When Duanmu Yawang woke up the next day, she felt that someone was moving in the bed, so she opened her eyes to take a look.

Gong Yulan didn't see it, but instead saw Xiao Bailu pouting his **** and playing on the bed.

"Why are you here?"

Duanmu Yawang opened her eyes in a daze, and patted his **** by the way, "I'm so courageous, don't you be afraid that Gong Yulan will just see and throw you out the door?"

Little Bailu covered her little **** and hummed softly, "Master, you haven't woken up yet, Gong Yulan will leave soon!"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback for a moment, then opened her confused eyes, "When did you leave?"

"It's like that in four days."

After Xiao Bailu finished speaking, he asked suspiciously: "Don't you know yet?"

At four shifts, she estimated that it hadn't been long before she fell asleep.

In other words, Gong Yulan ran away after sleeping?

Duanmu Yawang's face turned green, and she whispered: "Sure enough, men are really ruthless."


Little Bailu suspected that he had heard it wrong, "What did you say?"

Duanmu Yawang naturally couldn't repeat that sentence to him, and asked him: "Fei Fei also followed?"


Speaking of this, Xiao Bailu complained: "Fei Fei was in the second heaven yesterday, and he told me that he could take me to play until noon today, but it turned out that four days later, he hurriedly woke up and talked to Fan. Grandpa passed away together."

"It should be something urgent."

Gong Yulanzhi also said to leave today, but he didn't say when he would leave today.

If Huo Fei said it was noon, then the originally scheduled time might be noon.

If you leave early, there must be something to deal with.

"The big night, just go out like this, it's weird." Little Bailu sighed, "The most regrettable thing is that the plan I played today has been ruined again."

"Don't play around all day long." Duanmu Yawang chuckled at his face, "How many times do you want me to say, eat more than anyone else, don't say that I can't work, and I don't even want to practice. If it lasts a lifetime Not too big, you will regret it!"

"Hmph, don't scare me." Xiao Bailu looked proud: "Fei Fei said that it's good to grow up slowly. You can play for a few more years, and you will take responsibility when you grow up."

Duan Muya said twice, "Fei Fei is the one who opens your mouth and shuts up, but now it's not Fei that raises you, it's me who raises you."

Sometimes, her master can really fail. Other people's little pets must be gifted one by one, and can do many things for the master. She is a good one, only eating and drinking, nothing else.


Little Bailu was momentarily guilty, and said carefully to his fingers, "Also, I can't say that it is completely useless. Think about my saliva, my tears, and the most important thing is my antlers. That is priceless!"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "If you say this, I suddenly remembered that I haven't studied medicine for a long time, so by the way, have I collected materials on the spot?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

Little Bailu grumbled, "Wouldn't you want me to cry again, do you want my tears?"

"Forget it." Duanmuya thought of something and sighed: "The medical system is gone. I don't have any containers now. If you cry, you will cry for nothing."


Little Bailu really didn't know whether to be grateful or sad.

"But for nothing, you are really going to be behaved." Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head, "Your saliva, your tears and even antlers, will definitely become more useful as your skill increases, otherwise it's too weak, I will change If you are strong, you can't keep up with your functions, and you really want to dislike you."


Little Bailu sighed, "It's not that I don't want to practice, but I'm a deer, it's difficult to practice, and... forget it."

He didn't plan to say this anymore, "It's almost noon now, and the manager has come to ask you to have lunch. Don't you get up and freshen up and go over to eat?" He couldn't help but muttered, "I really don't understand. If you turn off the lights and go to bed at night, how can you sleep until noon?"

He also said that he can sleep, can she sleep better!

Duanmu Yawang ignored his muttering and frowned when he saw a few things on the pillow next to him: "What are these?"

"I don't know, isn't it yours?"

Duan Muya didn't want to speak, stretched out her hand and took the thing to look at it.

Those are two bottles of fairy dew, one bottle of spiritual water, and three books.

Of these three books, one is about things, one is about cheats, and the other is about mind.

