Of course, Duanmu Yawang knew what the Seven Ways meant to be just enough. If the tiger had to pull too much, he would definitely get a bite back.

She changed the subject: "Go into the house and talk?"

"Don't enter."

Ye Nongying said coldly: "Let's talk here, in case we say something impulsive, this will prevent the house from being demolished. I owe enough favors to the owner, and I don't want to owe it anymore. one."

Duanmuya smiled eagerly, and after receiving Ye Nongying's eyes, she spread her hands innocently: "I thought we had already negotiated on this matter."

"That's what you think."

"Good, good." Duanmu Yawang admitted her mistake with a very good attitude, she said: "You can tell me what you want!"

"I didn't expect it for the time being, so I will let you go for the time being today."

"Thank you." Duanmuya sighed with relief, knowing this, it was finally over.

Ye Nongying also had doubts about what Duanmu Yawang taught her before, "What you said before, what if I try and fail?"

"Don't worry, it's impossible to fail." Duanmu Yawang patted her chest to assure her, "If it really fails, I will kill or slash it, how about you?"

Ye Nongying still didn't believe it: "So confident? Or do you expect that I can't really kill you?"

"If it really fails, then I can do whatever you want, okay?"


Ye Nongying was satisfied, "That's it."

Seeing her tired, Duanmuya talked to her shrewdly about the conditions, and said in a bad mood: "You shouldn't have a meal yet, aren't you hungry?"

Ye Nongying noticed something and squinted at her: "Why do I think you are driving me away?"

"How come." Duanmuya looked at her eyes with a guilty conscience, and said with a smile on her face: "I am not concerned about you." In fact, she really wants to continue painting.

She is always easy to worry about if one thing is not done.

Ye Nongying didn't eat her at all, and said, "Don't hide it, I know what you think."

Duanmu Yawang blinked, too lazy to refute.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Ye Nongying was similar to her in many places. Duanmuya wanted to be a man. It was definitely because she was busy with things. In addition, she was already very tired. She had just seen Duanmuya a few tricks before, and she was even more tired. , Said unbearably: "I'll go back to sleep first."

Duanmu Yawang frowned: "Really not eating?"

Ye Nong Yingbai glanced at her: "I'm full of anger, what else to eat!"

"Oh." Duanmu Yawang didn't dare to speak quickly.

Ye Nongying snorted, turned and left.

Duanmuya patted her chest, turned around and took Xiao Bailu's hand, and walked into the room.

Little Bailu tutted twice: "Sister, Miss Ye has let you go like this. I really think it's incredible."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged: "What's incredible, don't forget, Ye Nong's shadow medicine is not bad, and the name of Poisoner is not self-proclaimed."


Little Bailu didn't understand, "What do you mean?" Don't let her go, what does it have to do with Ye Nong Ying being a poisoner?

"so stupid!"

Duanmu Yawang squeezed his cheek, and said in a bad breath: "My medicine is not that different. Ye Nongying is so keen. She must know that when I give her medicine."

Little Bailu's eyes widened suddenly, "You mean, Miss Ye can not drink when she notices it?"

"Also, even if you find something wrong with drinking, you will immediately stop drinking." However, Ye Nongying did not.

Little Bailu said blankly: "In other words, by doing this, did you help her?"

"You can say that." Duanmu Ya looked at him: "But, I think she was quite nervous at the time, and it could be an uproar."

Little Bailu touched it, and said in an old-fashioned way: "But in any case, she still made a choice."


Duanmu Yawang sighed, "So, love is unpredictable."

Little Bailu disliked her very much, "Indeed, it's not much like you and Gong Yulan had such a smooth relationship. I don't know what kind of **** luck you have."

Duanmu Yawang didn't bother to pay attention to him. After returning to his room, he closed the door and continued the previous painting battle.

Some things are easy to imagine, but they are really difficult to do.

Even if she knew Yin Huiyin's skeleton structure, she was very particular about filling in flesh and blood.

For example, she needs to distribute the flesh and blood based on the outline of the bone.

Even the muscles of the eyes, the bridge of the nose, and the cheeks have been tried many times.

Xiaobai’s face was boring, and she ran out of the medical system to see what she was drawing, only to feel dizzy and dizzy, "Sister, what kind of ghost are you painting? It's all lines and my head hurts."

"Texture and flesh, the distribution of muscles and veins."

Duanmu Yawang carefully analyzed the condition of the bones, without raising his head: "If you can understand, then you are a genius, that is, an anatomy." In other words, it is normal to not understand.

The little white deer was rubbing aside and didn't want to walk, or Barabara looked at Duanmu Yawang's hand quickly drawing lines: "Why are these lines a bit different?"

"Aren't I guessing."

Duanmu Yawang explained to him: "For example, for the facial features of people, some people have long noses, some have long noses, some have hooked noses, and some have only fleshy noses."


Little Bailu understood a little.

Duanmu Yawang continued: "It's like eyes. Some have double eyelids, some have single eyelids, and others have lying silkworms. Different eyes and different nose bridges sometimes change the mental outlook of the whole person, so these details are very important. "

"I still don't understand." Little Bailu tilted his head and said: "Then according to what you said, even if you make it, you are still not sure if this face is Uncle Yin." Because there are some details that are not paid attention to, it may be possible. He became another person.

"You are really stupid to say you are stupid!"

Duanmu Yawang tapped his forehead with a pen, and was so angry: "Every bone controls the changes in the human body's muscles, which also makes the muscles and veins traceable. When the details of the bones are carefully mastered, the entire face The lines of the department are filled one by one, and sometimes, the image of a human face comes out."

Little Bailu is very disgusted: "You are so complicated, can you make it simpler?"

"All right."

Duanmu Yawang threw the pen in his hand, touched his cheek, and was about to explain, but after thinking about it, he said: "Forget it, you don't know the names of some bones on your face, and the names of acupuncture points and muscles. Say."

"Don't do that." Little Bailu pouted, "Or you can touch my face and tell me where it is."

"You are very smart, and this idea is also very good." Duanmu Yawang affirmed him, and quickly added: "However, you are still a child. Mogu children are not very established, so forget it. You Even if I don’t understand, I don’t bother to explain."


Little Bailu was aggrieved in an instant, "Can't we explain it? Little master thinks it's quite interesting."

Duanmu Yawang put her arms around her chest, raised her eyebrows and looked at him: "Really so interested?"

"Yeah!" Little Bailu nodded firmly.

Duanmu Yawang also nodded and said with a smile: "You are rarely interested in one thing, and I don't want to dispel your enthusiasm. However, if you don't understand the names of bones, acupuncture points and muscles at all, you will remember when I said it. No. The ninth column and the thirteenth cabinet of the medical system has a human body structure analysis book. If you tell that book and read it again, I don’t need you to memorize it. As long as you finish reading it, I will definitely explain it to you. ."

The smile on Xiao Bailu's face froze.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Why don't you stand here and watch?"

Little Bailu pouted aggrievedly, "Can I not watch it?"

"You don't even read a book, and don't want to know something. Are you ashamed to tell me that you are interested?" Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes and said to Yin Huiyin: "Xiaoyin'er, come out and drag him back. Stay on the bed, don't bother me."

Yin Huiyin came out, picked up Xiao Bailu, touched Xiao Bailu's head twice, and looked at Duan Muya: "He is still a child, don't be too harsh with him when you speak."

Little Bailu nodded immediately: "Yes, not gentle at all."

Duanmu Yawang ignored these two people at all and continued to study her own things.

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