"Miss Duanmu gave me seven." Fang Ruoxing smiled with big eyes, "When everyone was scared away, there should be no red sachets. I think it should be because the ceremony was not over yet. Only the last person will have a sachet."

Then, add a sentence: "There are some for nothing!"

The Lord Fang glanced at Duanmu Ya meaningfully, and did not answer Fang Ruoxing's words.

Fang Ruoxing's calmness made Fang Ruoxing feel weird, "Daddy, what's the matter? Isn't that the case?"

"That's it."

The Lord Fang rubbed his daughter's head, and asked in a gentle voice, "Is you full?"

"Well, I'm full."

"Then go back to the room and rest?"

"Huh?" Fang Ruoxing was startled, "but everyone is still here, I want to stay and chat with everyone."

"You are injured, no one is injured, you need to rest, lying down is actually the best."

"Miss Duanmu has treated the wounds for me. Just let me be careful not to move my legs casually. I haven't moved my legs!" Fang Ruoxing was not very satisfied with his father's urging him to return to the room, and stared at him suspiciously. : "Daddy, I always feel that you are driving me away."

"Daddy, how is it, when did Daddy not do it for your own good?"

"Although I said that, I also know my own body." Fang Ruoxing still didn't want to leave. "Besides, my legs and feet are inconvenient, so I can only chat with everyone during the meal. You actually Also drive me."

"No." The Lord Fang spoke gently and persuaded him. He also glanced at Duanmu Ya, and said: "Daddy is afraid that you are tired. If you don't believe me, ask Miss Duanmu, is it better to go back to the room?"

Duanmu Yawang was named, her eyelids moved, she raised her eyes and smiled: "Your current situation is indeed better when you return to the room. Besides, if you want to chat with us, we can go to your room to talk to you at any time. , Don't worry about this time."

After speaking, she asked her: "Aren't you tired after doing so many things this morning?"

"...Tired." Actually, too tired.

"That's it."

"okay then."

Fang Ruoxing was moved by Duanmu Yawang, "Then I will go back to the room first."

The master Fang glanced at the servant standing at the door, and ordered: "Send the lady back to the room to rest."


The people sent Fang Ruoxing back to Nian and sent her back to the room.

Seeing Fang Ruoxing's figure disappearing outside the door, Lord Fang looked at Duanmu Yawang and said helplessly: "Compared with my dad, Xing'er listens to you more."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, did not answer the topic, instead asked: "Lord Fang, you support Miss Fang, do you have anything to ask me."

"Miss Duanmu is really keen."

Fang Lanzhou sighed and nodded: "Yes, we really have a lot to ask you about the exile festival you participated in. I wonder if Miss Duanmu can tell you sincerely?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded frankly, "However, before the Lord Fang asks me, can you answer the confusion in my heart for me?"

The host nodded: "Please tell me."

Duanmu Yawang didn't expect the Lord Fang to answer so readily, "I might like to know more..."

"No problem, no matter what you know, just ask."

"Okay." Duanmu Yawang was not wordy. She looked at Fang Zhushang and said: "After setting off, after some ceremonies, I suddenly understood why Fang Zhu had been protecting Miss Fang and prevented her from participating in the ceremony. .Because participating in the ceremony is really dangerous, and you will be punished if you are not careful."

After that, she said, "But I don't understand. For such a dangerous thing, Master Fang loves Miss Fang so much, why not accompany her to participate?"

"This question is well raised." Fang Zhushang laughed: "Because the exile festival is also a punishment festival. The higher the area, the more terrible the punishment will be. The exile festival in the polar regions, in general, everyone You have to participate in the Exile Festival at about the age of 16, and you can only participate once in your life, and each family must send someone to participate. The more the same person participates in the Exile Festival, the higher the probability of being punished, and the punishment The more terrifying the content."

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were stunned for a moment before asking, "Why didn't the other lady say these?"

Xiao Wuzheng shook his fan, and said leisurely: "Because what he said, it is impossible for his daughter to let him accompany him. After all, if his daughter wants to participate in the exile festival, he can't rest assured that she is alone. He will definitely accompany her. Over the years, he has been dragging his daughter away from attending the event. He is also worried that he will be punished for following the attendance. He will not be able to take care of his daughter in the future, so he is suffering!"

When Xiao Wuzheng said this, Fang Zhushang smiled bitterly, "Speaking of which, Miss Duanmu, Miss Ye should understand that this time the exile festival, I actually took advantage of you, right?"

Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying looked at each other without answering.

"Here, I want to apologize to both of you and Young Master Bai." When the Lord Fang said, he stood up and bowed to the two of them. If you go with Xing'er, you will be able to complete the ceremony perfectly. But the exile festival is very dangerous, and you will be punished if you are not careful. Therefore, when I heard that you are going to participate in the exile festival, I did not inform you of the degree of danger. It’s my selfish intention to let you go with the stars."

After speaking, he added: "I am ashamed of you."

Duanmu Yawang looked at Ye Nongying: "What do you think?"

Ye Nongying shrugged, "I am a person. The more people don’t want me to do something, the more I like to do it. Even if the host informs you of the danger, I still want to try something that I haven’t tried. of."

Duanmuya nodded: "Yes, so do I."

Ye Nongying curled her mouth easily, "So, Lord Fang, you don't have to worry about this matter."

Fang Zhu was taken aback, unexpectedly they would take this matter so openly.

Most people are angry, and even break up with him, right?

"Fang, please sit down." When Duanmu Yawang said, she continued to ask what she wanted to know: "Before we set off, the steward gave us a map and some instructions for the ceremony. Is the ceremony the same for every exile festival? ?"

Lord Fang took a deep breath and sat down.

However, for Duanmu Yawang's words, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, thinking that Duanmu Yawang's question was very interesting, "Miss Duanmu, you can ask that, do you already have the answer in your heart?"

"Yes, in fact, I participated in the exile festival this time. I think the ceremony should be different every time the exile festival."

Fang Zhu's upper legs overlapped gracefully, looking at her with interest: "Why does Miss Duanmu feel so?"

"The four of us who participated this time are all participating for the first time. Except for Ms. Fang, all three of us are outsiders. It is normal for us to be unfamiliar with the rules of the exile festival. But during the wind blowing ceremony, everyone was obviously at a loss. Everyone is very unfamiliar with such rituals. It stands to reason that if it were such a ritual in every exile festival, everyone would have heard of it more or less, and they would know what to do. They would not panic so much that they would flee without the ritual. of."

Fang Zhushang smiled and nodded: "Miss Duanmu, your analysis is right. It is true that the ceremony of the exile festival is different every time. Even if there are similar, the main content will be different."

Duanmu Yawang frowned, still puzzled: "But I don't understand. If every ceremony is different, then, what about the map and instructions you gave us?"

"Yeah." Ye Nongying put her arms around her chest, and said: "I actually think it's very strange, where did these come from? Could it be because the exile festival is hosted by your nobles, so you actually know the content in advance, so Give us a hint?"

When he finished speaking, he shook his head first: "No, if you know, why are you so secretive that you dare not just tell us the details, let us pay attention to it?"

If they explained the precautions of each ritual directly to them at the beginning, then they would be able to deal with each ritual calmly.

There is no need to fumble for every ceremony.

"You are all keen."

The Lord Fang clapped his palms, looked at them with admiration, and said seriously: "In fact, the ceremony is different every year. However, someone will give information to our nobles, and our nobles will extract and analyze this information. Let everyone know."

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