"it hurts!"

She took a breath and stood up tremblingly, but one of them could not stand firmly and fell down again.

This time, it was the other knee.

Kneeling, the other knee also slammed, hitting something hard.

"Oh My God…"

Her face was distorted with pain.

Kneeling like this is no way. She wanted to get up with her hands on the ground, but found that the pain in both knees made her unable to use her hands, and she didn't even dare to move.

"How to do?"

She has important things to do, but it hurts very much when she moves, and for a while, she is anxious and uncomfortable, and her heart is so anxious that she can't help but red eyes again, and she feels self-satisfied: "Woo, why can't I do anything bad?"

She has always been guarded by her father since she was a child, and she has never tried to do something on her own, but she is very eager for independence in her heart.

Sometimes she feels that her dad guards her too tightly, making her unable to be independent by herself.

But now she realized that she was really too weak, and the word independence really had nothing to do with her.

She can't do even little things well.

Thinking of this, the tears couldn't stop.

While crying, she looked up to the sky, and the sky had already recovered calm for an unknown time.

No matter how she looked at it, she couldn't see Duanmu Yawang.


I don't know how long I cried, but a stronger wind suddenly hit the surrounding area.

The wind was violent, and mixed with the chill of snow, she didn't wear thick clothes originally, because of the pain, the cold that was forgotten for a while, she suddenly felt it clearly.

She shivered.

She clearly understands that if she doesn't return home now, she is likely to die here in the cold!

"No, I can't die."

She is dead, what will her father do?

Also, what if Miss Duanmu and Miss Ye are still in vain?

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and stumbled to get up.

Just after spending a lot of effort to stand up, another gust of wind blew, and she immediately hugged herself with some doubts in her heart. She was fighting with her teeth and muttered: "Why is the wind so strong?"

Thinking of this, the wind is getting heavier and the rain is coming.

Moreover, the wind whizzed down on his head, and it seemed to be pressing down with a powerful force. Fang Ruoxing couldn't stand up at all, and fell down again.

Moreover, this time it was the whole person lying down on the snow.


Falling down is more comfortable than kneeling, at least not hurt.

However, Fang Ruoxing couldn't believe that he would be blown down by the wind again!

What kind of wind is this!

Thinking about this, she glanced towards the sky.

At this look, she stayed for a while.

It's hard to imagine what I saw!

I saw that the originally silent sky, at some point, there was a wind vortex. The wind vortex was huge and swept through the remaining clouds. The clouds in the sky kept darkening and expanding, but in the blink of an eye, the entire sky turned dark. Extremely!

The black cloud pressed down a little bit, oppressing the city house, and felt like destroying everything!


It was the first time Fang Ruoxing saw such a scene, and was shocked. He couldn't move even when he was lying on the ground. There was only one thought in his mind, "Is the sky going to fall..."

Thinking like this, suddenly, her eyes seemed to see a black cloud not far above her head, with a few white light clouds flashing.

These few white light clouds are especially obvious in the dark clouds.

She originally thought that she had been hallucinated by the cold, and she was wrong, but when she took a closer look, she found that there were many whites flying in the dark clouds. At first glance, it looked a bit like clothes fluttering.


Fang Ruoxing thought of something. When his eyes lit up, he didn't care about the pain at all. He scrambled to stand up, raised his neck and looked carefully, and found that the white patches in mid-air really didn't look like clouds. It's like clothes worn by people.

And it looks like the color of the filial attire they wear!

"Could it be Miss Duanmu and Miss Ye?"

She thought about it, feeling that the possibility was very high, and she couldn't help feeling ecstatic, "Yes, it must be them, they are not dead!"

Fang Ruoxing guessed right, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nongying were of course not dead.

However, even if they didn't die, they didn't feel better.

Because they inexplicably rose up into the air with the hurricane, and did not stop when they reached the heights, they kept rising and rising all the time.

"Where are we going to ascend?" Ye Nongying said eagerly.

"I don't know." Duanmu Yawang said as he tried to throw away the fan in his hand.

"Don't bother you." Ye Nongying sensed her intentions and said directly: "I also wanted to try to loosen the fan before, but it was useless at all, I can't loosen it."

Yes, their hands can't release the fan at all.

The fan seemed to have grown in their hands.

Duanmu Yawang: "If we go up like this, even if we think about it, there is nothing we can do."

"The ghost knows how long it will take to rise." Ye Nongying said with a mournful face: "I had known that I would not attend the ceremony. This ceremony turned out to be so thrilling!"

"Didn't you say that the focus is on participation?"

"But I didn't want to take my life to participate!"

No matter how they complain, they continue to rise.

As they ascend, the faster the fan in their hands shook, and the power in the fan automatically seeped out, and then combined with the power of the fan in everyone's hands, and twisted into a force, which also accelerated everyone's ascent.

The sound of the wind blows through the ears, and the higher it rises, the more difficult it is for them to breathe.

Duanmu Yawang has not tried the so-called high altitude, because in her last life, she has flew in an unknown number of planes and fighters, and she has seen it countless times at an altitude of 30,000 feet.

However, it was in the cabin at the time, with a protective cover.

However, now she rose into the air as a mortal body, without any protective measures!


As they ascended, Ye Nongying couldn't stand it anymore, and kept shouting: "I'm going to persevere, it's so uncomfortable!"


Duanmu Yawang had long felt that it was difficult to breathe, and she kept gasping for breath.

"Answer me, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"I am also a human being, so how could it not be uncomfortable!" Duan Mu Yawang hung annoyed and said: "Can you stop talking at this time, aren't you tired of talking?"


The tired Ye Nongying still persisted, "However, if we don't say it now, we probably won't have a chance to speak after we die!"

"..." I have to say, Duanmu Yawang felt that she still made a lot of sense.

It is also possible that the person is about to die. Ye Nongying said something that Duanmu Yawang did not expect: "I never thought that I would die with you. When I received Zhu Jinyu's letter, I thought you were It's just a black-eyed ant, it's not enough. I went to your empire, purely to see how good an ant is, and can actually play Zhu Jinyu's innocent and careful eye."

Pretending to be innocent?

I have to say that Duanmu Yawang feels that her adjectives are really good.

Duanmuya saw that she had a desire to speak, but didn't want to be disappointed, and asked, "What then?"

"Then, I didn't expect you to actually have two brushes, and those with black hair and black eyes are not as ugly as I thought, and they are even more beautiful than me." When she said, Ye Nongying sighed and took two deep breaths. After having oxygen, he continued: "Moreover, I have used poison again and again, but you have cracked it down. You make me feel frustrated."

I felt frustrated for the first time in my life.

It was really the first time she met someone younger than her, better-looking, and better than her.

How could she not be frustrated.

After that, she added: "However, I soon felt that we should be the same kind of people, and we are suitable to be friends." She also wanted to be friends with her.

Duanmu Yawang sneered when he heard this, "I'm the opposite of you. I saw that you just wanted to slash you, and didn't want to be friends with you at all."


Ye Nongying was not satisfied with Duanmu Yawang's words, "I thought we were sympathetic to each other!"

Duanmu Yawang said coldly: "You haven't forgotten what you did to my grandfather's army when you just came to our empire?"



Ye Nongying touched the tip of her nose and said awkwardly: "I just want to try your skills. Besides, didn't you also detoxify later?"

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