"Hey, I don't want to get up."

"I want to get up." Gong Yulan didn't want her to continue being hungry like this. He reached out and took the clothes he took off with his own hands, and said while tying her bellyband with the rope: "It really doesn't work, eat two spirit-building fruits?"

"No, where can fruit be eaten as a meal, I want to eat meat." She likes the feeling of greasy mouth!


Duanmu Yawang was being served by him obediently, staring at him: "His complexion still hasn't fully recovered. Obviously, I still haven't enough rest. How do you feel?"

It's not just that there is not enough rest. I have been together for so many times today, and most people shouldn't be able to stand it anymore.

On the contrary, his face is much better than in the morning.

It's just a little bit strange.

I really don't know how he did it.

Gong Yulan seemed to see her thoughts at a glance, and the corners of her lips curled up: "This is no effort."


Immortals are amazing!

"All right."

After wearing the bellyband pants, blouses, blouses, coats and skirts, he squeezed her cheek, "Get up, don't lie down, or you will be more hungry, and you will have less energy to get up and eat."


Duanmu Yawang faintly got up from the bed, and when he got up, she felt that she was sore and limp, especially in the place that was hard to tell.

"I really want to indulge myself."

She leaned on her waist, wrinkled her face and said that she was going to get out of bed.

"and many more."

Gong Yulan just pressed her, "I'll rub it for you."

When I said that, I pressed her on her leg and used the spiritual energy to relieve her on her waist. I also rubbed what should or should not be rubbed. Duanmu Yawang was supposed to stop it, but it was really much more comfortable.

She has a lot of energy.

"All right."

She got up seriously and put on her shoes.

Gong Yulanzhi also dressed and put on shoes.

Duanmu Yawan glanced at his face and frowned: "You don't need to eat, you don't need to accompany me. You can stay in the room and rest."

"No, I'll accompany you."

"What's there to accompany, do you watch me eat?"


Taken for granted.


Duanmu Yawang was very angry, "No, I can do it by myself, you just stay obediently." When he said, leaning over, Mua kissed his cheek, "I'm leaving."


After receiving a kiss, Gong Yulanzhi was convinced and sat cross-legged on the bed.


"You don't need to sleep." Gong Yulan stopped saying: "Almost, you can get your breath back when you enter Ding and stabilize."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Then let me go?"


As a result, Gong Yulan stopped concentrating his mind and continued to meditate, and Duanmu Yawang went out.

As soon as she went out to the courtyard, she saw the steward approaching.

"Miss Duanmu!"

The manager saw her with a happy face and greeted her: "Are you awake?"


Duanmu Ya looked at her belly and said directly: "I'm a little hungry, can I have food at the house now?"

"Of course." The steward looked at her pale little face and said distressed: "You have not eaten for almost three days. You must be hungry? After melting the curse in the morning, there are too many things, both the master and the subordinates. I didn’t treat the guests well in the mansion. In the afternoon, things were almost done. Ask about the kitchen, but the kitchen said that Young Master Huo Fei told no one to disturb you and Young Master Gong Yu, and that Master Gong Yu was exhausted and needed a good rest."

After speaking, he asked nervously again: "Is Gong Yu okay?"


Duanmu Yawang shook his head and said, "He will go into meditation for a while and it will be fine."


The steward nodded quickly, and said: "By the way, is the meal brought into your room to be used with Young Master Gongyu?"


Duanmu Yawang didn't want to disturb Gong Yulan, so it would be better for him to calm down and settle down. "Don't disturb him for the time being, just find me a place and bring me some food."

"Miss Ye and Mr. Xiao did not eat with the Lord and Miss and the others at night. Only Miss Zhu Shang and Mrs. Bai, Mr. Huo Fei and Mr. Fanjing ate at night. Are you going to eat with Miss Ye and the others? "


Naturally, there are so many people to eat, but, "Why haven't they eaten so late?"

"I don't know, it seems that something has gone out for a while, and no one answered when I knocked on the door of the room at night."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, "I'll go and eat with them." As he said, he moved towards the hall as soon as he lifted his footsteps.

