For a moment, Xiao Bailu saw another line of **** tears in Duanmu Yawang's eyes, and was a little frightened, "Lord, master, what's wrong? Miss Ye is going to die, right?"

Duanmu Yawang was speechless. Yin Huiyin saw that she was uncomfortable, and knew that her pulse was over, so she thoughtfully moved her fingers away so that she could be more comfortable on her side.


She coughed again in pain.

Yin Huiyin saw that Duanmu Yawang didn't need to talk anymore, and quickly went to feed her with water.

After feeding her, I went to feed Ye Nong Ying again.

The two entered the endless city and couldn't move again. Yin Huiyin felt that his heart was numb with uncomfortable feelings, "Xiao Yawang, is Miss Ye okay?"

She has no energy to answer, and can only say her own, "Medicine."

"Okay, Xiaoya wants you to say, let's find it for nothing."


Little Bailu said earnestly: "I am responsible for finding medicine."

Duanmu Yawang: "The eleventh column and the ninth row..."

Therefore, the three people said that one person was responsible for finding the medicine, and one person was responsible for taking the medicine out of the medical system.

Duanmu Yawang ordered six or seven bottles of medicine this time.

Yin Huiyin seldom sees people taking so many kinds of medicines, and hurriedly asked: "Then how should I take these medicines?"

"Yellow pills, four, four..."

"So much?" Yin Huiyin was unbelievable, and distressed: "Why eat so much?"

Duanmu Yawang did not answer, and continued: "The second bottle, two..."


Yin Huiyin didn't dare to bother Duanmu Yawang, she just did what she said.

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he prepared two medicines from the six or seven bottles according to what Duanmu Yawang said. The two medicines are more than ten and about twenty medicines, and they are both large and small. He has been almost slapped. Failed to grasp it.


Duanmu Yawang's throat was painful and itchy, coughing twice, and bleeding from the corners of her mouth.


No matter what small actions you do, you will bleed!

Little Bailu was so scared to cry, "Uncle Yin, give her water."


Yin Huiyin also felt that Duanmu Yawang needed water, and quickly gave her water.

Of course, after feeding her, I also went to feed Ye Nong Ying.

After the feeding, Duanmu Yawang was silent again.

Little Bailu asked in a low voice, "Master, are you asleep again?"


No one answered him.

Really fell asleep.

Little Bailu was helpless, and said in a panic: "Every time I wake up, I will fall asleep and wake up and fall asleep. And Miss Ye hasn't woken up once. It's so serious. What happened to their bodies?"

"I do not know either."

It's not just Xiao Bailu who is helpless, but Yin Huiyin himself is terribly scared.

Because Duanmu Yawang coughed up blood and shed blood and tears, and there were bloodshots from his ears. He was shocked just by looking at him. Just wiping the snow on the two of them had already ruined two white towels.

But he didn't understand medical skills and couldn't judge what the situation was with them.

The person who threw the blood towel at Xiao Bailu personally wiped a handful of tears, and was forcibly determined: "Then what should I do next, do I give them medicine?"


Yin Huiyin nodded and said, "There are too many medicines. Come out and help bring the water. I can feed some more."


Little Bailu choked out to help.

There were too many medicines, Yin Huiyin was very careful to feed them. When he found that Duanmu Yawang felt painful after feeding two medicines at a time and couldn't swallow them, he used his spiritual power to help her push the medicine down, and he only fed one at a time.

Slowly fed the medicine for the two of them.

Time, a little bit.

Duanmu Yawang felt a little accustomed to sleeping.

Sleeping is rather comfortable.

Therefore, when she became conscious and was about to wake up again, when the pain came from the limbs and the corpses, she almost groaned uncontrollably and tears in her eyes.

"Master, are you awake again?"

Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu didn't dare to sleep at all, so Duanmu Yawang had a little movement, they all knew clearly.

With previous experience, Yin Huiyin immediately fed her water.

Duanmu Yawang swallowed the water, and the feeling of burning and tearing in her throat eased a little.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Xiao Bailu didn't dare to ask any more, staring at her blankly.

