The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1728: Accidentally turned into an adventure

"The process is very interesting."

Ye Nongying's mouth twitched, not convinced, "Sanskrit, is it interesting?"

"What do you say?" Duan Muya looked at her, "Sanskrit is a sacred thing, why can't it be interesting?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Ye Nongying urged her angrily, "Quickly tell us the process."

Duanmu Yawang briefly talked about the process.

Of course, in her words, it was the person who mentioned the most.

Ye Nongying was stunned for a while, "Is it so magical?"


Even now, Duanmu Yawang still feels magical, "On the whole, it is really interesting."

Ye Nongying sighed and hummed softly: "Unexpectedly, this punishment would suddenly become an adventure."

Duanmuya glanced at her, "If this punishment is given to you, do you want to?"

"do not want."

Ye Nongying shook her head without hesitation: "I definitely can't speak Sanskrit. If I get punished, I'm afraid I will just go to the memorial ceremony."

Duanmu Yawang was very angry, "Then what else are you talking about?"

It was just such a mess, and soon everyone went to another ceremony location.

This Sanskrit incense burning ceremony was more crowded than the last pilgrimage ceremony, and it was not so solemn and even noisy.

In front of the stage for this ceremony, there are two Buddha statues.

The Buddha statue is almost ten meters in length and is very magnificent. It is golden, with kind eyebrows and good-looking eyes.

Below the Buddha statue are rows of incense burners.

The smoke was faint, and the two Buddha statues seemed to be flying into the air.

Several people were shocked by the Buddha statue.

Duanmu Yawang has been to many temples and seen many Buddha statues in his previous life, but he has never seen such a lifelike and was shocked, but when he saw these two places, he was still shocked and felt that he had seen it before. Neither of these two places are worthy of admiration.

Seeing these two Buddha statues, they wanted to bow their heads and bow down.

However, no one seemed to do this all around.

Duanmu Yawang looked up and looked around and found that the ceremony was divided into two sides, one was the Sanskrit scripture and the other was the incense stick.

On this side of the Sanskrit scriptures, everyone held a scripture in their hands and kept their heads down and kept reading.

The incense-burning person holds the incense in both hands, bows and bends over, and chants.

Fang Ruoxing asked Duanmu Yawang quietly, "Should we worship first?"

"I think it is okay." Duanmu Yawang put his hands together and bowed to the Buddha statue.

Others followed suit.

Fang Ruoxing said excitedly: "It's really shocking. I knew that there were these two Buddha statues. I should have come to worship long ago, or I should have come to worship at ordinary times. My father doesn't know why, but he doesn't let me come every year. ."

Duanmu Yawang heard her say this, and suddenly asked: "Are these two Buddha statues also here usually?"

After she said so, Ye Nongying also remembered something, and glanced at Duanmu Ya.

The two understood instantly.

Because both of them are people who like to observe. However, it is not far from Fang Mansion. When they take the spacecraft to participate in the battle, they fly not too high, and they can clearly see the trees in the building below. , If there are two such big Buddha statues here, they will definitely notice them.

However, they did not see it.

For Duanmu Yawang's words, Fang Ruoxing was confused, "Isn't there usually?"

"Let's not talk about this for now, let's enter the ceremony as soon as possible." Duanmu Yawang was a little worried that he would make mistakes, so he changed the subject.

Everyone was really distracted. They looked at both sides and felt that they wanted to give it a try, but they didn't dare to go casually, "Which side should we go first?"

"It should be chanting." Ye Nongying touched her chin and said, "Didn't it mean the Sanskrit incense burning ceremony? The order has been arranged."

Duanmu Yawang hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Bailu suddenly pointed, "Sister, what is written on it, is it a precaution?"

Duanmu Yawang followed his fingers and saw a stele with white characters engraved on it.

One Sanskrit, two incense, three empathy.

"Why is there still empathy?" Fang Ruoxing tilted his head, very puzzled: "What does this empathy mean?"