"Miss Duanmu, please wait." The steward stopped her, and asked with some worry: "Young Master Gongyu is our great benefactor in the entire exile street, so I can't neglect it. Young Master Gongyu should have no food for a day. Can you not eat? ?"

It is indeed unusual for a person not to eat or drink for a day.

Duanmu Ya looked at the tip of his nose, and said, "He is finished entering Ding later, and he can send some food over." At most, he can't eat any more, and ask Xiao Bailu and Fan to pass by to finish eating. It is Gong Yulan who stopped eating. Just fine.


The steward was relieved, "Miss Duanmu, go, I'll talk to the kitchen again and make more of your favorite food and send it to the hall."


Duanmu Yawang then went to the hall.

When I went to the entrance of the hall, it was quite quiet inside, and there was no chatter.

She looked inside, and she really saw Ye Nongying and Xiao Wuzheng eating.

Eat very quietly.

But, besides, Xiao Wuzheng gave Ye Nongying a dish, but Ye Nongying didn't refuse, so he just ate it like this?


When did their relationship get better?

Duanmuyan raised her eyebrows before she stepped in, "Tsk tsk, don't you two even say a word after dinner? Isn't it boring?"

As soon as she heard her voice, Ye Nongying and Xiao Wuzheng had chopsticks.

Duanmu Yawan raised her eyebrows, "How do I feel that I'm bothering you?"

"Come to eat and eat, so many words?" Ye Nongying snorted softly. Seeing that her face was springy, her ears were red, but she didn't say anything, and she handed her a bowl, "I heard you are today. Didn't eat?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the bowl and coughed softly, "Yes, Gong Yulan feels uncomfortable, so he rests with him."

"..." It seemed to be true.

Ye Nongying rolled her eyes secretly.

She didn't understand. Didn't it mean that Gong Yulan had spent too much spiritual energy and was almost dizzy. She still had the strength to do such a thing?

"And you?"

After Duanmu Yawang put the chopsticks into her mouth, she looked at her and asked, "The steward said that no one would answer when he knocked on your door. You are eating now, are you going out together?"


Ye Nongying buried her head in the bowl, and said vaguely: "You asked so much what you did, so you haven't eaten for so many days, didn't you starve you?"

"It's really going to be starving." Duanmuya almost gobbled up food, leaving a little free chat: "However, God is going to have a chat."

When I said that, when I accidentally caught a glimpse of Ye Nongying's head down, there was a little trace on the back of his neck.

She is familiar with these traces.

She moved her eyes and laughed happily.

She finally understood why the two of them had just gotten better.

It turned out that something happened to Quiet Mimi.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Nongying always felt something wrong when she saw her smiling like a fishy cat. "You take such a big mouthful and laugh like this, so you are not afraid of choking?"

"Not afraid."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged while talking, glanced at Xiao Wuzheng, and whispered to him secretly: "Mr. Xiao, come on!"

Xiao Wuzheng glanced at her with a move of his eyelids.

Duanmu Yawang blinked.

Xiao Wuzheng smiled suddenly and replied: "Okay."

After that, I added a sentence: "If you didn't come just now, I think we will make faster progress."

"..." Sure enough, he was disgusted.

"In other words, we are about to go to the endless city. Before that, I advise you to take her down, otherwise I'm afraid you will regret it."

Speaking of the endless city, Xiao Wuzheng frowned and didn't refute, but only responded: "Yeah."

"Shadow is hard-talking and soft-hearted."

"I know."

What more Duanmu Yawang wanted to say, Ye Nongying was so keen, she narrowed her eyes and stared at the two of them: "Are you talking in your heart?"

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang shrugged and asked with a smile without shy: "Do you want to know what we said?"

Ye Nongying's eyelids twitched, and she curled her lips: "I'm not interested."

"forget about it."

Duanmu Yawang was very satisfied with the expected answer, and put a bite of meat into her mouth, "This meat is delicious, fragrant and tender, would you give it a try?"

Ye Nongying snorted, not wanting to pay attention to her.

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