Duanmu Yawang still couldn't open her eyes. Her mind was dizzy and she didn't know what the time was like: "It's been, how long has it been?"

"It's been three days."

"Three...days?" Has it been so long?

"Yeah!" Little Bailu nodded his head, "You wake up almost every other day." After speaking, he asked: "Now it is all about feeding you spirits to quench your thirst. The spirit water in the south also has a little effect on hunger, but you I haven't eaten for three days, are you hungry? Can you eat?"

Duanmu Yawang's ears still rang, especially when he heard many words.

When Xiao Bailu's words came out, her face was distorted with tinnitus.

Little Bailu apparently discovered it too, and whispered in tears, "I have spoken very quietly. Master, how are you doing? Is it related to bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears?"


Duanmu Yawang reluctantly said such a word to him, and then asked: "Nongying..."

Little Bailu quickly said: "I haven't woken up even once."

Didn't wake up even once?

Duanmuya looked at her heart sinkingly, her fingertips moved with difficulty: "Qiankun Bag..."

"I come."

Yin Huiyin hurriedly said: "Xiao Yawang, what do you need to find, I will show it to you."

After Duanmu Yawang said a few words, he still needs to stabilize his breath and raise his breath before he can continue: "First, give a mouthful of fairy dew, then cough and cough... Then take the soul-cultivating base liquid, and mix it with each other. ...Cough cough, feed her two spoons every hour."


Yin Huiyin quickly took out the fairy dew and soul-nourishing base fluid that Duanmu Yawang said from the Qiankun bag, and then took out the tableware spoon from the medical system, and redeemed it according to Duanmu Yawang's instructions.

After it was made, he fed it to Ye Nong Ying to drink.

"Xiao Yawang, okay, is there anything else to say?"

"Twelve hours, a total of twelve times, no less than once, you, you can't miss it."

"Okay." Human life is off, how could Yin Huiyin be sloppy, "I will definitely do it." Even if he doesn't eat or drink or sleep, he will do nothing, he will take care of it first.

"and also……"

Duanmu Yawang coughed slightly, and then said slowly and slowly: "In vain, the source of Linghu is a green field, naturally there are... many species, I have seen Gong Yulan give me, I need several. I'll tell you the name of the species, and you can find it for me."

Little Bailu was stunned, "But, after saying the name, I don't know which one it is. I have never seen it."

"Look in the book."

Yin Huiyin understood, "Are you talking about the book Gongyu gave you?"



Yin Huiyin agreed, "Xiaoya wants you to say, I'll look for it."

"No, you have to watch the shadows."

"Okay." Yin Huiyin readily agreed, "Then let's find it for nothing."

He couldn't see that she kept talking like this, and continued to ask quickly: "What kinds of medicinal materials are they?"

"Ling flesh grass, wild awn green, starling branch, five spirits, four kinds." After Duanmu Yawang said, he added another sentence: "The five spirits are drawn on the cowhide scroll of Jiuyou Mountain."


Little Bailu pinched his finger and took it down.

Then, without saying anything, he started rummaging.

Yin Huiyin felt sorry for Duanmu Yawang: "Xiao Yawang, you can take a while."

"I haven't finished yet." Duanmu Yawang closed her eyes, her dry mouth closed, "I want to drink the medicine that I gave you just now. I'll just drink it every three hours."

"Yeah." Yin Huiyin nodded quickly. He wanted to ask Duanmu Yawang her own pulse, and also to get her pulse at night, what the result was, and when might it be better, but when he saw Duanmu Yawang's face, it was still a word. Can't bear to ask, Wen said: "Go to sleep, stop talking."

Duanmu Yawang didn't say to sleep. She moved her fingertips and touched something, "Am I in the tent?"


Yin Huiyin said warmly: "Outside, it is better to have a tent. At the beginning, you and Miss Ye didn't have a tent. After you wake up, you want to give her a pulse. I will move her here, but it is not rude. You can rest assured."

"I know." Duanmu Yawang gasped for two breaths before finally asking softly: "I feel like it is quiet around me. Every time I wake up, I can hardly feel other sounds. What does this endless city look like? ?"

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