Duanmuya didn't answer, and said, "Go, let's go to the suburbs and go to where we slept last night."

"Ah? Not to sell medicine? What do you do when you go back?"

"It's for sale, but you have to see who you are selling to." Duan Muya looked at her toes, and said as she soared to the outskirts.

Ye Nongying still didn't understand, she rushed to catch up and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you later."

Soon, they returned to their original places.

Duanmuya looked at him and said, "You turn your back."


"Back, don't take a peek, if you find it, I will blind you in the eyes."


Ye Nongying saw that her eyes were firm, she didn't seem to be joking at all. Although she was puzzled in her heart, she still followed her instructions.

She has always hated the privacy of others and respects the privacy of others, so she turned around very cooperatively.

After it was certain that she would not turn around, Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand and took out bottle after bottle of medicine from the medical system.

Ye Nongying heard a sound, and after waiting for a while, couldn't help it: "Alright?"

"Wait a little longer."

She quickly figured out what medicine she needed, and from time to time she took out a bottle from the medical system, some put it directly into the Qiankun bag, and some took it out to dispense the medicine. After the preparation, she put the medicine bottle back into the medical system.

"How long will you take?"

Ye Nongying turned her back for two quarters of an hour and couldn't help it. "I'm almost urinating."


Duanmu Yawang was very angry, but, after all, she said: "Okay, you can turn around."

When Ye Nongying heard it, she turned around impatiently.

Turning around, I saw Duanmu Yawang who did not know when he had laid a carpet-like thing on the ground with a bottle of medicine on it.

And she is preparing medicine.

The bottles in her hand were all very weird. She picked it up and took a look. Some of them still didn't recognize the words.

How extensive is Duanmu Yawang's knowledge than himself?

Ye Nong Ying put down the medicine bottle angrily, and sat down on the carpet, and couldn't help asking, "Are you planning to buy these medicines?"

"It's definitely impossible to sell all of them. I will sell some of them."


Ye Nongying raised her eyebrows, "I thought you already had a goal of selling drugs as you said just now, so you still have to rely on sales?"

"There is a goal, but who knows what kind of medicine they need, so they have to sell it."

"…All right."

Ye Nongying touched the tip of her nose, feeling as if she couldn't help, a little embarrassed, but she was even more curious: "Who are you going to sell these medicines to?"

"A Shu and others, Bai Xiao gave birth to them."


Ye Nongying felt that she had heard it wrong, "But, didn't they reject your deal last night?"

"That's because they don't know who I am." Duanmu Yawang dispenses the medicine, and a look of confidence flashes through Ye Nongying's eyes. "If I reveal my identity as Duanmu Yawang, they should treat me. Are you interested in your medicine?"


A word to awaken the dreamer, Ye Nongying slapped her lap on her thigh, and said excitedly: "The whole exile street should know how good your medical skills are and how strong your medicine is. If you use the identity of Duanmu Yawang to follow They talk, they must be willing!"


Duan Muya said, "I also thought of it just now. We can't show our faces, mainly because we are not from the same street and we can't be seen by others, so as not to embarrass the nobles who help us. But Bai Xiaosheng only asks for money, they don't. I care about these details, so it’s okay to talk to them with my real identity."

"Yes!" Ye Nongying raised his hands in agreement.

"However, don't be too optimistic." Duanmu Yawang frowned, "In case they only ask for money and no medicine, it will be troublesome."

"Some of your medicines are priceless, why would they not want them?"

"If you don't need it, naturally you don't need it. After all, it's a transaction of millions of gold ingots. Maybe it's even rarer money?"

"Don't think about it for now, let's go straight when the boat arrives at the bridge head, anyway, we don't have a better way."


As a result, Duanmu Yawang began to conscientiously dispense medicines.

Among these medicines, there are Western medicines and Chinese medicines. The preparation of some medicines requires direct use of medicinal materials.

Ye Nongying is also a physician, and she can also help. As soon as Duanmu Yawang said what she needed, she could immediately react. After more than an hour, it was almost noon.

