can prescribe the prescription at any time, but do I dare to use it after I prescribe it?"

The second child was stunned.

Only then did he remember that to them, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were two slaves raised at home, but because they were too smart and too assertive, they could turn from slaves into two wolves waiting for opportunities at any time. It is possible to bite back at any time and escape.

The boss refused to let her pulse, just to prevent her.

After all, if a person who knows medicine really masters all the symptoms of the master, it is a great danger to the master.

Have to guard.

The boss said lightly: "You can't prescribe a prescription, you can prescribe it and have a look."

Duanmu Yawang shook his head firmly, "Boss, I don't think I need to waste this time. I still have some experience on how to treat the lungs. I will prescribe you based on your current situation. A conditioned medicated diet."

"Medicated diet?" The second child frowned: "Is it through food to improve symptoms?"

"That's right." Duanmu Yawang nodded: "In the medicinal diet, you don't even need to use medicinal materials, and the master doesn't have to doubt what I will do."

The second child said: "If you don't use any medicinal materials, the effect should be very slow, right?"

"Slow is definitely slow, but the moisturizing is silent. Although you can't see the effect for a day or two, after one month or two months, if you compare it now, the change will be very big."

"Really?" The disease still needs medicine to heal. There is no medicine. The second child doesn't believe in this statement.

After all, the boss has taken a lot of medicines in the past few years because of lung problems, and it can even be said that after taking medicines all over, it is still useless.

Besides, if a person is ill and doesn’t need to eat, just eat as usual and heal, then

The boss is very straightforward, "You write a medicinal recipe for me to see."

Then, tell the second child, "Get her pen and ink."


The second child obediently did it.

After bringing in a set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone, Duanmu Yawang sat at the table and began to write.

This time, she wrote three lists and handed them to the boss after finishing.

The boss took it over and looked at it, and the second child also leaned over to take a look because of curiosity.

At this point, he was very dissatisfied: "Why are there all kinds of food? The three recipes are three meals in the morning, lunch and evening, but there are no two medicines in each meal. Are you sure this is a medicinal diet?"

Duanmuya smiled and said nothing.

The second child also discovered a very important point, "The meat in these meals is actually only chicken in the morning, but it is all vegetarian at noon and evening? If we don’t eat meat at a meal, our mouths will die, and we will walk. You don’t have any strength, you... your medicated diet is too harsh, right? Who can keep it going."

Duan Muya said: "I don't know what kind of poultry there are in this place, but it seems that I ate lamb and pork for the past two days, and there are chickens and ducks in the yard. As far as the poultry I can know, I prescribe medicated meals based on the situation of the master."

Well, she added: "Of course, if there is fish, it is actually better, even better than chicken. If you must eat meat, I can use special cooking methods for fish. After cooking, I can eat it every meal. "

"That's okay." The second child smiled, tilted his lips to the old road: "Boss, I will go to the west to catch you a celebrity tomorrow. With these two people, we still have the money, yes. Bar?"

The boss was noncommittal, and only asked Duanmu Yawang: "How long will I take this medicated diet?"

"It's best to stick to it all the time."

The boss twisted his eyebrows: "Forever?"

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang said a word and added another sentence: "Of course, if you can't persist, you don't have to be too forceful. According to the medicated diet for about a year, it will actually be better. The next day All you need to do is to quit some unnecessary foods, this state can be maintained, and at least you can live happily for another ten years."

The second child asked again: "Is this the most gentle medicated diet? If you add therapeutic drugs to it, don't you need to eat these medicinal foods for a year?"

"It won't be much better." Duanmu Yawang honestly said: "This disease should be treated mainly by conditioning. Unless it is directly treated with drugs for a period of time, this can shorten half a year, but conditioning is still essential."

"That's it." The boss nodded and gave the list in his hand to the second child. "In the future, you sell things and buy all of them. I'll take medicated diet."

The second child asked with a difficult face: "Boss, you... really want to eat like this for a year?"

Boss: "Do you want me to die early?"

"Of course not!" The second child shook his head quickly, and then said grimly: "...You eat like this, shouldn't we also follow you to eat like this?"

"I don't have the hobby to abuse people." The boss said this was a bit irritating, "Besides, chicken and fish are more expensive than beef and pork. I don't have the money to let you eat the same as mine."

The second child held the paper with one hand, patted his chest with the other, and let out a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

If you really want him to eat like this, he will die in less than three days because of his lack of mouth.

After he was happy, he also thought of one thing, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "In addition to the lung problem, can you cure the boss's cold syndrome?"

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