Her voice is not too big or small, just so that everyone can hear it.

The person carrying the basket can naturally hear it too.

But he was not angry, nor refuted, calmly said: "This condition, you also apply."


What to do, my heart is moved!

It's getting dark now. From the morning to the evening, if you continue to participate in other ceremonies, it is estimated that you will really be exhausted.

Everyone wants to finish home early.

If one painting is worth two, then it is equivalent to participating in one ceremony for two ceremonies, which is directly twice as fast!

In addition, the probability of drawing the red kit is too high, and the probability of taking the red kit for participating in other ceremonies is not necessarily high.

So, why not do it?

Except for Simon Yuntu, there is nothing to say, the other three have already made a decision when you look at me.

Ximen Yingyue raised her hand first: "I will participate!"

Ye Nongying also said, "I'll continue!"

However, the person carrying the basket didn't care about the two of them, looking at Duanmu Yawang, waiting for her approval.

Duanmu Yawang originally felt that it didn't matter. Those who saw them both had opinions and were willing to continue. Now they can draw another picture for two sachets, which is naturally happy.

She nodded to the person carrying the basket: "Okay, I will continue to paint."

The man nodded and added: "Then please continue."


Everyone continued to paint.

With the doubled Gart, everyone is serious.

But Duanmu Yawang spent another two hours to paint five or six pictures, and suddenly there were more than twenty tips.

She originally wanted to paint, but her wrist kept tingling and sore.

"Tired of drawing too many wrists?"

Yin Huiyin, who was in the depths of the source of Linghu, walked out at this time and asked with a frown.


Duanmu Yawang put down the pen and shook his wrist. With the other hand, he kneaded the muscles of the wrist and sighed, "I can't draw anymore."

"Then don't paint."

Yin Huiyin couldn't see it, "Anyway, you've already painted enough for you. Since you are tired, there is no need to persist."


Duanmu Yawang thought so too, and spread the painting to dry.

Yin Huiyin took a look at her paintings and exclaimed: "It is well painted, but also interesting." It looks like a horse, with a white head and tiger-like patterns on its body. The tail hair is slender and bright red, making it particularly tall and domineering.

He felt that he had never seen such a beast.

But it seems familiar, I really like it at first glance.

"Is it?"

Duanmu Ya Wangjing said this, with a crooked smile: "You know what, I think this Lushu is especially like you." There are too many Shanhaijing animals, and she often doesn't know which one to paint.

However, the painting of this Lu Shu felt like Yin Huiyin, so he started painting.


Yin Huiyin already liked this Lu Shu very much. If Duanmu Yawang was so happy, he hurriedly asked, "How do you say?"

"It sounds like singing, and its tail hair can make the wearer have many children, isn't it particularly good?"


Yin Huiyin was instantly disappointed, "I thought you said it was as domineering and handsome as me, what kind of tail hair and sound are it?"

"I'm complimenting you for your good-sounding voice! And it's so good with many children and grandchildren. You will definitely be able to do it in the future. Maybe there are groups of wives and concubines!" Duanmu Yawang said loudly while blinking innocently, "Besides being handsome, I didn't say anything. It's not handsome and domineering! You can tell that Juin is better. If it is an ugly beast, it will definitely not look like you."

"You can still listen to these words."

Yin Huiyin quickly became happy again, but, remembering the words before her, she sank her face: "Xiao Yawang, in your heart, I am the kind of lustful person who likes groups of wives and concubines?"

Duanmu Ya looked embarrassed, "Of course it doesn't mean that, that is to say, you will definitely enjoy life in the future!"


Yin Huiyin was satisfied.

At this time, the person carrying the basket appeared.

He stared at Duanmu Yawang's painting, and said, "It's very good."


Duanmu Yawang kept rubbing her wrist. Seeing this man came, she also said, "My hands are very tired and I won't draw anymore."

The man originally wanted to pick up the painting and look at it carefully, but he paused when he heard the words, but didn't say anything, he hummed.