This time, it was Xiao Bailu who spoke. He frowned and said, "I know this word. It is to put emotions, share the same mood, and share the same psychology, that is, I can clearly know how a person feels."

The more Xiao Bailu said, the more confused Fang Ruoxing became, "I still don't understand, is it for us people to know another person's emotions and psychological thoughts?"

The little white deer nodded: "Yes, this word probably means that."

Ye Nongying spoke, but her tone seemed a little uncertain, "I have actually heard this word, but I don't understand why this word appears here."

Little Bailu hurriedly asked: "Miss Night, then you must say I am right?"

"Your interpretation of the word must be no problem." Ye Nongying nodded affirming Xiao Bailu's words, frowning: "But what I don't understand is that this word is actually a bit deified, even demonized and demonized. We It’s a human being. It’s impossible to fully perceive another person’s emotions and thoughts, that is, to fully empathize."

"It's not impossible." Xiao Bailu suddenly remembered something, and pointed to Duanmu Ya and said: "The person mentioned by my sister just now seems to know what my sister thinks."

"He is amazing." Ye Nongying said affirmatively: "But his feelings are a little different. He just can see through people's hearts and understand the thoughts of others. It is not the same as empathy. Empathy is capable. Feel all the joys and sorrows of this person."

Duanmu Yawang heard it clearly and was confused, "Then you can follow the human body and become that person."

"Yes, that's what it means!"

Ye Nongying took a shot of her thigh, looking at Duanmu Yawang's eyes as if she was saying, "You really wake up the person in your dream with a word!"

Duanmuya laughed and laughed, "Then what do you mean by deification, demonization, and demonization just now?"

Ye Nong Ying said for granted: "Upper human body, become that person, and feel that person's possessions. Isn't it something gods, demons and ghosts can do?"

"You are right to say that."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, "However, according to what you said, it is definitely impossible for us to empathize."

In other words, they will definitely not be able to complete the third point.

Ye Nongying looked around and said, "I think many people just burn incense in the Buddhist scriptures. This ceremony is also called the Buddhist scriptures burning incense. It should reach these two points. Even if you pass the barrier, you won't be punished, right?"


Fang Ruoxing said, "Why don't we go to the Brahma Sutra now?"

Little Bailu asked, "Where can I get the scriptures?"

Fang Ruoxing suggested: "Should we go find someone to ask?"

Xiao Bailu is anxious: "In this way, will it disturb the people of the Brahma Sutra? If it drags down others and makes people forced to punish, wouldn't it hurt them?"

Xiao Bailu's words are reasonable, Fang Ruoxing is a little worried, "Then what should I do?"

Looking at the conversation between them, Duan Muya sighed and raised her forehead speechlessly. "I'm really going to be crying stupidly by you. If you ask people, you must not ask people who are in the Sanskrit. We can go to the staff. 'I want it.'


Even if Fang Ruoxing's embarrassment was wearing a mask, other people could feel it, and other people couldn't laugh, so they had to hold back.

Duanmu Yawang remembered something and reminded him: "By the way, I remember that there are precautions on the paper that the steward gave. Did you read it before?"

The three said in unison: "I didn't see it."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless: "I'm going to attend the ceremony, don't you want to watch it?"

Ye Nong Ying said of course: "We paid attention to the direction of the route on the road, and then worried about you. I couldn't remember to watch it for a while."


Duanmu Yawang didn't know what to say, so he had to say, "Then you guys have a look."


The paper was held by the shadow of the night, she quickly took it out of her arms, took a closer look, and really found that there were precautions written on it.

It says: Brahma Sutra, select a chapter, memorize it smoothly and smoothly, and then you can burn incense and chant.

"Want to recite?"

Little Bailu caught the keyword first, and then almost wanted to cry, "My little master doesn't remember things very much." There is still a chapter to recite, and he shouldn't go out today!

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