In addition, there is something like a long-life lock.

"You don't know, it must be Gong Yulan who left it to you, right?" Xiao Bailu picked up the longevity lock and said, "I don't know what this lock was made of. When I picked it up and played with it, , I always feel that there is a faint aura coming out, which is very strange."

Duanmu Ya looked at it and took it from his hand.

Little Bailu was right. As soon as Changming Lock was used, he felt a very clean but heavy aura.

The aura of aura is a bit like that of Gong Yulan.

"However, why did Gong Yulanzhi give you a longevity lock? He gave you all these books you need and you can use, but what use is this longevity lock for you? Is it necessary for you to wear it? As jewelry?"

Duanmu Yawang patted his head and said, "This kind of long-life lock, at first glance, I know that it is worn by a child."


Xiao Bailu also felt unreasonable, "Even if I want to give you jewelry, I also give you jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, etc. It's too strange to give you longevity locks."

"Okay, don't study these. Let's pack up quickly, and then go to eat, don't let others wait too long." When she said, carefully packed up those things and put them in the Qiankun bag together.

After freshening up, she went to the hall with Xiao Bailu.

When she and Xiao Bailu went to the hall, Fang Zhu's Ruoxing and Ye Nongying were already sitting in the hall.

Seeing Duanmu Ya looking over, Lord Fang stood up: "Miss Duanmu."

"You don't have to be polite, Lord Fang, sit down."

Duanmu Yawang was a little embarrassed. Seeing that Xiao Wuzheng was missing from the hall, she raised her eyebrows and asked Ye Nongying: "Mr. Xiao hasn't come yet?"

Ye Nongying sneered, "How do I know?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled, "Why, in a bad mood?" He was obviously grumpy!

Fang Zhushang smiled and answered her question for her just now: "No matter what happened, I left Exile Street last night. It is estimated that it will take ten and a half months to come again."

"That's it." So Ye Nongying had been left behind, so he was in a bad mood and grumpy?

and also?

In that case, she and Ye Nongying seem to have the same disease?

Oh, man!

The Lord Fang asked, "Miss Duanmu, in the morning, the steward heard Young Master Bai say that Master Gongyu, Master Huo Fei, and Old Master Fanjing had all left the house because of something, right?"


Duanmu Yawang said apologetically: "It's really rude to live in your house and come and go without saying hello."

"Where and where." Fang Zhushang waved his hand quickly, "Young Master Gongyu must have come and go because of important things. You and I are friends, and he is our great benefactor of exile on the street. You don't have to be constrained by red tape. Besides, outside the house. I woke up early in the morning to see that the enchantment was repaired. It was possible to repair it so quickly, it should be thanks to Lord Gongyu who did it himself, right?"

"Yes, he repaired it at night."

The master Fang asked very concerned: "The mansion is still big, Lord Gongyu originally had excessive consumption of spiritual power, so he started to repair the barrier of my mansion so quickly, can Lord Gongyu bear it?"

"He is not a person who likes to hold on. If he can't do it, he won't do it."

"That's good." Fang Zhu said with a smile: "To be honest, the barrier in the mansion is much stronger and stronger than before. We can really say that it is a blessing in disguise. If the Lord Gongyu is still there, no matter what, I have to thank him personally."

"It was he who broke the barrier and broke in. He should repair it. You don't have to be polite, Lord Fang."

Before the Lord Fang spoke, Fang Ruoxing answered with a pity: "I didn't expect Master Gongyu to leave so soon. I have been looking forward to seeing Master Gongyu again in the past two days."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said: "Miss Duanmu, don't get me wrong, I'm just pure worship and curiosity, no other meaning."

Duanmu Yawang felt amused: "I know."

The dishes are almost ready, Fang Zhushang greeted everyone to start eating, and said: "Silly girl, it's not just you. I don't know how many people told me in the past few days that they want to see Gongyu, but because of Gongyu I don't like seeing outsiders, I refused them one by one."

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