The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1815: The purpose of your coming to Ximen Mansion

The two turned their heads, and Qi saw Simon Yuntu standing behind them, squinting one eye, staring at them sharply.

The two were dumbfounded.

Ye Nongying conveyed to her heart: "I thought it was going well, but now I have an ominous premonition."

"...I never thought it would go well."

When did the two brothers and sisters play their cards according to common sense?

Unpredictable and unfamiliar, she had a premonition that she didn't understand where Ye Nongying would come from.


The two of them kept silent, and Simon Yuntu stepped up to the first two parts, almost shoulder to shoulder with them, and the pressure he was born with was so suppressed.


Duanmu Yawang gave a light cough, touched the tip of her nose and said, "We're here to play with Miss Ximen."

"Are you kids?"

Simon Yuntu was not polite at all, his eyes seemed as if a knife was piercing them sharply, causing both of them to have a meal, and he didn't understand what he meant for a while.

Simon Yuntu said coldly: "You don't look like children anymore. How can you play with a child? Can't you find a better excuse?"

...Can you be polite to each other?

Duanmu Yawang felt a headache. Sure enough, it would make people's brains hurt if they didn't follow common sense.

Since he is so straightforward, Duanmu Yawang is not polite, "We did come here to talk to Miss Ximen about something, but Miss Ximen is a child, I'm afraid that if you talk about it, you can talk about it for nothing. Interested to talk to us?"

Simon Yuntu moved one eyelid.

He did not answer immediately.

For a moment, he thinned his lips: "I don't think, what bargaining chip you can say is to talk to me."

"No chips?"

Ye Nongying suddenly laughed angrily, "I didn't know who robbed the embroidered bag from the embroidered bag."

If you don't like it, why steal it?

Send a spaceship to make compensation later?

Since they can use the spacecraft as compensation, then it shows that they must attach great importance to the things stolen by Duanmu Yawang.

With regard to this matter, Simon Yuntu didn't feel any guilt at all, and said coldly: "It is useless to say more, you open a bargaining chip, let me hear that it is appropriate to talk to you more simply."

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Ya looked at each other, and lost their minds for a while.

Ye Nongying didn't expect things to be so tricky, "Or, let's go back first?"

"I've come here, just leave like this, it would be a waste of time." Besides, didn't they already tell the Fang family that they won't go back at noon?


"your eyes."

Duanmu Yawang looked up to Simon Yuntu's eyes and took a deep breath, "If I can heal your eyes, can this be a bargaining chip?"

Simon Yuntu's face changed slightly.

However, that's all.

He pursed his thin lips slightly, "Did Xiao Yue say that?"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, very surprised: "Miss Ximen did ask me that." However, she didn't expect Ximen Yuntu to know his sister this way, and she knew that it was his sister's idea.

After all, she is a healer, and he has problems with his eyes. If she opens such a bargaining chip, ordinary people will only think that it is her idea.

"She went to see you yesterday?"


Simon Yuntu was much taller than them. They only reached his shoulder. He glanced at them for a moment, and finally said, "Come in."

After that, he took the lead in the door.

Ye Nongying and Duanmu Ya looked at each other and followed.

Ye Nongying was a little worried again, and spoke to Duanmu Yawang Xinyu: "Heal the eyes, are you sure about it?"

"Not sure."


Ye Nongying was mad at her, "I'm not sure you say that again? You are not afraid that he suddenly throws us out?"

"If he really knows how to do it."

"Looking at a very crude person, do you think it's impossible for him to do it?"

"I think he is quite reasonable."

"..." Ye Nongying suddenly had nothing to say.

Duanmu Yawang said his thoughts: "I said I was not sure, because we had no idea what his eyes were like now."

In other words, the reason why Simon Cloud Atlas wears an eye mask may be due to damage to the visual membrane, or a problem with the entire eyeball. The worst is the removal of the eyeball.

"Yes, how dare you say healing?"

"Of course it's to come in."

"People can throw you out if they come in!"

"I said he was quite reasonable."

"?" Why did the topic wrap around here again?

Duanmu Yawang was not angry, thinking she was utterly stupid: "Usually a person talks about the bargaining chip, and it depends on the situation, right? He always has to let me see his situation first, and I see the situation before I know if it can be cured, right?"

Ye Nongying finally understood, "You mean, you just want to delay the time until Ximen Yingyue comes back?"


Finally realized her intentions.

She really felt that Ye Nong Ying's IQ had dropped.

Otherwise, she is so smart, it would be impossible to understand her thoughts in a big circle.

"What are you two whispering? This way."

This matter, on the other side, sounded the voice of Simon Yuntu.

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were taken aback, only to realize that there was a Y-shaped corridor behind them. They talked and walked on the left, while Ximen Yuntu walked on the right corridor.

This is embarrassing.

"Excuse me."

The two can go astray without saying a word, and anyone with a brain knows that they must be talking in private.

It's okay to talk in private, but the scary thing is to be exposed on the spot by the person who talks about it.

Simon Yuntu glanced at them coldly: "I'm not interested in what you said. I just want to say what I want to say on the spot. Even if I hear it, I don't think I heard it."


Okay, it's even more embarrassing.

Ximen Yuntu didn't feel embarrassed, and turned around to continue walking after speaking.

Ye Nongying looked at his back, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "How come there are people with such strange brains in this world?"

Ye Nongying's words were spoken, and the strange-brained person walked in front, but he really didn't hear it, and walked freely.


Duanmu Ya looked at her, and said in a bad mood: "Don't skin anymore."

The Ximen Mansion is indeed much larger than the Fang Mansion. The design of the courtyard or the corridor houses is more magnificent. There are not many people in the mansion. Only one or two people can be seen occasionally. At other times, it is deserted and unpopular.

Ximen Yuntu took them in the corridor for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a gate.

At the same time, an old man with at least seventies came upon him.

The old man saw Ximen Yuntu respectfully call the Patriarch, and was stunned when he saw Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying, his eyes were still a little excited: "Here, these two young ladies are..."

"Xiao Yue's friend."


The old man was a little bit dumb, obviously he couldn't believe how old his own lady would have friends of this age.

Moreover, this woman with black hair and black eyes is obviously the rumored Miss Duanmu, right?

Ximen Yuntu glanced at the old man and said lightly: "Serve some tea and snacks to entertain the guests."

"Eh, yes!"

The old man replied, and respectfully said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying: "Miss Duanmu, I am the steward of the Ximen House. My slave is named Liang. You and your friends don't know what kind of snacks or tea do you like?"

"How do you know my surname Duanmu?" Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows.

"Miss Duanmu is a real joke. Almost no one knows your name in Exile Street. No matter where you go, you will surely recognize it at a glance."

Duanmu Yawang sighed lightly, "Okay, I understand."

"The minions don't disturb the chat between you and the Patriarch. I don't know what you like..."

"Don't bother, we don't pick, just feel free."


Guanshi Liang nodded and left in a hurry.

After he left, no one spoke for a while, and the whole hall fell into a terrible silence.


Duanmu Yawang couldn't stand the quietness, and she covered her lips and coughed slightly, "Master Ximen..."

Before she could finish her words, Simon Yuntu said directly: "Don't waste your tongue, just tell us your purpose of coming here."

Is it so straightforward?

Duanmu Yawang originally wanted to say a few words, but he felt refreshed when he heard the words. He raised his eyes and looked at Ximen Yuntu and said, "Master Ximen should also know that we are outsiders. Since outsiders come here, they are all there. Purposeful."

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