It turned out that Ximen Yingyue really listened to her brother's words.

Duanmu Yawang didn't expect anyone to be able to control Ximen Yingyue. Looking at the two siblings, she suddenly felt that there was a lot of love between them.

Thinking of this, her hand suddenly felt heavy. It turned out that a book appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Duanmu Yawang lowered his head and saw two words-"Grassman" written on it impressively.

Could it also be a scripture?

But there is no scripture called Cao Ren...

Just looking at the title of the book, she really couldn't think of what was in the book.

Duanmu Yawang thought so, and Ye Nongying tweeted, "This book's title is really a bit scribbled, no one has given such a title."

"Perhaps, the title of this book really didn't come from anyone?"

Ye Nong Ying listened to the sound of the goose-skin playlist, "You say that, it's weird."

Duanmu Yawang ignored her, bowed her head and began to read the book seriously.

As soon as I opened the book, I was surprised to find that the content inside was very simple. A grass man was drawn on one page, a word was written on the top of the grass man, and a simple explanation was written below the grass man.

For example, on the first page, there is a word blessing written on the top of the image of the grass man, and the four-character explanation of ‘benefit and blessing’ is written under the image.

Duanmu Yawang took a closer look at the image of the grass man, and found that the "fu" grass man looked like a blessing character.

On the second page, it is a word for music. The grass man looks like a word for music, and the explanation of music is "benefit for happiness."

In addition to these general content differences, the woven texture of the grass man on each page is also different.

Ye Nongying obviously saw the content of the book, and she instantly got a headache, "Could it be the grass man who wants us to pick a page from it, take a good look, and then go over there and weave the grass man. Bar?"

Duanmuya nodded, "If there are no accidents, that's it."

This ceremony is really not what Ye Nongying is good at. She said tangledly: "The name and explanation of this scarecrow are quite simple, but the weaving pattern seems so difficult. Look at the texture, how can we make it? Come out?"

Duanmu Ya glanced over, thought for a moment, and said, "This should be fine. Take three strands of straw, weave and weave each other, and it should be formed."

Ye Nongying was confused: "Still can't figure it out."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless: "After a while, I will show you a demonstration."

"Can you?"

"It's fine to work hard anyway, and there is no rule that you can't communicate, right?"

"You are right."

Ye Nongying was happy in an instant, "Since you know this weaving method, then I need this."

"It's just that the words are more complicated."

Duanmu Yawang saw that her scarecrow had written a ‘sweet’ on it, and asked, “To make it look like this, you probably need to weave a lot of strands of straw rope, are you sure?”

Ye Nongying also hesitated: "The look is a bit more complicated, but I like the explanation below."

Duanmu Yawang glanced at the explanation below.

Indulge his ambition.

In these four words, it seems that there is no shaman, but in fact indulging his ambition is an explanation of shaman.

These four words actually mean indulgence.

Very free.

They are all people who like to be free and unrestrained, no wonder Ye Nongying likes them.

Duanmuya didn't oppose it anymore, but couldn't help but said: "Everything is good, but the formation is complicated."

"What about this fun?"

Ye Nongying actually found it too complicated. She remembered a simpler word and pointed to Duanmu Yawang: "Look, this music is simpler, but how do I feel that the weaving of this texture seems to be more complicated than the word Si Much?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the probe and found that it was indeed more complicated than Sizi.

She stared carefully for a while.

Her eyes lit up, "In fact, it is not troublesome, because the font is simple, as long as the texture is right, it can be done in one go."

"You can?"

When Ye Nongying said this, her tone was full of doubt.

"should be."

"Ye Nongying is very dissatisfied with her statement.

"I have to try to find out."

"Dare to love you all on paper?"

Duanmu Yawang retorted: "I practiced it in my mind."

"Don't you just practice it in your mind when you talk about military affairs on paper?"


Duan Muya stared at her, "Believe it or not, if you have the ability, you can do it yourself."

When Ye Nongying heard it, she felt regretful and wanted to cry, "Well, I was wrong, I believe it, I will listen to you."

Duanmu Yawang snorted coldly, and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"Don't be like this." Ye Nongying flattered and bumped her arm with an elbow. "According to you, then I want this fun?"

Duanmu Yawang was about to nod, but remembering something, he glanced at the explanation below this music, frowning: "The word blessing on the top says blessings and blessings, but the word for blessing says blessings and happiness. Why do I feel a little weird? Happiness means having happiness first? Is it to benefit or to make fun?"


After she mentioned this, Ye Nongying also felt a little strange, "According to the above explanation, it should be a blessing to have fun."

Duanmuya pinched her eyebrows, "Could it be that we are too fond of thinking and thinking too much?"

I always feel that a scarecrow ritual has turned into a brain teaser if I didn't play it for myself!

"Forget it, don't care about it!" Ye Nongying waved impatiently: "Anyway, we're just knitting the grass man. Just finish this ritual. We want to do more."

"Not at all!"

Suddenly, the voice of a fragile child came in, "There are many traps in the exile festival. Last time I counted a piece of music and compiled the music character with the pattern above. As a result, I couldn't get the red sachet."

Naturally, it was Ximen Yingyue who spoke.

Ye Nong Ying let out a cry, very curious: "Then you got the punishment sachet?"

"I don't know if it counts as punishment." Ximen Yingyue's little ghost sighed loudly: "Anyway, in the kit given to me, the words'benefit and blessing' were written."

As soon as these words came out, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other.

According to the four words in Ximen Yingyue's tips, they should have guessed correctly.

Thinking about this, Duanmu Yawang felt that she was looking at her.

She raised her eyes and met one of Simon Yuntu's eyes.

His eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes led the hunter to see the scarlet of the prey.

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids trembled, and her whole body was a little chilly.

Ye Nongying didn't notice the change of Duanmu Yawang, she continued to ask Ximen Yingyue: "You are still fine now, in other words, that is not a punishment?"

Ximen Yingyue didn't know what she thought of, so she pouted and didn't answer.

After a while, she remembered something, she reached out and pulled the hem of Mu Yawang's clothes, "You can choose a word for me, too."

Duanmu Ya looked and listened, and then he came back to his senses.

She glanced at Ximen Yuntu, and Ximen Yuntu retracted her gaze at exactly this time.

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably. She looked down at Ximen Yingyue's little hand holding her clothes, and asked instead, "You came to these ceremonies when you were so young last time? And, I remember. The ceremony seems to be different every year, right?"


After hearing what Duanmu Yawang said, Ye Nongying remembered this.

She stared at Ximen Yingyue: "Did you deliberately tease us just now?"

"Where is it."

Ximen Yingyue was innocent in her big eyes, "I didn't lie to you. The last time I participated, I was greedy for convenience. I woven a word of joy, and the sachet that I got was indeed written with those four words. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. what."

Ye Nongying hugged her arms and stared at her: "You said so much, but you deliberately wanted to trick us into trying, right?"

Ximen Yingyue blinked, "It's fine if you don't want to try, but if you haven't tried it, how do you know that I lied to you?"

"At a young age, my logical ability is really good." Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but rubbed the little girl's head. "You want to see us give it a try, plus you want me to pick a word for you, if you Willing to return my embroidered bag to me, how can I promise you?"

The little girl raised her eyebrows and raised her head to look at her brother, as if asking for his opinion.

Simon Yuntu didn't even look away from the book, and said four words: "Decide yourself."

Ximen Yingyue was obviously distressed, and she did not speak to her index finger for a long time.

After a while, she finally made a decision and looked up at Duanmuya and said: "Okay, I promise you."

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