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief.

The man scrolled the picture by himself, and then handed two sachets to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang took it, "Thank you."

That person shouldn't, he took the painting and turned his head and left.

Duanmu Yawang's words were naturally heard by the other three people, and they stopped writing. After the person left, they hurriedly asked her, "You don't draw anymore?"


Duanmu Yawang didn't know why, and suddenly felt that her eyelids were heavy. She yawned and said lazily: "Too tired, you should almost have enough sachets, right?"


Ye Nongying twisted her eyebrows and said, "After this picture is finished, there should be two more pictures."

"Me too."

Ximen Yingyue said, her hands kept moving, and she aggrieved: "My wrists are almost not mine."

"You can finish this picture first." When Duanmu Yawang said, he waved his hand and said, "You paint, I'll lie down."

Ximen Yingyue tutted and said, "Where can you actually fall asleep here?"

"Why can't you fall asleep?"

Ye Nongying said: "Should you not be able to sleep casually at the site of the exile ceremony?"

"Just leave it."

Duanmu Yawang was really getting sleepy, her eyelids couldn't hold her back at all. After speaking these three words, she softened and lay on the table, not caring about other people.

Others were so tired to see her look like this, so they had to start painting.

Duanmu Yawang originally planned to lie down and close his eyes to rest his mind, but he did not expect to fall asleep and had many dreams.

She was groggy, and in her dream she went to a deep forest.

The deep forests are tall and bushes, with lush grasses underfoot, and many species that have not been seen before, and the flowers are blooming, and there is a beautiful fairyland everywhere.

She had never seen such a beautiful scene before, just like the dreamy scene drawn in a 3D movie in her previous life, she kept walking.

I don't know how long I have been walking, suddenly there are many beasts around me, including giant birds several times taller than humans, small and exquisite and colorful elk, and row upon row of colored snakes.

She seemed to have seen these beasts, but she couldn't remember where she had seen them. She kept thinking about them, but couldn't remember them.

She seemed obsessed with thinking of these beasts, but before there was any result, she was shaken by someone, "Wake up, I'm leaving."

Duanmu Yawang raised her head in a daze, with sleepy eyes: "Huh?"

"I'm going back." It was Ye Nongying who shook her shoulder. She sat down next to her and said in a huff: "Look at you, you haven't slept for long, but it looks like you have slept for a whole day. I didn't wake up after calling for so long."

Duanmu Yawang felt a headache.

Even if she is not well rested, even if she wakes up suddenly, she is in such good health, and she rarely suffers from headaches.

And this headache is more like a sequelae caused by a long, long sleep.

But, "How long did I sleep?"

"Less than half an hour."

"Such a short time?"

Ye Nongying said enviously: "We don't know how envious and jealous we are when we see you sleeping. You still think that time is short."

Duanmu Yawang pinched her eyebrows, stretched her waist and asked, "Have you finished painting?"


Ye Nongying nodded, "After the drawing is finished, the two brothers and sisters are almost finished."

"Is the sachet enough?"

"Just enough."

Ye Nongying smiled when she said, "It's two and a half hours before midnight."

Duanmuya didn't want to answer. She originally wanted to lie down, and when they finished painting, no one would give them two sachets. Unexpectedly, when she slept, she actually overslept and let them take the time to paint again. Width.

She looked towards Ximen Yingyue and Ximen Yuntu, who happened to have finished drawing and put aside the pen.

Someone came to take away their paintings and gave them two red sachets.


Ximen Yingyue stood up immediately, sighed, and bent her back like a tired face, "I will never paint again in my life!"

Simon Yuntu didn't speak, and squatted down.

When Ximen Yingyue looked at it, she immediately hugged her brother's neck, her whole body was lying on Ximen Yuntu's body, her small face was resting on Ximen Yuntu's shoulder, and she leaned comfortably.

Simon Yuntu picked her up.

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