
Inexplicably, Ye Nongying couldn't understand it at all.


Duanmu Yawang shook his head and felt that it was really inappropriate to think about this at this time. He pointed in one direction and said: "Here, it is probably the location of the wind-rising ceremony. The fourth ceremony is 500 meters away from the end of the wind-rising ceremony. Not too close, we have to leave soon."

When I said, I speeded up the pace.

"What is the fourth ceremony?" Ye Nongying asked after catching up with her quickly, walking fast.

"Have you not read the map and instructions before?"

"I watched it." Ye Nong Ying said innocently, "It's just that I usually only watch the next ceremony, but I haven't read all the papers."


Duanmu Yawang really wanted to write her a word of service.

In the end, I was too lazy to talk about her, so I simply took out the two pieces of paper from my arms and handed it to her: "Take a good look at yourself."


Ye Nongying opened the paper to look at it, and hurriedly followed her walking rhythm.

"The fourth ritual scarecrow ritual?" Ye Nongying was stunned for a moment, having no idea of ​​this word in his mind, "What kind of ghost ritual is this?"

"...You be polite." Duanmu Yawang reminded her irritably: "It's better to be a little afraid of foul language today."

"You and I come out here, I don’t know how many times I laughed, plus the second time I came out, the punishment is affirmative. Instead of restraining myself all the time, it’s better to let myself have a refreshing life. Otherwise, I will die very hard. Aggrieved."

"..." It made sense, and she couldn't refute it.

Duanmu Yawang was not angry, "There are instructions, you can read the instructions yourself."

"Weave the scarecrow, burn the scarecrow?"

Ye Nongying has one head and two big heads, "Where can I weave a scarecrow? It's easier for me to make medicine."

Duanmu Yawan curled her eyebrows, "Is it difficult for a scarecrow?" In the last life she saw how many crops, she just stroked the straw, and after another bundle, the head of the scarecrow appeared, and then she used a wooden stick to prop up a cross as the limbs of the scarecrow. .

A scarecrow was formed like this.

How difficult is this?

"It's not difficult for you to do it?"

"No." Duanmu Yawang naturally shook his head, and said: "However, I have seen pigs run without eating pork. You really can't. Look at how others knit by then, isn't it all right?"

"What if you watch it?"

"Then you have a brain problem." It's not as simple as that. There is really no other way except to blame yourself.


Ye Nongying was angry, but worried about the ceremony even more in her heart, so she didn't bother to care about it anymore.

The two walked quickly, and the five hundred meters soon arrived.

When the two of them arrived, they were startled when they saw the scene in front of them.

Almost thought I was dazzled.

Ye Nongying rubbed her eyes, then opened her eyes again, took a closer look, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I really almost thought this was a burning incense and chanting ceremony!"

Duanmuya didn't want to answer.

Because she suspected that this was the third ceremony she had attended before.

After all, two Buddha statues were also erected not far away. The height and appearance of the Buddha statues are exactly the same as the incense burning chanting ceremony.

Secondly, the people who came to participate in the ceremony were divided into two groups, one group was holding a book in his hand and burying his head in the book carefully.

This scarecrow ceremony is different from the incense burning chanting ceremony in that the second group of people in the incense burning chanting ceremony held the incense under the Buddha to recite the scriptures, while the other group of people in this ceremony sat under the Buddha statue. On the lotus puffer, there are a lot of straw branches and other things in front of them.

Looking at these two groups of people, Ye Nongying touched her chin and looked at Duan Muya: "By the way, should we go to the other side first, get the book and read it, and then go to the other side to weave the scarecrow?"

Duanmuya looked at him: "If there is no accident, it should be like this."

"Then let's go over now."

Duanmu Yawang was about to say a good word, and an unexpected voice suddenly rang from one side, "Hey, why are you here?"

This voice is crisp and tender, innocent and lovely.

It was obviously the voice of a child.

As soon as he heard this voice, Duanmu Yawang confirmed the identity of the other party.

She followed the voice and saw two people, one tall and one short.

The tall person is tall, and one of the two eyes exposed under the mask is covered by a black blindfold. The short, big eyes blinked, extremely innocent.

"Master Ximen, Miss Ximen."

Duanmu Yawang didn't expect to meet Ximen Yingyue and Ximen Yuntu at this time. She looked down and greeted them.

Ximen Yingyue held a small hand tightly by Simon Yuntu. Seeing Duanmu Yawang did not answer her question immediately, she tilted her head and stared at her, and asked again: "Why are you here?"

Duanmu Yawang felt that she asked knowingly, but still replied, "Come to the ceremony."

"You are not exiled from the street, why do you want to participate in this festival?"

"I want to see it."

"Oh, it turned out to be for fate to see."


Duanmu Yawang was speechless, but Ximen Yingyue was quite touched, "It's great that outsiders are free, and I can do things like this. If I were to die, I would have died several times."


A low, hoarse voice sounded a warning above their heads.

"Okay, if you don't say it, don't say it." Ximen Yingyue stuck her tongue out, obediently shut her mouth and stopped talking about it.

But soon, she changed the subject again: "You are all here, that is to say, you have passed the first three ceremonies?"

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to tell the other party too much, so she responded.

"Tsk tusk, you are lucky."

Ximen Yingyue sighed, then she took her little hand into her arms, and took out three sachets in one hand.

Of these small sachets, one is white, one is yellow, and one is red.

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched.

She had both the white and yellow ones. In other words, Yingyue at Ximen actually only passed the second street, and the other two streets were punished?

Ye Nongying was also astonished, and she spoke without restraint, "You were punished for the first and third rituals?"


Ximen Yingyue shrugged her shoulders, shook the sachet in her hand, and said indifferently: "No way, bad luck, no matter what you do, you will definitely be punished."

Duanmu Yawang remembered what Fangzhu had just said today about the past of the Ximen clan, and then met the nonchalant eyes of Ximen Yingyue, and suddenly she couldn't understand whether she really didn't care, or pretended not to care.

"Do you know what is written in your punishment sachet?"

"I don't know."

Ximen Yingyue yawned, and said lazily: "Punishment will be punished, not just a life, what's the point of care."


Ximen Yingyue's words were too frivolous, Ximen Yuntu seemed unhappy, and gave another warning.

"Okay, OK, I won't say anything." Ximen Yingyue snorted, "Brother, you are a dull gourd, it's not fun at all."

The boring Ximen Yuntu didn't refute his sister's words.

Duanmu Yawang looked at the two brothers and sisters and blurted out: "Isn't it enough to participate in this exile festival once within the age of sixteen? Why did you participate so early, Miss Simon?"

"It's the same morning and evening. It doesn't matter." Ximen Yingyue was really abnormal today, and her words sounded relaxed and comfortable, but on such an occasion, she seemed self-defeating.

How old is it? I guess she can't accept the ‘punished’ calmly.

At this moment, Ximen Yingyue raised her head and said to Ximen Yuntu: "Brother, let's not participate in the following ceremony. Anyway, we will be punished if we don't participate. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to take me there. Play?"

Simon Yuntu bowed his head and looked at his sister calmly with one eye.


Nor is it harsh.

Ximen Yingyue pursed her lips and said aggrieved: "Well, just participate."

Simon Yuntu took her and left.

"Eh, brother, wait!"

Ximen Yingyue's small body easily dragged Ximen Yuntu's footsteps.

He frowned and looked at his sister.

Ximen Yingyue didn't seem to care about the rules of the exile festival, she smiled, and said to Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nong Ying: "You two should also hurry up and join us in these ceremonies!"

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