Duanmu Yawang shook her head, "I left a letter, maybe not." She thought, Fang Zhu, they will respect them.

"Did you also leave a letter?"

"I have been harassing people's house for so long. Although I left a little bit indecent, the minimum etiquette is still necessary. We are gone, and it will only cause people to worry, which is not good." So, leaving a letter is etiquette, and it is right. The respect and responsibility of others.


She thought so too, so she left the letter.

"Fine, don't think too much, let's go to bed, take a good rest, and tomorrow we will have the strength to move to find someone."


The two closed their eyes and tried to fall asleep.


Fang House.

As Duanmu Yawang said, when it was dark, Duanmu Yawang and the others hadn't come back, so the steward was a little worried, fearing that they could not find the carriage back in the dark, but also deliberately lined up a few carriages to try their luck in the nearby scenic spots. Let the next person see the person and take it back.

However, the carriage sent out did not come back for a long time.

It wasn't until more than an hour passed, when the sky was completely dark, that the carriages came back one after another.

He came back and said that after searching all the scenic spots they went to, they couldn't find anyone.

At that time, the sky was already dark, and Fang Ruoxing and Fang Zhu had also finished their meals.

The Lord Fang went back to the study to work, and Fang Ruoxing kept asking the whereabouts of the three people, Duan Mu Yawang.

She also knew what she had come back to report. She frowned and said worriedly: "Fuck, do you think they will be in danger?"

"Now the whole exile street treats Miss Duanmu with courtesy. There shouldn't be anyone who will think badly, and the danger should not be enough." Although the steward was worried, he did not show his face, "I think they might not go to the scenic spot to play. , Walked around, so our talent did not find her."

When Fang Ruoxing heard this, he hurriedly said, "In the end, safety is the top priority. Why don't we send more people to ask more questions and find more?"


Therefore, the steward sent many people to the exile street to find the whereabouts of the three of Duanmu Yawang.

During this search, it was discovered that few people saw Duanmu Yawang's trace, only a sparser saw a black-haired person with black eyes in the morning.

Fang Ruoxing was naturally unhappy to receive such news, but soon, her inspiration flashed, "Could it be that Miss Duanmu didn't want to be too conspicuous and pretended to be?"

"Then let's try and interrogate the traces of the three people?" The two young masters Bai and Miss Ye were also very conspicuous.


According to this method, it was unexpectedly very fast, and it was found that they were suspected to have gone to Ximen Mansion.

Fang Ruoxing breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I guess I went to Ximen Mansion to play."

"But, miss, don't you think Miss Duanmu and the others went to Ximen Mansion too early?" The steward always felt a little weird, "It seems that they went to Ximen Mansion not long after getting off the carriage, and told them that they were going out for fun in the morning. Some are not right?"

Fang Ruoxing was extremely worried: "Could it be threatened?"

Guan Shi was taken aback by her remarks, "It shouldn't be, I think Miss Ximen is very kind to Miss Duanmu, it shouldn't be like this."

"What if?"

Fang Ruoxing bit his finger and was very worried, "Should we go to Miss Duanmu and Miss Ye's room to find out if they have left us any clues for help?"


The steward thought for a while, and went to the room of the two in person.

However, a letter was found in the wing of both of them.

Guan Shi and Fang Ruoxing read the letter and were taken aback, "They actually went to the endless city?"

"Isn't the endless city very dangerous? Contact daddy quickly."

"Yeah." The steward nodded and said sternly: "They are unfamiliar with the land. It's not that easy to enter the endless city. It is estimated that they will suffer."

When he said that, he hurried to find Fangzhu.

Fang Zhu heard this, but was not surprised, he just squeezed his eyebrows and sighed: "It seems that Wuzheng is pushing people too tightly, but it is counterproductive." The original intention was that people did not want to leave after half a month. The endless city, as a result, people think of a way and go now.

"Huh?" The steward was confused.

The Lord Fang didn't help him, but just asked, "Why don't you believe it? Show me."


The steward showed him the letter. After reading the letter, Fang sighed helplessly.

