Duanmu Yawang led the people toward the hall, and walked along with Xiao Bailu's hand and said in an angry voice, "You can just converge a little bit, whether it's in someone else's house after all."

"You asked me to come. I have a lot of business, so I came all the way, and I was unhappy. I have a fire, and I want to vent what's wrong?"

After speaking, he pulled Xiao Bailu's forehead by his hair.

Little Bailu cried out, and was so bullied that he wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Duanmu Yawang had to pull him to the side to prevent the teenager from provoke him.

Shaoyoung snorted, "You protect this heartless one."

"I, I have a heart and soul." Xiao Bailu narrowed his mouth and was extremely aggrieved.

"Yeah, you have a heart for others." The young man sneered, "How long have you been in the source of Linghu, and how long have you been out, so quickly you have forgotten who is your real master."

Xiao Bailu opened his mouth, and before he could even speak, Duanmu Yawang said with no good air: "Okay, you will scare him more times as soon as you come, and that's enough."

"How can I say enough? I could still cry with bullies before, but now I have backers, and I haven't cried for a few times after bullying."

"..." Dare to be satisfied if you bully someone and cry?

What is this quirk?

Little Bailu listened, but really wanted to cry.

I think it’s good to cry, at least I won’t be bullied again.

Duanmu Yawang patted his head: "Dare to give me a try?"

Little Bailu's tears closed.

Okay, this master wants him to cry, but the other master doesn't let it.

Why is his life so difficult?

Seeing that Xiao Bailu stopped crying, the boy snorted and looked at Duanmuya: "I still listen to you in the end."


"Jealous shit!" The boy was unhappy for a moment, "You are too overestimating him and yourself."


Duanmu Yawang shrugged, and while talking, they had already arrived in the hall.

There are servants waiting inside. The young man sits down, and the servants are like serving tea.

However, the tea that was just served was pushed aside by the boy, "I don't want to drink the tea made from the water here."


Duanmuya's face turned dark, "You can understand when you are the host?"

"I don't want to understand."

The young man's face was darker than her. When he said that, he took off a Qiankun bag on his waist, reached out and wiped it inside, and then brought out two buckets of water.

The people on one side were stunned.

Duanmu Yawang was also dumbfounded, "You..."

"This is the spiritual water of the source of Linghu."

However, the young man felt it deeply, and smiled, and said to the person on one side: "Take it to the kitchen and let them cook me with these two buckets of water. All the ingredients can be cooked after washing them with these two buckets of water. Also. Yes, I also use these two buckets of water for making tea."

The subordinates looked to Duanmu Yawang for help.

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, the boy touched his chin and said to himself: "I want to eat so much, and these two buckets of water are probably not enough to wash vegetables."

After speaking, he took out a few buckets of water from the Qiankun bag.

There were five or six buckets of water in the hall instantly.


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, unable to say anything.

Little Bailu looked like he was accustomed to.

The young man said to some of them, "What are you still doing? Take the water to the kitchen."

"This is Lingshui!"

Duanmuya couldn't bear it, "How can it be cooked with spiritual water?" What a waste!

Many people can't get a little spiritual water!

"What's the matter? The most indispensable thing in the source of Linghu is the spiritual water." The young man hummed softly and said to a few people after he said: "These water, the rest of the boiled food, will be given to you. "


Several people looked at each other, what do they want his water for?

Is this spiritual water different from ordinary water?

Isn't it all for drinking?

It's weird.

Duanmu Ya looked at her brain pain, waved her hand and said to the gangsters: "No matter, you take the water to the kitchen." After all, it is the person she called. If the other mansion causes trouble, she will personally compensate the lower mansion by then. NS.


The several servants each took a bucket of water and went out.

Duanmu Ya let out a sigh of relief and frowned: "This is someone else's mansion after all, you are too foolish."

The young man shrugged, disapproving: "I heard that... Gong Yulan has also come. I can't compare to him if it's troublesome. You can take care of him, but are you impatient with my little trouble? You seem to be treated differently."

Duanmu Yawang sneered: "Gong Yulan has only been here for a few days, but he has never eaten a meal in Fang's house."

The teenager twisted his eyebrows: "You are too picky."

"He doesn't want to eat."

"That's right." The boy nodded seriously, "This world is muddy and the water smells bad, it's really hard to swallow."

"This world is brilliant, the water is clear, where does it smell?" The water in this world is clear and natural, sweet and sweet, and he doesn't know how much better than the water in her previous life, he actually dislikes it!

"You are a human, you don't understand."

The teenager waved his hand, looking like he didn't want to care about ignorant people.

"..." Duanmu Yawang's head was raised with blue veins.

I really want to slap this person into the air, what's the matter?

"Okay, let's get back to business." The young man's face turned serious, and he looked at Duanmu Ya and said: "By the way, you asked me to come, should it be for the source of Linghu?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Gong Yulan said, you recalled the source of Linghu, right?"


The boy shrugged, "The source of the lake of spirit needs to survive in a world with spiritual consciousness. Once stored in the sea of ​​consciousness of a dead person, it will only become a dead lake, which is useless. Don't blame me, either. I can't just watch the source of Linghu is gone, right?"

"I'm fine now, can the source of Linghu come back?"

The boy raised his eyebrows and watched her silently.

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, "Is it okay or not?"

The boy didn't answer, and asked her: "How does it feel to be euthanized?"

Duanmu Yawang twisted her eyebrows: "How do you know this?"

"Your friend said it."


Duanmu Yawang asked suddenly, "Yin Huiyin?"


"Where is he now?"

"Of course it's in the source of Linghu." The young man shrugged, "but, I blocked the source of Linghu, he can't go in and out casually."

"Is he okay?"

The boy was dissatisfied: "My source of spiritual lake is full of aura, and his cultivation is improving day by day. How can something happen?"

Duanmu Yawang was relieved, thinking of something, and then asked: "Where is the source of the Linghu Lake now?"

The boy didn't answer, but smiled and asked: "Why, do you want to go back?"


Don't want to go back, why did she ask Xiao Bailu to contact him?

"It's not okay if you want to go back, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I'm upset." The young man folded his arms around his chest and dangled Erlang's legs. He looked like a fool: "You have to find a way to make me happy."


"Why, not happy?"

Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath: "How can you be happy?"

The young man said: "Who knows!"

Duan Muya looked at him, and suddenly asked, "Are you still a child, otherwise I will take you to the Goulan courtyard building?"

The teenager twisted his eyebrows: "What is that?"

The little white deer was dumbfounded, and said with a trembling voice: "Then, isn't that the land of the willows?"


The boy gritted his teeth and stared at Duanmu Yawang coldly: "Who am I, what do you think of me!"

"If you are not interested, then forget it." Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "I think people of your age are more curious about certain things."

The young man laughed angrily, staring at Duan Muya and said: "You shameless woman, the emperor... how can Gong Yulanzhi fall in love with someone like you?"

"Sorry." Duanmu Yawang proudly spread her hands, "He loves me."


The young man sneered and gritted his teeth: "It won't be long before you will be abandoned! He certainly doesn't know your true face!"


Duanmu Yawang grinned at him.

"...Ugly!" The boy exploded in anger quickly.

Duan Muya looked up with her eyelids hanging, her face supported, and she didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Little Bailu reminded her in a heart-warming voice, "Master, don't make him unhappy, what if he really doesn't return the source of Linghu?"

Duanmuya frowned, thinking about what to do, the boy's eyes rolled around a few times, and suddenly he said, "You really take me to those places?"

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