When the shopkeeper heard that, the black air on his body disappeared a lot, he was obviously relieved, "Have you found the suspicious trail on the mountain?"


The person in charge looked a little ugly, and more nervous, "Every mountain has been photographed by many people and searched, but nothing was found."

"Then send a tracking dog to search!"

The shopkeeper's tone was impatient: "Such a simple matter, do I need to teach you personally?"

"Spare, spare!"

The person in charge knelt down in shock, "The Tracking Dog was sent out early in the morning, but the Tracking Dog went crazy today and has been disobedient. It runs everywhere. The speed at which it runs can't keep up with our people. Now the trailing dog is gone!"


The shopkeeper was furious, patted the case with his palm, and a table beside him was crushed into powder in an instant, "For such an important matter, you didn't even give you any news in the morning?"

The person in charge was so frightened that he was shattered, shivering and saying: "Sir, subordinates think, there are enchantments in this mountain, the spirituality of the tracking dog, it, it is probably going to find someone. If you find someone, you will naturally come back."

The shopkeeper was not angry this time, and quieted down.

The person in charge swallowed.

After a while, the shopkeeper asked again: "People of yesterday, did the deal come through?"

"Achieved." The person in charge said after listening, "The subordinates personally went over and watched them enter the door."


The shopkeeper's tone was even more relaxed. He nodded and said: "It is good for everyone on the mountain to pay attention to the abnormal movement on the mountain. If the tracer dog, it has been outside for so long, it is time to find it back."


The person in charge nodded in response, invited someone to clean it, and then went down after putting on a new tea cup.

After the person in charge left, the shopkeeper picked up the teacup and drank tea. Seeing that the shopkeeper didn't say a word, Ashu hesitated for a moment. After all, he couldn't help but said: "The shopkeeper, this time Miss Duanmu and they suddenly said that they disappeared. They are the people who came up to the mountain?"

"Never possible."

The shopkeeper said affirmatively: "I know what their abilities are. Whether they can break into the barrier outside is one thing, let alone avoid the hunting dog."

"Will it be the Fang family that came up the mountain? Because we used that child as a hostage, Duanmu Ya hoped that they were still worried and let the Fang family help find the child?"

"If it's really from the Fang family that came up, then, you people who are going to explore on the mountain, they will only see one kill one, it is impossible to be so calm. Besides, the enchantment of our base area, Fang Lanzhou wants to break the knot. It’s not difficult to enter the world, he can easily rescue people, and he won’t let the children stay with us all the time."


However, A Shu still didn't understand: "Since it's not the Fang family nor Duanmu Ya looking at them, then who is it that went up the mountain?"

"As long as it's not them, it's okay to take care of who he goes up the mountain." The shopkeeper waved impatiently, "Get out."


A Shu had seen her own shopkeeper's method, and didn't dare to object at all, so she hurriedly retired.

A Shu went back to his room to rest.

After resting for an afternoon, only came out of the room in the evening.

After coming out of the room, he saw that all the people passing by were hurried in footsteps, all of them resembling frightened birds, and some of them had a lot of scars on their bodies. These welts were all whipped out with a rope.

He was very familiar with the scars that were scars.

His face changed, and he hurriedly grabbed someone and asked, "Is the shopkeeper in trouble again?"


"Why the trouble?"

"You don't know yet, the tracking dog is gone!"

A Shu's face changed, and he ran out in the direction of the hall.

On the way to the past, I heard waves of wailing, and it was obvious that someone was being punished.

Entering the front yard of the hall, he saw many people kneeling in front of the hall door next to the whip, more than twenty people, the smell of blood from a courtyard.

"The shopkeeper calms down his anger, and the shopkeeper calms down his anger." The person in charge quickly persuaded, "If you are injured, no one can go up the mountain to find a dog!"

The shopkeeper stopped his hand, still yelling: "A bunch of trash! Don't you all get out of here!"

Those people crawled, or staggered and ran away.

Seeing that the shopkeeper had stopped, Ah Shu dared to enter.

The shopkeeper snorted coldly when he saw him, but didn't say anything.

But at this time, a person rushed over in a hurry, and A Shu took a closer look, and it was Amu.

Amu knelt down, and the shopkeeper said coldly: "Why are you not in the noodle shop at this time?"

Amu said anxiously: "The shopkeeper, the big event is not good. Starting this afternoon, there seems to be more people at the street above the street, and the extra people seem to be extremely powerful masters. Their people are already checking our store. ."

"Are you sure it's from the Fang family?"

"Yes, I'm wearing Fang's guard uniform!"

"What did they ask?"

"I asked if I saw two children and an adult recently."

Two adults and one child?

The shopkeeper said in a gloomy tone: "What do you say?"

"Naturally, I didn't see it."


The shopkeeper was angry, but without a word, he waved his hand and gave Amu a palm directly.


Amu was shot more than ten meters away, hit the door, and the door panel was shattered.

He also had pain on his face, he was vomiting blood on his chest, and it was difficult for him to even say a word.

A Shu didn't know why, "Treasurer, what's wrong with answering this way?" Has anyone come to their noodle shop to find someone before, didn't they always deny it?

Why are you angry now?

"Except for the Ximen's house in Banishment Street, how many people have you seen bring their children into the polar regions. The two big and one small are very conspicuous at first. They must have found out that they have come to eat in our store before they asked us. If they say no, they will naturally think that we have a problem, so they will check our store!"

A Shu was dumbfounded, unable to speak, only gave Amu a sympathetic glance.

The shopkeeper said angrily: "Why didn't anyone go up the mountain to tell me about such an important matter?"

Amu Qiang took a breath, vomiting blood and said: "I...cough, we thought it was disappearing, we have encountered it before, but there is no problem with answering this way, so..."

"Trash! You guys really don't know how to work around!"

The shopkeeper was already so angry that Qiqiao had smoked, and felt that he had just hit a ghost today, and things didn't go well at all!

Ashu didn't want to see Amu being beaten again, and asked quickly: "The shopkeeper is smart, how should I deal with these things now?"

"What else can I do? Now Duanmu Ya hopes that they have disappeared. If they know where they are, they can still send the people back to Fang Mansion. They have disappeared. They probably suspect us now, so naturally they should quickly let them go. The people in the store are trying to withdraw! The store will definitely not be open for the time being!"


A Shu understood, "Then the subordinate will do it?"

"Do it quickly, if there is another mistake, don't think about it all!"


Ashu helped Amu down.

After they went down, apart from the courtyard, the two of them still had lingering fears.

Ashu asked Alin: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Amu lightly coughed and coughed out a mouthful of congestion, his face was extremely ugly: "By the way, didn't you talk well before, why did Duanmu Yawang suddenly disappear?"

"The ghost knows it. It's a wicked matter. Even the shopkeeper can't guess what happened." A Shu said: "However, the shopkeeper is really angry. You know how much he wants those medicines. If you start from Duanmu Yawang got the reward and those medicines. We could make at least 5 million yuan at a time. Now there is no more. Besides, the tracking dog seems to be no longer found, and the Fang Mansion is looking at him. How could the shopkeeper not get angry?"

Amu was dumbfounded, "So many things happened?"


Ashu sighed, "I always feel that our good days are almost gone."

Amu was helped back to the room by him, and hummed: "What a good day now. The shopkeeper used to treat us well, but now he has completely changed like a human being. He is inhumane and treats us like a beast."

"Well, don't say these things."

Speaking of this, Ashu's face is not good, looking at the wound on his body, and said: "I'm going to do something, you can do it yourself."

A Mu gave a hum, and A Shu went out.

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