Fang Zhushang smiled bitterly, clasped his fist and said, "I'm the one who has no right to discipline and is rude."

Duanmu Yawan waved her hand, remembering one point, and couldn't help asking: "If there is no curse on the exile street and the grass is lush, everyone can also farm for a living and live self-sufficiently, then will the struggle for exile become less so every year? Is it necessary?"

When there is a curse, in order to escape the harsh environment of the low zone, everyone constantly tries to climb up.

Now if everyone’s lives are all right, there shouldn’t be such a big desire to go to the high and polar regions.

"Yes, the existence of nobility may also be weakened."

Fang Zhushang said frankly: "We have also considered this, but there are no rules and no radius, and people cannot be free from constraints. After all, the high polar regions have prospered for millennia and centuries, and the resources are not comparable to the low regions and the central regions. In order to seek more For good development, everyone has to be stronger and better."

Xiao Wuzheng shook his fan and said, "In fact, it is like an ordinary empire. There are still few people who are satisfied with self-sufficiency. Many people still yearn for Kyoto and a place with better resources and conditions."


In fact, the Exile Festival will gradually become like other empires.

Towards generalization.

Fang Zhu said: "Miss Duanmu, can you please help to ask Lord Gongyu's opinion tonight?"


She would ask, but Gong Yulan would definitely not agree.

"Thanks a lot."

Fang Zhu handed his hand to thank you, and smiled: "Speaking of which, you have all helped us a lot, Lord Gongyu helped us the whole exile street, and you helped my daughter. Speaking of thanks, I also want to thank you well. Row."

"no, I'm fine."

Duanmu Yawang waved her hand, "We have been harassing in your house for so long, you don't have to be polite."

Xiao Wuzheng was helpless: "You are all friends, so don't always put these kind words of thanks to you."

"Mr. Xiao's words are extremely true."

"Okay, Fang has seen you outside."

Fang Zhushang smiled heartily, stood up, and said: "I still have some things to deal with, so I'll go to the study first, let's talk slowly."


Before Fang Zhu went up, the other party Ruoxing said: "Your legs and feet are inconvenient, go back and rest soon, don't stay too late."


As a result, the remaining few people didn't talk too much, and they all went back to their rooms after a while.

When she returned to the room, she saw the steward hovering outside the door.

She stepped forward and asked curiously: "But what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Duanmu, are you back?" The steward wiped the sweat from his forehead and said embarrassingly: "The kitchen is ready, but, I, I don't dare to knock on the door, I'm afraid that I will quarrel with Gongyu." Benefactor, he can't afford it.


Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile, but he didn't expect the steward to be so cautious.

However, it is good to be cautious.

Otherwise, he would find that no matter how he knocked on the door, Gong Yulan would never open the door to let him in.

It will only be more embarrassing.

She moved her eyes and said, "Well, he just doesn't like the smell in the room. You will bring the meal to Master Huo Fei's room, and I will ask him to eat it later."


The manager nodded quickly, "Then I will do it."


Duanmu Yawang watched him leave in a hurry.

Then I entered the room.

After she entered the room, Gong Yulan opened his eyes.

Duanmu Yawang looked at his expression, "Alright?"


Gong Yulan stopped patting her side.

Duanmu Yawang sat down.

He wasn't satisfied yet, so he hugged someone on his lap and wanted to kiss him.

"do not."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and said vaguely: "I'm going to wash my mouth."


"Eat fish." There was a fishy smell in his mouth.


Duanmu Yawang jumped up and jumped off his lap.

There are also things that can be brushed in the room. She scrubbed it again and drank two glasses of water. Then she came back and sat down by the bed, "There are always people outside the room, should you know?"


He held the man in his arms again, taking advantage of it twice.

Where is the peculiar smell, it is still fragrant, soft and sweet.

"I just don't want to care about people, right?"

"Why bother?" Firstly, he didn't know him, and secondly, he didn't want people to approach him.

"All right."

Duanmu Yawang was softened by the kiss, sitting in his arms too lazy to move, and lazily yawned: "I knew it would be like this. The host said that he would hold a feast for you, and I knew you. I will definitely not participate."

Gong Yulan slid his palm into her clothes, rubbing her waist, and frowned, "Xie Yan?"

Duanmu Yawang repeated the meaning of Fang Zhu.


Gong Yulan didn't express any opinions at all, and his hand movements became more and more excessive.

"Are you coming?"

She raised her eyes and stared at him: "We've been together for a whole day." It would be too much to come back.

"If you have time, you can continue to hang around for three days." The touch was so good that he couldn't bear to move away.

He wouldn't be tired even if he had been together for three days.

"I can't." After three days, she couldn't bear it in one day!

Also, "You are a **** and can't think about these things all day."

Gong Yulan frowned, feeling a little aggrieved: "We haven't seen each other for so long." I really want to make it up. I don't know how many days it will take to make it up.


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath and couldn't help but ask: "In other words, don't gods are not tainted with the world, and color is emptiness?"

"That's Buddha."

Gong Yulan frowned: "We are also born from a womb. You wouldn't think that we were born from heaven and earth, right?"

...Seems to be too?

She coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Seriously, you will never attend the feast for the host, right?"


Duanmu Yawang put his arms around his neck, "Also, when will you leave this time?"

"the day after tomorrow."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "One day more than I thought."

She originally thought he was leaving tomorrow.

Gong Yulan cast aside his face, "Originally today."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and blinked: "Be with me?"

"You stay with me." He wants her to stay with him longer.

Duanmu Yawang found it very difficult, "Aren't you continuing to want to hang out with me in Fang Mansion, right?"

"not good."

Gong Yulan stopped twisting his eyebrows, "The muddy air is too heavy."

Duanmu Ya let out a look, staring at him incredibly, "Don't you want me to go to the wild with you, right?" Play in the wild?

Are gods so wild?

Gong Yulan's ears turned red, "It's not a gangster."

"Is there something serious to do?"

"Walk around." Gong Yulan was helpless, "Don't always talk about being together."

"Then you don't want to be a gangster all the time." Duanmu Yawang took his hand away from her waist, and then she really wanted to feel the fire. She is sitting on his lap now, does he think she can't feel it?

Gong Yulan looked down and said nothing.

Duanmuya squinted at him, just about to speak, Gong Yulan stopped raising his eyes, and discussed: "Why don't you stay together for another night, tomorrow I will take you to play?"


Duan Muya sighed, "If we really hang out for another night, we will probably spend it in bed tomorrow, and still want to play?"

However, having said that, "You still want to play? Where do you go?"

Duanmu Yawang had no idea that there would be a play word in Gong Yulanzhi's dictionary.

"Nine Heavens, this time, it is said that this time should be the time when primroses are everywhere."

Duanmu Yawang was stunned, "Nine Heavens?"


"Can I go up?"

"I am here."


"You don't want to go?"

Of course I do!

She stared at him, "Are you serious?"



Gong Yulan's lips curled up, and he leaned over to kiss her, and slid his palm into her clothes. "Then we continue to fight?"

Come on, before she could speak, she closed her lips.


Duanmuya's eyes widened, and she was clearly talking about going to play. Why did she suddenly talk about being together?

After the kiss, her mind went blank, but she still said what she was thinking.

"Didn't you just say that you hang out for one night, and then go play?" Gong Yulan stopped his fingertips, and the two of them faded.

Are there any conditions to play emotionally?

He moved too far, and Duanmu Yawang couldn't resist...

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