The Brahma Sutra twists the eyebrows: "The space of the sea of ​​consciousness generally chooses to fade away with the death of people. Xiaoyawang is almost euthanized, and the brain is almost dying. The consciousness of the sea should be to prevent herself from disappearing. The sea pulled away."

"Where did you pull away?"

Duanmu Yawang was anxious, "Yin Huiyin is still inside! Also, all my medical machinery, Western medicine and Chinese medicine are all inside!"

Whether it is Yin Huiyin or the things she brought in her previous life, it is very important to her.

"I don't know this."

The Brahma Sutra shook his head, and said in a puzzled way: "However, generally speaking, when a person really dies, the sea of ​​consciousness will automatically be withdrawn, but haven't you been euthanized? Why did you withdraw from the sea of ​​consciousness? Woolen cloth?"

He also couldn't figure this out.


Duanmu Yawang collapsed a bit.

For Yin Huiyin, but also for her medical machinery and various medicines.

"Is there any way to get it back?"

"It's not automatically pulled away." At this time, Gong Yulan who was lying on the bed opened his eyes, and his slightly pale lips lifted: "It was recalled by its owner."

"We quarreled you?"

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly sat down by the bed, "You continue to rest, don't worry about anything, we just go out and discuss it."

"I'm better."

Gong Yulan stopped her hand and stroked her worried and worried face with a big palm.

His palm is very wide, and one palm can easily hold her face.

He likes this feeling very much.

"I can't tell." He likes to touch, and Duanmu Yawang also follows him, but: "Your complexion still hasn't changed at all." It's still very pale.

Gong Yulan didn’t answer, he said, “Don’t worry, the people in the source of Linghu must be fine, they are free to move, and get out of it whenever you want. As for you, if you like the source of Linghu very much. , Reluctant to bear those things, just ask the owner of the source of Linghu to come back."

"Really? Yin Huiyin is okay?"

"Do not believe?"

"Believe!" How could he lie casually?

Just, "its owner?"

Duanmu Yawang was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiao Bailu.

Little Bailu blinked and understood. He was shocked when he saw Gong Yulan staring at him. He hid behind Huo Fei and shook his head like a rattle: "Don't, don't look at him. Me, I don’t know anything! Since he disappeared, I don’t know where he went, and I don’t understand why he suddenly pulled the source of the lake from your sea of ​​knowledge. !"

"No one said you know."

Duanmuya was very angry when he saw Gong Yulan when he saw Gong Yulan like a mouse and a cat. "What are you afraid of?"

Little Bailu pouted aggrievedly with his fingers: "Don't I think I need to explain it?"

The Brahma Sutra twisted his eyebrows and didn't understand: "The owner of the source of Linghu didn't stay at the source of Linghu obediently and guarded the source of Linghu, what did he do when he went out?" And it has been half a year since he left.

"Who knows."

Little Bailu shrugged, "He won't tell me, I don't dare to ask, he will definitely bully me when he asks."

Duanmuya saw that Gong Yulan was still asleep, and looked at her with his eyes open, and couldn't help asking, "Do you know where the master in vain is?"

"I don't know."

The Brahma Sutra curls his lips: "Xiao Yawang, the master is the only one who can clearly know where you are, but he will not spend his thoughts on other people. You know, how much power is needed to keep track of a person? Tracking one more person, the owner is afraid that he will have to sleep a few more hours a day to be well."

Gong Yulan narrowed his eyes, "So many words?"


Only then did the Brahma Sutra realize that his master was not willing to complain to Duanmu Yawang himself.

But think about it, the master himself is reluctant to say a bad thing to Xiao Yawang. If he casually tells his face that he is not good, how can the master bear it?

But then again, he didn't say anything bad to Xiao Yawang either!

Duanmu Yawang didn't think there was anything wrong with the words of the Brahma Sutra, but instead let her know something, "You have been tracking me with strength?"

She also felt strange, why every time, what happened to her, he could come in time no matter where he was.

"Not tracking."