Duanmu Yawang stopped and said, "Let's go to the noodle shop."


The two packed up and went to the noodle shop.

This time I went, the noodle shop opened.

The two people's eyes lit up, and they were relieved at the same time, and walked into the store together.

"Two guest officers, please sit down."

As soon as the two entered, Xiao Er immediately greeted them with a big smile, and while leading them inside, he smiled and asked, "I don't know what do you want to eat?"

The little two did not know them.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying entered the store and began to look around.

However, after looking around, I found that there were three sophomores in the store, but there were no figures of Amu and Ashu.

The two of them sank, looked at each other, and both chose to remain silent.

The two sat down on the seats arranged by Xiao Er and asked, "What can I eat?"

"The noodle shop is naturally eating noodles." Xiao Er showed white teeth, with excellent affinity: "Now the autumn is high and fresh, suitable for tonic, our shop has carefully boiled noodles in tonic soup, and there are also thick soup noodles. Give it a try?"

Duanmuya looked and listened, raised her eyes and glanced at Xiao Er: "What is the meticulously boiled tonic soup?"

"Wild fresh."

The little second barked his teeth with a mysterious smile, "All are wild immortals that can use medicinal materials. Eat one meal to ensure that you want to eat it next time. As for the meticulous cooking, it depends on what effect you want, and what kind of nasty. Yin nourishes yang, nourishes the face, nourishes the lungs and promotes body fluids."

"so smart?"

"Children are not deceived." Xiaoer patted his chest and promised: "If the guest officer feels unsatisfied, he can leave at any time after he eats half of it. We don't charge money."

"What about the soup?"

"The thick soup is inadequate compared to the soup supplement. It is ordinary poultry and beasts. It has enough materials. Of course, the price is much cheaper."

Ye Nongying squeezed the cup and played, and her lips curled up when she heard the words, "We also came at noon yesterday, why didn't we see such noodle soup?"

"Today is different." Xiao Er smiled and said: "The two are lucky. Today, fifteenth, there are many types of beasts in the mountains and it is easy to hunt. We have such a special case every fifteenth, but not at other times."

"I see."

Xiao Er nodded eagerly, and then asked, "Little introduced so much, I wonder what kind of noodle soup you two want to eat?"

"Give me a bowl of noodle soup and a bowl of thick noodle soup. The soup needs to moisturize the lungs and promote fluids."

"Okay." Xiao Er jotted it down and was about to leave. Ye Nongying stopped him angrily: "Why are you walking so fast, I haven't ordered it yet!"


Xiao Er was stunned, "Didn't you order two copies?"

"She has two servings."

"Oh." Xiao Er said in surprise: "We have plenty of noodles. This young man can actually eat two servings. A lot. He will be a strong man in the future."

Duanmu Yawang in her daughter's body: "..."


Ye Nongying couldn't help laughing.

"What's the matter?" Xiaoer didn't understand, so "the little one was wrong?"


Ye Nongying said with interest: "I think so too."

Duanmuya rolled her eyes and didn't bother to care about her.

Ye Nongying laughed for a while, and ordered the noodles for nourishing lungs and body fluid before letting Xiao Er go down.

After Xiao Er left, Ye Nong Ying played with the teacup boringly on her face, and actually spoke to Duanmu Yawang's heart: "Why don't you ask Ashu about their whereabouts?"

"Slowly first."

Duanmu Ya looked around in the shop and found that there were not many people, only one table of them and another table of people.

The people at the other table came earlier than them, and sat at the table chatting while eating.

"Why do you want to slow down?" Ye Nongying didn't understand: "I see the way they speak, what other wild foods should be the same kind of people, and Ashu must be in the same group."

"I also know that they belonged to a group, but yesterday they captured us alone. You said, do these little ones know about this?" Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and said, "I don't know it's normal not to know us. If they What is the purpose of knowing, but pretending not to know us?"

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