The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1829: Don't want to enter the endless city?

"call out!"

As expected, Qi is looking for the outcome, and the opponent is really merciless.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying's opponents each attacked them like sharp swords!

What a fast speed!

She narrowed her eyes, and she was able to pass by one side.

When she wanted to fight back, the other party sensed her intentions and took the lead to smash her with a spirit balloon!

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly used the spirit balloon to resist, but because the opponent's spirit balloon was fast and fierce, she was struck back ten meters continuously in midair by the force!

There have been two tricks, she belongs to the disadvantage.

Duanmu Yawang's face sank, and her aura was released. When the opponent attacked, he took the initiative to use the handy machine, and at the same time turned the passive into the active. The two-handed spirit balloon spirit balloon was thrown at the opponent when the opponent couldn't react!

Duanmu Yawang moved quickly, and the opponent couldn't defend against it. The spirit balloon hit the opponent's shoulders mercilessly, and the opponent staggered two steps in pain!

Duanmuya hoped to pursue the victory and attack more fiercely.

Then, she easily crushed each other.

Ten strokes also came to an end in her crush.

She suppressed her voice, and said to her opponent: "I have given way."

"You're welcome," the man rubbed his shoulders when he said.

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, "But are you injured?"

"A little pain is not an injury." The other party's face was calm, "My aura can't touch you at all. It's reasonable for you to win."


The opponent nodded, then turned back to his teammate.

On the other side, Ye Nongying also won.

The four people from Fang Mansion and the blue guards came to Ximen Yuntu and said calmly: "Patriarch Ximen, the test passed, but according to the rules, we still need to check your cabin. Please cooperate."


The four of them nodded, got on the spaceship, and went into the cabin to check.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying returned to the spacecraft and saw the four figures hidden in the door of the cabin. They raised their eyebrows and whispered, "Is this also checked?"

Simon Cloud Atlas: "Whoever passes through the exit in a spacecraft must be checked."

"I understand, I'm afraid that someone is hiding in the cabin, right?"


The four people quickly came out and said to Ximen Yuntu: "After the inspection, there is nothing wrong with it. Thank you, Patriarch Ximen for your cooperation." Well, the four of them didn't need Ximen Yuntu to respond, but one flashed away, and they disappeared.

Ye Nongying looked at it and asked, "Is it all right?"

Simon Yuntu nodded.

Ye Nongying blinked, "Why isn't the spaceship moving?"

Simon Yuntu glanced at her and said two words: "Enchantment."

Ye Nong Ying was about to say that she didn't feel the barrier, so she saw that not far ahead, an orange barrier appeared in the sky where they were at the same height.

And facing their direction, a wide opening appeared in the barrier.


When Simon Yuntu said, the spacecraft began to fly.

The spacecraft just passed the barrier opening.

Ye Nongying couldn't help but said: "It is said that the people exiled on the street are powerful and there are many masters. I believe this. But in the course of the battle, I have always won, and I feel that this place is not as mysterious as the rumors. But now I believe it. After all, there is really no enchantment here at all times and places, and every enchantment is extraordinary. Such an enchantment shouldn't be built by ordinary people. It is a collective force, right?"


The Ximen cloud picture is concise and concise: "People on the same street need to work hard to consolidate and repair every year."

"I see."

The spacecraft left the exit, and Duan Muya looked down. She found that the exit was very different from what she had imagined.

At the exit, there is even a long street. Although there are no houses around, there are sparse people coming and going, and there are people setting up stalls and buying and selling on the side of the street.

Behind the street, there are endless mountains in front, surrounded by lush greenery.

The mountains seem to be endless.

Duanmu Yawang asked, "Where is the mountain opposite?"

"The border between Banish Street and the Endless City."

Duanmu Yawan thought for a moment, "Are the people who were worshipped at the memorial stand thrown into these mountains?"

"of course not."

Ximen Yuntu said in a huff: "Behind the memorial gate, it's not here."

