After finishing speaking, Qi looked eagerly at Fang Zhu, "Daddy, don't you think?"


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying's eyelids twitched.

If she followed along, their planning department would be ruined!


Fortunately, the Fang Master refused without hesitation, "Your legs are not good yet."

Fang Ruoxing retorted weakly: "My legs are almost better."

"It's almost good, but it's not quite good yet. You can't even walk well. What if you fall on the way again?"

"Yeah." At this time, Ye Nongying promptly discouraged: "Ruoxing, you should listen to your father's words. There should be a lot of people in the fun place, and your legs are not good. It is really easy to be squeezed to fall. Yes, it is estimated that you will have more pain in your feet by then. This is not worth the loss, right?"

Fang Zhushang nodded in agreement: "Miss Ye is right. Anyway, Miss Duanmu and the others have more than half a month. You can walk well in a few days, and just go and play with them in a few days. "

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying both had a guilty conscience after hearing this half a month.

"okay then."

Although Fang Ruoxing was not reconciled, his legs were indeed not easy to move around, so he could only nodded in agreement.

Fang Zhushang was satisfied with this, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Where do you want to play?"

Duanmu Yawang touched the tip of his nose, "We are not very familiar with Yijie, and we don’t know where it’s fun, so we thought that the steward would send a person to send us to a fun place, and then we would spend a day walking around and playing. One day, come back after playing."


Fang Zhushang nodded, and gave a few words to the steward.

He had a lot to do, and someone came looking for him after a few words, and he left in a hurry.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other, and the two stood up and said to the steward: "Thanks to the stewardship. We are waiting at the door as we did yesterday."


I didn't think much about things, so I hurriedly dealt with them.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu's hand and walked out of the hall with Ye Nongying, and finally waved to Fang Ruoxing who was still sitting in the hall.

Fang Ruoxing waved along and watched the three people leave.

Until the three of them were completely invisible, Fang Ruoxing murmured in confusion: "How is this the same as saying goodbye?" Or did she think too much?

"I must have thought about it a lot, but Miss Ye and Miss Duanmu are not in the house. It's really boring." Fang Ruoxing sighed, and at the same time he called in people and sent her back to the room.

On the other side, Duanmu Yawang was sent to the busiest and most fun place on the street by yesterday's coachman.

Duanmu Yawang knew the way, and they passed by this place yesterday.

It happened that Ximen Mansion was not far away.

The coachman did his best, and when they got off the bus, they said: "Miss Duanmu, Miss Ye, there are several interesting places here. Minions are waiting for you nearby. If you play all over here, Minions will send you to the next one. Place."

"no need."

How could Ye Nongying make people wait, and said with a smile: "We walk around by ourselves, you don't have to wait, just come here to pick us up at night."


The next person was a little surprised, "But in such a place, you can play for two hours at most. After you finish playing, you must go to the next place. You must take a car."

"We will find a car by ourselves." The smile on Ye Nongying's face remained unchanged. After speaking, she held Duanmu Yawang's shoulder and waved to the next person: "Go back and talk to the steward. Let's go play!"

After speaking, the three of them left together.

The servant looked at the back of the three of them, scratched his head, and went back to the house.

He went back to the mansion to report the situation to the steward. The steward laughed and said, "Young people like freedom. I guess they don't like people to follow. They are happy. So they go, wait early in the evening and take them back."



On the other side, the three of Duanmu Yawang drove away from the car, made a circle, recruited a carriage, and went to Ximen Mansion.

Before getting on the carriage, Duanmu Yawang knew very well and bought a hat with black gauze covering her chest and put it on her head.

When she got out of the carriage and moved up to the Ximen Mansion, several guards in the Ximen Mansion almost didn't recognize her.

However, they did recognize Ye Nongying. Looking at the sneaky Duanmu Yawang wearing a hat, they frowned and said, "This distinguished guest, please show your face and show your identity."

"It's me." Duanmu Yawang opened the black gauze, revealing half of her face.

Half a face is enough for recognition.

The gatekeeper quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Miss Duanmu, we don't know Taishan..."

"It's okay." Duanmu Yawang waved her hand and asked hurriedly: "We are looking for your Patriarch and Miss, can we get in?"


The gatekeeper confirmed that it was Duanmu Yawang, and quickly invited people in.

After entering the Ximen Mansion, Duanmu Yawang took off the hat on her head, and while she took it off, she whispered: "I used to watch martial arts movies and felt that people wearing hats like this were mysterious. I would definitely be a beautiful woman if I took off the hat, but I didn’t expect to wear it. This thing is so hot and heavy!"

Ye Nongying heard her muttering and curled her eyebrows: "What martial arts movie?"

"No." You don't understand.

Ye Nongying didn't ask any more, and soon the gatekeeper took them to yesterday's hall.

The gatekeeper said: "Someone has already gone to inform the steward, so please wait a while for the three distinguished guests."


The gatekeeper hurriedly left, and the servants in the hall came over and offered them tea and water.

Little Bailu came here for the first time, his big eyes looked around, suspiciously: "But, you are sure, let the Simons help, is it really okay?"

Before Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying spoke, a soft voice asked: "Then tell me, let us help, what's the problem?"

Duanmu Ya looked at a few people and saw that Ximen Yingyue had arrived at the door.

Seeing her, Xiao Bailu was a little embarrassed, pulling Duanmu Yawang's sleeves without speaking.

"You kid, it's unpleasant."

Ximen Yingyue snorted at him, "I really don't know why my sister keeps a fart like you who doesn't understand anything by her side." When she said that, she stretched out her hand and pulled a little bit that came out of his head. Antlers, hey, "Is it real?"


His antlers are showing up?

He obviously kept it all the time!

"Don't touch me!"

Little Bailu slapped her hand and couldn't help refuting: "I know a lot, but I don't know anything." When he said that, he wanted to take the antlers back, but found that they couldn't.

"Is it?"

The little girl looked suspicious, but still couldn't help playing with his antlers, "I don't care what you know, why do you have antlers?"

"You want to control."

Little Bailu was not happy that others were playing with his antlers, and looked at Duanmu Yawang for help.

Duanmu Yawang didn't know how his antlers came out, so she pulled him to her side and asked Ximen Yingyue: "Didn't the steward say that you want to report, why are you so fast?"

"I happened to be playing on the roof of my own wing. I came here when I saw you from a distance."

"So it's like this." Duanmu Yawang nodded and asked, "Where is Patriarch Ximen?"

"It must be in the study." Ximen Yingyue said as she sat down opposite Duanmu Yawang, playing with the cup in front of her boredly, and then a pair of eyes swept around the three of them, and she said, "Sure enough. ."

"Sure enough?"

"Sure enough, you didn't prepare anything."

The three of them blinked, not quite understanding.

Ximen Yingyue shrugged, raised her chin and hummed softly, "However, I had expected it a long time ago, and I have prepared a copy for you."


Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other, and the two looked at each other, "What have you prepared for us?"

Ximen Yingyue glared and said in disbelief: "You haven't reacted yet? Do you think it's as simple as leaving the polar region from this side of the endless city? That's how several families are heavily guarded! You look like nothing at all. Prepare, we dare not send you out hastily."

After finishing speaking, he was dissatisfied with Duanmu Yawang: "I prepared all the things you need. Do you want to praise me for being smart?"

"Don't just ask for credit." At this time, Simon Yuntu's voice sounded outside the door. He said as he walked in, his height, legs, and steps were also big.

Seeing him, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying stood up to show their politeness, "Patriarch Ximen."

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