The man with small eyes was very keen, and retorted: "Poisoning is poisoning. What does it have to do with this?"

"Why does it matter?"

Duanmu Yawang asked calmly: "In this world, some people can't kill a boulder, but some people can be beaten to death with a stick. What's the answer?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and felt very reasonable.

After all, she didn't know Daxu, nor did she know her pulse, but she could easily figure out how Daxu lived on weekdays. These alone made people feel magical.

Secondly, everyone of Daxu has eyes to see. Recently, he is indeed getting listless day by day, and his health is indeed very poor.

Even if it's bad, I don't know how to temperate, and I always provoke girls and mess around with flowers.

If you have a pair of viruses on your body, it is normal for you to be unable to carry it.

The small-eyed man twisted his eyebrows, always feeling something wrong.

Duanmu Yawang didn't intend to explain too much, and said coldly: "There are many patients. If this Xiongtai doesn't believe me, he can go and see another doctor." After speaking, he turned around and went back.

The person carrying the shelf looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The small-eyed man pursed his lips and looked at his second child, "Second boss, you and our eldest brother can be regarded as some kind of friendship, what do you think about this?"

The second second asked, "It depends on how you look at it."

The small-eyed man said: "If it is what the doctor said, my eldest brother will definitely not be able to bear it. I would rather not find a few more doctors to see it. Maybe it will be different if I take it."

When he said this, he was actually a little hesitant.

After all, these words are actually questioning Duanmu Yawang's medical skills.

This Duan Mu Yawang is still the second-headed physician, worried that the second-head will be unhappy.

The second child was not angry, but raised his eyebrows and said, "I really don't know how the two doctors in my family are, but our boss agrees very much. Of course, this is not forced, and I am also worried about Daxu. , You just do what you said."


The small-eyed man breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly carried Daxu away together.

After they left, the queuing order returned to normal.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying are working diligently to treat this patient.

In fact, the two of them were treating people while chatting with each other through heartfelt voices.

Ye Nongying asked: "That patient just now, the poisoning is poisoning, but the symptoms you mentioned seem to be very different, right?"

Duanmu Yawang calmly wrote the prescription and said, "That's right."

"You must know the cause of his illness, why..."

"Because the poison on his body is mine."


Ye Nongying secretly took a sigh of relief, her face calm, but Xinyu's tone of voice was unbelievable, "We just came here, aren't we? Where did you have the time to poison someone?"

Duanmu Yawang said blankly: "This person offended me when we got off the car yesterday and walked to this house."

Oh, dare to touch her with salty pig hands!

It's almost dead!

When Ye Nongying heard it, she remembered that she got off the wagon yesterday. Everyone's attention was on Duanmu Yawang. Many people would say something unfamiliar. Obviously, everyone was very interested in Duanmu Yawang.

It is indeed possible to be offended while walking on the way.

When his friend was offended, Ye Nong Film Committee was really upset, and said coldly: "You should have killed him on the spot."

Most people offend Duanmu Yawang, it is estimated that she will not go to war.

But this person is obviously a villain.

Keeping such a person is also harmful to the woman, it is better to kill a hundred.

"It's too eye-catching on the spot." Duanmu Yawang said flatly: "It's not the poison, I know it without knowing it, I am comfortable." Besides, although this person is not dead, it is estimated that after waking up, It's better to die than life.

She was very satisfied with this result.


Ye Nongying smiled secretly, "Anyway, sooner or later, he will fall into your hands and be healed by you. Then I will punish him again and let him breathe."

Duanmuya looked at her lips and smiled, but did not answer.

After all, this is really a good idea.

The chat was almost done here, and the two continued to treat the patient silently.

One morning, the two saw many patients.

Crescent Bay is not particularly large. Although there are many patients in line, there are two doctors here, and dozens of patients have been seen in one morning.

Because neither of them had seen so many patients in the morning, talked a lot and wrote a lot, and the physical condition was originally normal. After seeing the patients, both of them were a little exhausted.

However, this cannot rest yet.

Because the two still need to cook.

The amount of cooking for each meal is still very large, and when they can eat, the appetites of both of them are average.

It's the boss, I think the two of them worked hard today, and the meat they gave them was two yuan more than before.

And these two pieces were obviously evenly distributed from the second child's weight, and the second child immediately protested: "Boss, why give them the meat in my bowl!"

"You can go to my study to check the bill."

The boss's tone was so stable that there was no warmth, "After reading it, think about what I have contributed today, and you will know why I did this."

The second child felt aggrieved when he heard it, "Isn’t it just to get them to do something? Even if it’s a reward for merit, I can’t use my master’s role to reward them. Isn’t my master shameless? ?"

The boss asked with a blank face: "Hooking up with Daxu and Guo Dafang is also something that you, the master, should do?"

The second child choked instantly.

His face turned blue and white, and his guilty conscience was tight: "Boss, how are you..."

The boss said coldly: "You don't know a lesson about Daxu. If one day you fall down on a woman and get hurt, I will take care of you."

The second child felt dull, and said in protest: "Boss, it's not just the two of us here, they are listening..."


The boss narrowed his eyes.

"Boss, you are right." The second child originally had some thoughts and thoughts. Seeing the boss's appearance, he immediately became obedient. "I won't mess with them anymore, I can't. Besides, since you know about Daxu, the boss, I should know that even if I want to hang out with him, I can't hang out with him..."

The boss snorted softly, "Anyway, you can do it yourself."

"Yes, yes." The second child didn't dare to obey, and quickly said flatteringly with a smile: "Boss, you care about me so much. I can't be a dog, I will listen to you."

The boss didn't even look at his pleasing cheeks, he picked the corner of his eyes, bowed his head and continued to eat, no longer wasting the topic on this.

Seeing that he finally stopped teaching him, the second child breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, what he taught him is how his second child should do it, and the boss can't stare at him all the time. Isn't it his own business how he does it?


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