"where is that?"

"..." Simon Yuntu took a deep breath, with a bad tone: "You can ask the exile for these questions."


Duanmu Yawang stuck out her tongue, but couldn't help saying: "So, you don't know the place behind the memorial door?"


This time, Simon Yuntu responded.

Since the mountains on the opposite side are the junction of the endless city, Duanmu Yawang thought that Ximen Yuntu’s spacecraft would take them over the mountains and then let them down. However, she obviously wanted more, and Ximen Yuntu’s spacecraft did not fly over the mountains at all. , But fly forward down the street.

Finally, in a quiet place, the spacecraft slowly landed.

Duanmu Yawang blinked, a little dazed.

Ye Nongying hurriedly said, "Patriarch Ximen, don't you drive us across the mountain?"

The image of Simon Yun glanced at her like an idiot, "Don't want to enter the endless city?"

"Yes I do."

"Since you want to, what did you do in the past?" Simon Yuntu said, "The entrance to the endless city is in this large mountain forest." After that, he added: "To be correct, it will appear in Somewhere in this large mountain forest."


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other. Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but leaned, and said in a trembling voice: "You, you mean, if we want to enter the endless city, we have to look everywhere in this large mountain forest. Entrance?"

"Of course, if you don't want to find it, there is another way."

Ye Nongying couldn't wait: "What can I do?" How would they find such a big mountain forest?

"By luck, wait for the rabbit." Ximen Yuntu said in a chilly voice: "Wait for the rabbit to hit the door."

"..." He was just talking coldly!

It is said that the entrance of the endless city is not directed every time, which means that no one can know where it will appear, when it will appear, such a large mountain forest, it is more difficult than waiting for a rabbit!

Seeing that the faces of several people had changed, Simon Yuntu finally said a serious sentence: "Of course, it is too troublesome to wait like this. You can find Baixiaoshengbu eyeliner."

"Bai Xiaosheng?" Duan Muya looked at her eyes, "Jianghu Baixiaosheng, who knows everything?"


Ximen Yuntu gave Duanmu Yawang an admiration.

Duanmu Yawang still has a lot of things that I don’t understand. "This mountain looks lush and green, and there are all kinds of plants and animals. Why not let people enter and exit the polar area at will, so that everyone can go to the mountain to collect what they want?"

"That's not to say, there will be an entrance to the endless city here every day." Ximen Yuntu said without aura: "There must be countless beasts in this mountain forest, but the real danger is not the beasts, but the entrance to the endless city."


"Because it has suction power." Ximen Yuntu said: "Where the endless city appears, no one needs to walk in, it will automatically **** in the living creatures within three miles of it. It enters the endless city, but it can't get out. Therefore, it is an extremely dangerous place. For the sake of everyone's safety, we prohibit people from entering the deep forest."

"Then what happened to Bai Xiaosheng?"

"Because every year there will be outsiders like you. In life, some people want to enter the endless city with a purpose. It is so troublesome to find the entrance to the endless city. Therefore, some people see business opportunities and take the risk to be a hundred Xiaosheng. People are looking for income."

"I see."

Duanmu Yawang nodded and asked hurriedly: "Then do you know where Bai Xiaosheng is?"

Simon Yuntu sneered: "We are to maintain the safety of civilians. Bai Xiaosheng is a cancer to us. I know that one arrested one. When they see people from our three major families, they will only turn around. How could they let us know? who is it?"

Duanmuya looked painfully to help her forehead, "In other words, Bai Xiaosheng wants us to find it ourselves?"


"How can I find this?"

"This is your business." Ximen Yuntu faintly reminded: "Of course, you are wearing our Ximen mansion guard uniform. If you dress like this and look for it, I guess you won't be able to find it even if you look for it for a year. Arrived."

When Xiao Bailu heard this, he was instantly delighted: "That is to say, we need to change the'equipment' on our body first?"

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