Duanmu Yawang was about to withdraw his gaze. At this moment, the tip of his nose smelled a faint smell of blood.

The smell of blood?

Moreover, this fishy smell is a bit different from the smell of human blood.

Thinking like this, she turned her eyes, put her eyes back on the bear, and then after a certain distance, she saw that the long thick fur on her body had a different basic color, and it looked like it was wet.

"Blood dampness."

Duanmu Yawang spit out these two words.


Ye Nongying herself was sleepy, her eyelids were fighting, and she opened her eyelids, "What blood?"

"This dog should be injured."


Ye Nongying hugged her chest with her hands, "Did you not see it being lashed just now? It's such a big whip, with barbs on it, and it's not polite at all. If the whip is pulled down, it must be to see the blood instead of the flesh. Yes. I guess the wound is not shallow."

When Duanmu Ya Wangjing mentioned that, she remembered it.

She took out a bottle of powdered medicine from Qiankun's bag and threw it to Ye Nongying: "Go, give it some medicine."


Ye Nongying held the bottle with a question mark on her face, "You want to use such a good medicine for a dog? Why do I find that your mind is so different today?"

"What is my mind, don't guess if you don't understand."

Duanmu Yawang urged, "Don't be so wordy, go quickly."

Ye Nongying squeezed the medicine bottle and gritted his teeth: "I found that you are getting more and more rude to me. Have you forgotten my identity? Ye Nongying is someone who just listens to other people's orders. Actually ordered me that way!"

"Do you think I am suitable?"


Ye Nongying snorted, "Count you cruel." Then she jumped down.

After she went down, the bear heard the sound, and his black eyes glanced at Ye Nongying squirtly, and then looked up at the tree.

Duanmu Yawang also glanced at it, then yawned, leaning against the tree and drowsy.

After Ye Nong Ying went down, he opened the bottle and said with a general temper: "Understand, right? Stand up if you understand, and let me see where I am injured first."


The bear stood up obediently.

Ye Nongying took a closer look, and saw that there were a lot of welt marks on the bear's body.

There are big and small, new and old.

Obviously be beaten frequently.

Moreover, there are five or six wounds with blood on the body, and each one is a trace of blood removal, but each one is on the body.

It's on the body, so it makes people sick.

This bear can walk freely without too much influence on searching for people.

However, only this bear knows how painful these scars on his body are.

"Some people are really beasts."

Ye Nongying murmured, then he lowered his eyes to medicine the bear.

When the medicine was applied, the bear kept whimpering softly.

The voice was soft, and it sounded extraordinarily uncomfortable.

It was as if a strong man was crying in a low voice by his side.

Ye Nong Ying felt a little unbearable, but wanted to hit people even more.

But there was no one here to beat her, she had no choice but to bear it, and said with no anger: "Knowing that someone is going to beat you, just leave, now knowing what the pain is."


The bear seemed to be very aggrieved and sobbed again and again.

"Well, you should be male, the big man cried."


The bear's whimper really became smaller.

"This is decent."

The size of the bear is much larger than that of an adult man. She is a young girl, beside this bear, she is almost twice as big as her.

The size of the dog is large, so the scars are wide and long, so a few welts suddenly ran out of Duanmu Yawang's bottle of medicine.

"You are really expensive. Duanmu Yawang, a general medicine, must not be taken with you. This bottle is definitely worth a lot of money. Many people can't afford the savings of several lifetimes. In her life, she has treated you good enough, right?"

Ye Nongying muttered and looked at the empty medicine bottle. She wanted to throw it away, but remembered the soot from last night, she simply put it in her arms.

She gently kicked the place where it didn't hurt, and said: "You are good to take it with you. I think the ingredients of this medicine are very good. Maybe it won't be so painful after a sleep."


The bear responded lightly, then raised his neck and stared straight at Duanmu Yawang on the tree.

Ye Nongying’s original sleepiness disappeared. She had been sitting on the tree and her **** was painful. Now she was comfortable when she moved under the tree. She stopped going up and broke a dog’s tail grass from one side. Amused bearded boredly: "Don't look at her, you all said she was hurt by you, her spiritual energy was hollowed out so much, she was resting."

The bear had to lower his head.

With that look downcast, Ye Nongying actually saw the regret.

She has always been hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. She put a dog's tail grass under the bear's nose and kept scratching: "Being loyal to the owner, you don't have to be too sad."

After finishing speaking, I actually saw the bear's eyes light up.

Ye Nong Ying said, "Do you understand this?"


Ye Nong Ying tut, and said strangely: "How many years have you been tamed? Is this spirituality too much?"


The bear's nose kept scratching by the dog's tail on her hand and sneezed.


Ye Nongying hurriedly bounced away to prevent her saliva from getting on her body.

The bear stared at her aggrievedly.

Ye Nongying was so guilty of being stared at by it, and helplessly threw the dog's tail grass in her hand, "Well, I won't tease you. You can lie down and rest by yourself, I'll go up and sleep for a while."

After tossing for a while, she was actually tired, so it's better to take a break.

Clapping her hands, she went up to the tree.

Fang House

Fang Zhushang is still working in the study, and there are many people inside who are discussing things.

At this time, there was a loud noise outside: "Eh, Mr. Xiao, no, the Lord is still discussing things inside. It's very important. I can't disturb..."


At this time, the door of the study was kicked to pieces.

The door shattered, disturbing the people who were still discussing, everyone was a little surprised, thinking that something major had happened, they all looked outside the door.

Outside the door, Xiao Wuzheng walked in happily, and the steward followed behind, unable to say anything.

After Xiao Wuzheng came in, he pursed his lips and looked at Fang Zhu coldly.

Fang Zhu Shang was seen as having a headache, he pinched his eyebrows helplessly, glanced at the other astonished people, and said: "Okay, I will talk to you for the rest. After talking for so long, you are also dry. Now, let’s go to the hall to rest for a while and have tea and snacks."

"Master... Are you sure it's okay?"

Seeing Xiao Wuzheng's aggressiveness, one of them couldn't help but asked.

"He is my friend, it's okay." Fang Lanzhou glanced at the manager when he said.

The steward understood the matter immediately, smiled, and said politely: "Everyone, the kitchen has prepared a lot of delicious food, please come with me."

After all, everyone didn't dare to overstep, and after looking at Xiao Wuzheng strangely, they went out with the steward.

After they went out, only Xiao Wuzheng was left in the study.

The host pointed to the seat opposite to him, "I know what you want to talk about. Sit down and let's talk."

"Why didn't you stop them in the first place?"

Xiao Wuzheng didn't sit at all, his expression was very ugly, and he shook his fan, fearing that he would be too angry and would really do anything to his friends.

"Very simple, you know that I have no stand to stop."

"Your excuse is simply high-sounding! Do you know that to do so is to watch them go to death, saving friends is your position as friends! Indulge them, you are harming friends!"

The Lord Fang was so accused, and didn't get angry, and said indifferently: "Leave Miss Ye and don't talk about it. Didn't you bring Miss Duanmu to you?"


Xiao Wuzheng was speechless for an instant.

The host held up a cup of tea on the table, blew it lightly, took a sip, and then spoke again: "You can bring people here, and the benefits also account for a lot. Say these words now, is it too much? Hypocritical?"

"Fang Lanzhou!"

"Xiao Wuzheng."

With a'boom' on the host, he put the cup in his hand heavily on the table. The cup was full of water and the action was too big. The water in the water almost overflowed halfway, and all the books on his table were wetted. NS.

However, he didn't look at him, but looked at him sharply: "At this time, you don't have a stand to question me, you first think about what you have done."

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