"Lord, what's going on now?" The steward worried about their safety in Duanmu Ya: "Should we send someone to the exit to find them?"

Fang Zhu waved his hand, "No need."

"Then, it doesn't matter?"

"Yeah." Admiral Fang put the letter away and said helplessly: "Both of them are very polite and very smart. The meaning of the letter is already very clear."

"But in case something happens to their unfamiliar place, then..."

"This is their intention, I don't want to interfere." The host said seriously: "Although I am worried about them, everyone has something they want to do. As a friend, I should support it. However, I also have nothing to do. Friends of the dispute, his intentions are the opposite of theirs, so if I don't help him or them, I just need to be a neutral middleman."

After that, he said: "Of course, as a friend, I will naturally not just ignore their lives. They don’t understand the exile street, and they certainly don’t understand the exit of the polar area. You make people pay attention to it. In the district, report any changes, casualties, or calls for help to me. If you find them, you can help me at any time."


The steward did as instructed.

Fang Ruoxing knew about Fang's decision soon.

She reacted very much, and immediately went to the Lord Fang, and said with great incomprehension: "Daddy, Miss Duanmu has helped us so much, how can you just ignore it?"

Fang Zhushang helpless: "What do you think Dad should do? Find them back? Or send them to the entrance of the endless city."

Fang Ruoxing choked.

Duanmu Ya hoped that they had fought for so long, just to go to the endless city. The endless city is dangerous, and as her friends, sending them to the endless city in person is sending them to the brink of death.

So, no matter how you do it, it's wrong.

Master Fang knew that she understood, and said warmly: "Xing'er, there are some things that even friends cannot intervene. Respect their choices is what we should do as friends."


Fang Ruoxing bit her lip, her voice dull.

The Lord Fang rubbed her head and whispered: "You don't have to be sad. You will have the opportunity to meet again in the future. Now there is no curse on Exile Street. You are in good health. Whenever you want to go out and take a look, Daddy will Take you to see?"

Fang Ruoxing's eyes lit up, "Really?"


Fang Lanzhou's eyes narrowed slightly, "Daddy will take you to see your mother's hometown."

"My mother?"

Fang Ruoxing was startled. It was the first time he heard him take the initiative to mention his mother. It took him a moment to react, grasping the key points and asking excitedly: "Daddy, you, do you mean my mother is from the outside world?"


Fang Ruoxing wowed, "Daddy, did my mother really pass away?"

Fang Zhu Shang shook his head, "I don't know either."

Fang Ruoxing is not satisfied with this answer, "Why don't you know?"

"Because your mother also went to the endless city."

Fang Ruoxing was stunned, "You mean, my mother, like Miss Duanmu and others, came to exile in order to enter the endless city?" After entering the endless city, do you know life and death?


"Then, I, I..."

The Lord Fang clearly knew what his daughter was thinking, and said in a simple and concise manner: "At that time, your mother fought to Third Street. She was seriously injured. She was rescued by me. She lived in Banishment Street for two years, so that's why you are there."

"I see."

She also wondered, if it was an outsider who came to exile, why did she give birth to her in such a short time.

However, after thinking about it carefully, she felt tight again: "Since you gave birth to me, mother...why go to exile on the street?" Isn't it... you don't like her?

"Everyone has everyone's responsibility." Fang Zhushang looked at his daughter with serious and gentle eyes: "Your mother has responsibilities that she has to fulfill. You are her daughter. How could she not like you? You Don't blame her either."

Fang Ruoxing pursed his lips: "Mom left the exile street and never came back, right?"

Fang Zhu nodded.

Fang Ruoxing's eyes were red.

Never come back again, it proves that there is no good fortune, otherwise why not come back for so many years?

Master Fang looked at his daughter, sighed, rubbed her head, and said warmly: "We will go to your mother's hometown when we are free. Daddy remembers the place names. As for Miss Duanmu, you don't have to worry. Daddy will send someone to pay attention to them. It’s safe, you go back to rest earlier."


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