Gong Yulan felt that the word tracing was similar to tracing, and there were some who did not respect people, so he corrected him: "Dragging."


Duanmu Yawang blinked, wondering what the word was.

The Brahma Sutra rolled his eyes.

He felt that his goose bumps had fallen to the ground.

No one knows his master better than him. Doesn't he just want to express that it is not that he is tracking her, but that he has been led by her?

In short, even if he is a kite, the string is always in her hand, and he knows that she must be on the other end of the line.


Duanmu Yawang looked puzzled, Gong Yulan didn't intend to explain more, just said: "Do you want to find his master?"


Yin Huiyin is personally free, she has nothing to worry about now, but she feels unsure that the medical machinery is not around with all kinds of medicines.

Now the whole person is anxious.

"I will find it for you?"

"Do not."

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly held him down, "Come slowly, don't worry, you rest first. From now on, close your eyes and go to sleep."

"I'm better."

"You're not good."

Duanmu Yawang looked at his face, and said without holding his beak: "Now sleep well, let's go out and talk back."

Gong Yulan drooped his eyelids, pursing his lips without answering.

Obviously not happy anymore.

The Brahma Sutra's eyelids twitched, he touched the tip of his nose two steps forward, and pulled Huo Fei's sleeve, "Fei Fei, let's go back to the room and study."

Huo Fei was taken aback, "But we are not tired yet."

Moreover, he wants to continue to see his brother.

He still couldn't help worrying about his brother.


The Sanskrit scriptures hide their faces silently.

The little master is usually very smart. Now what is his brother's thoughts, hasn't he actually noticed it?

"Grandpa Brahma Sutra, what's the matter?" Huo Fei twisted his eyebrows.

Little Bailu, who was always stupid, also reflected, and said to him: "Fei Fei, don't hinder the master and your brother. Your brother wants to be alone with the master."


Huo Fei blushed and looked at Gong Yulanzhi and Duanmuya: "We are also tired, so we will go back to rest first."

After speaking, Huo Fei took Xiao Bailu out and left.

But the Brahma Sutra was uneasy, took out the fairy dew and placed it next to the table, and exhorted: "Xiaoya Wang, let the master drink two more mouthfuls of the fairy dew when he is free, let him go and get rid of the staleness."


Brahma Sutra: "There are..."

"go out."

Gong Yulan didn't give him a chance to say more, and said coldly, "Do you want me to throw you out?"

"No, the subordinates will leave now."

The Brahma Sutra trembled and ran away.

Suddenly only Duanmu Yawang and Gong Yulan were left in the room.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile: "Why is the Brahma Sutra always so afraid of you?"

Gong Yulan didn't answer, pulling his hand, Duanmu Yawang changed from sitting to lying on his chest.

He muffled: "You sleep with me."


Duan Muya kissed his chin, struggled to take off his shoes, but Gong Yulan held her tighter.

Duanmu Yawang was helpless: "I take off my shoes."

As soon as she finished speaking, Gong Yulan turned his face to look at her feet, but in the blink of an eye, the shoes on her feet took off.

Duanmu Yawang smiled suddenly.

However, she couldn't laugh anymore soon, and Gong Yulan stopped her arms and turned over, then pressed on her.

She felt a state that a weak person shouldn't have.

She was shocked, "You...uh!"

Sealed with a kiss.

This kiss has the potential to start a prairie fire.

Duanmu Yawang was limp, she pushed him: "You, don't you want to rest?"

"Take a good rest."

"Liar, you, well, your face is still very bad."

"Looking at the face is inaccurate, you can feel it in other places."


Duanmu Yawang couldn't believe that Gong Yulanzhi said this, she was a gangster!

Gong Yulan has only changed!

"You rascal!"

"It's in love."

When Gong Yulan stopped speaking, her clothes faded with a move of her fingertips.

He used his actions to tell her what it means to be in love.

Gods, take off their clothes faster than people!

The body temperature is close, Duanmu Yawang has no time to resist,...

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