
Ximen Yingyue stared at Duanmu Yawang's hand very seriously, "I always look confused."

"Then you can do it yourself."

Duanmu Yawang handed her the cloth tape in her hand, "I teach you how to do it." There are many things that can only be done exactly by yourself.

The little girl was unwilling to reach out, "I won't."

"Just give it a try." Duanmu Yawang did not change the movement, "Even if you don't, you can learn it faster by doing it yourself."



The little girl asked her a condition: "I learn slowly, and I don't look good with my hands. You can't laugh at me, don't you know?"


Duanmu Yawang couldn't understand her brain circuit, and didn't understand what was so ridiculous about it.

Even more do not understand why she cares so much about whether others are laughing at her.

After hearing Duanmu Yawang's promise, Ximen Yingyue obediently took the things over.

After she took it, her small fingers fiddled with the cloth strips, and her big eyes stared at her fingers intently and cautiously.

However, after doing it a few times, it still failed.


"Let me tell you, I must have done something wrong, it is not the same as what you made out." When he said, he threw the things back to Duanmu Ya.

Duanmu Yawang didn't say anything. He took off the texture she had woven and handed it to her again, "I know what your problem is. You can do it again, and I will correct it for you."

The little girl hesitated, but after all she obediently followed.

She moved twice, and Duanmu Yawang grabbed one of her hands and said, "This is not right. This rope should go up."

The little girl did.

Later, Duanmu Yawang corrected her several times.

The little girl lowered her head carefully and began to knit, and it didn't take long for the texture to come out.

She brightened her eyes, "Really right!"


Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "When the time comes, you will treat the straw as these ropes, and you can do the same."

"Good!" The little girl was full of joy.

Looking at her so well, Duanmuya couldn't help but add another sentence: "But this word is also a bit complicated. You can identify the details more. It's best to simulate it first. Then, when you do it, you won't be afraid of problems. "

Ximen Yingyue nodded obediently: "Okay!"

Duanmuya looked at her so behaved, and rubbed her head like a reward.

Ye Nongying looked at the two of them, smiled, and said in a small voice to Duanmu Yawang: "She must like you very much. I think she always seems to care about you. I have a feeling, if you embroider your embroidered bag too much. Coax her, I guess she will return it to you obediently."

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about her words, and said angrily: "Have you chosen the word?"

"I have chosen it a long time ago, isn't it this?" Ye Nongying said, showing the pages of the book to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Ya looked at it, and it turned out that it was still the word ‘40’.

Duanmu Yawang frowned: "Are you sure?"

"Sure, don't you think this is really the most suitable for me?"

"Yes, but it's too complicated." Ye Nongying started her hands, feeling that she would be clumsy than a little girl, Ximen Yingyue. She really wanted to make this word, and Duanmu Yawang felt that she would collapse in time.

"It's just complicated, I'm not afraid."

Ye Nongying is confident of herself, patted her chest and assured Duanmu Yawang: "Besides, you can teach me just like you did her."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, nodded, took out a bandage again, and after tearing it into a strip of cloth, said: "I'll show you a demonstration, you can take a good look."

When I said that, I began to edit it seriously.

Ye Nongying looked at it seriously.

The more I took it, the more confused I became.

Duanmu Yawang handed her the cloth rope, and she was still confused when she let her try it on her own.

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, took the things back, and demonstrated to her again.

This demonstration has been demonstrated several times in succession, and Ye Nongying has a feeling.

However, when I started, I was still very confused.

From the beginning, I kept making mistakes.

Ye Nongying was about to cry, "Why is this so difficult?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "Didn't I say that, this is really too difficult for you, you still don't believe it, so you want to try." She herself doesn't know what kind of person she is.

"I do not believe."

Ye Nong Ying doesn't believe in evil, she really likes this word, she doesn't want to give up, "I have to try until I understand, you have to be serious and teach me."

"..." Isn't she serious enough to teach? Little girls have never learned so many times!

Ye Nongying urged her: "Don't be stunned, should I go online or go down here, or just leave it alone and entangle it with this strand of rope?"

Duanmuya hoped that she had no choice but to continue teaching her seriously.

She actually didn't understand that Ye Nongying's ten fingers were as slender as white jade, but when she started these things, they were stiff like stones, always making mistakes, and inflexible at all.

Ye Nongying is really difficult to teach. Duanmu Yawang demonstrated to her several times, and then taught her several times. She finally mastered some of the essence and was able to edit the same texture.

She is very satisfied, "It's not as difficult as you said, haven't I still learned it?"

Don't you look at how long you have used it yourself?

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to complain about her, and seriously ordered: "You have a lot of details in this word, you need to pay attention to it yourself."


Ye Nongying is still not very relieved, "Please point me to me, I will pay more attention."

Duanmu Yawang had to point out more than ten points to her one by one.

Ye Nongying took it down seriously.

"Is it all right?" Duanmu Yawang said out of anger: "Can I read my own words?"

Ye Nongying didn't answer, but stared at her faintly, and said unhappily: "I found out that you seem to be almighty. You can feel anything. There is nothing in this world that is hard to get from you."

"That's just your illusion." Duanmu Yawang said calmly: "There are so many things I don't know in this world."

"Anyway, I haven't seen you encounter anything that you can't solve." Ye Nongying said seriously, "Look, as far as these rituals are concerned, you can solve no matter how difficult it is, I even have these kinds of things. The ritual is set specifically for you to feel."

"Then you feel wrong."

"I'm complimenting you, why are you not happy?"

"I am a sober person, unrealistic compliments are not appreciated."

"Well, you are really hard to please." Ye Nongying shrugged and wanted to continue studying the details, but when she remembered something, she couldn't help asking: "I still don't understand. These textures are obviously very complicated. How can you You can tell at a glance how it is woven?"

"I used wool to knit sweaters before." Actually, it was not what she wanted to knit. It was her former teacher who forced her to weave it in order to prevent her from thinking too lively and to make her more focused.

Moreover, a fancy texture is edited every day.

Then she felt very much about the direction of the line and the production of some textures.

No matter how difficult the texture is, she can find the feeling by looking at it a few more times.

Ye Nongying wondered: "Knitting a sweater? What kind of wool is used? The wool is so short, it's not easy to knit, right?"


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, "Are you sure we will continue to talk down? Don't you want to study it?"


Ye Nong Ying smiled, and finally stopped disturbing Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang has time to start looking at his music character seriously.

Carefully study the texture and the details of the pattern.

For her, these were really not complicated, and she soon felt that she had no problems.

Closing the book, she was thinking about whether to go to the other side to prepare for editing, Ximen Yingyue in front of her turned her head and asked her, "Are you optimistic?"


Duanmu Yawang also asked her: "How about you? Are you familiar with it?"


Ximen Yingyue's eyes were shining, thinking of something, she reached out and pulled her brother's sleeves, "Brother, how about you, are you okay?"


Simon Yuntu didn't answer her at all, nor did he answer.

"Haha, brother is not well!"

Ximen Yingyue proudly satirized her brother with Duanmu Yawang, "When he came to this ceremony before, he also said that this time I must not do well like last time. He must be faster than me, but this time I am better than me. He's fast!"

Duanmu Yawang also followed with a smile.

But soon I felt something was wrong.

Ximen Yingyue mentioned the last time. Did she really participate in the same ceremony before?

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