The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1613: Ning Sanye, make wedding dresses for others

"Oh, isn't this Master He?"

Before Duanmu Yawang answered, an elegant but frivolous voice rang from one side.

Hearing this sound, Mr. He was stunned for a moment, thinking that he had misheard, he hurriedly looked at the sound, and he was really the one he knew, with a surprise smile on his face, and he bent over and arched his hands: "Sister Ning, how are you? At this?"

Duanmu Yawang also looked towards the voice and saw Mr. Ning Sanye in Mr. He's mouth.

Although Mr. He called him the third master, his age was really too young. He looked only at the age of twenty-three or four. He had a light gray brocade dress, slender body and majestic appearance, and his body exuded something different from his age. Matching momentum.

This person is not easy at first glance.

Ning Sanye curled his lips, "Come here to do business today. I heard my subordinates mentioned that I happened to test this street. I remembered that I hadn't joined the fun in a long time, so I came over to take a look."

Slipping off, he asked Mr. He, "Master He came to join in the fun today?"


Mr. He squeezed out a smile and said flatteringly: "It's great that I didn't expect to have a chance to meet San Ye today."

Ning Sanye was noncommittal, nor did his face change too much because of his compliment. His eyes seemed to inadvertently move and fell on Duanmu Yawang, "This should be Miss Duanmu, right?"

How can everyone know her?

Duanmu Yawang's brows wrinkled, and Mr. He's heart twitched, the smile on his face became reluctant, "San Ye has also heard of Duanmu Miss?"

"I heard it mentioned by many subordinates."

When Sanye Ning said, the corners of his lips curled up in a meaningful arc, "Why, Master He, who you have heard of, shouldn't I have heard of Ning?"

"No, no, it's just that the three masters take care of everything, and I didn't expect to be so caring about such trivial matters."

Mr. He cried out inwardly. This Third Master Ning looked at him smiling, but he was always moody. He called you brother the next moment, and probably kicked you out the next moment.

Just a smiling tiger!

Ning Sanye was not interested in wandering around on this issue, looked at Master He with a smile on his lips, and asked: "I just saw Master He and Miss Duanmu are chatting, I don't know what they are talking about?"

Master He's heart jumped, and he quickly said: "It's nothing, I just want to make a friend with Miss Duanmu, and I want to invite them to the house for a cup of tea and chat."

Ning Sanye let out a ‘huh’ and looked at Duanmu Yawang strangely: “I was sitting aside but saw Miss Duanmu fighting. Miss Duanmu should have won, right?”

Duanmu Yawang didn't know what he meant, and he didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, but his identity was right above Master He.

She nodded: "Yes."

Ning Sanye raised his eyebrows, and said even more strangely: "Since I have won, shouldn't I go to the next street to continue the fight? The mansion of He is also a long way away, so back and forth, I am afraid that I have just arrived at the mansion and tasted tea. Isn't it time for the next street test?"

Is this person helping her?

Duanmu Yawang looked up at Ning Sanye in surprise.

Ning Sanye met her gaze, his expression unchanged.

Hearing this, Master He already understood something.

Sanye Ning is trying to grab someone from him!

He finally stopped the person and threatened to succeed. Wherever he was willing to let the person go, he smirked: "San Ye, He is not a talent, except for a residence on the side of the street, which will not delay Duanmu. Miss's test."

"I see."

Third Master Ning nodded, and then smiled: "Since I'm drinking tea and chatting, Ning is also a little interested. Would you mind being together?"

Of course mind!

Master He almost broke down after hearing what Ning Sanye said. His heart aches and his liver aches, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He continued flattering and said, "Sanye appreciates noodles, of course I don't mind."

If he really said that he minded, then his family probably won't be able to gain a foothold in this exile street in the future!

He didn't believe that Ning Sanye wanted to have tea and chat with him. He asked someone to give him a lot of money before, and he wanted to meet him to talk about things, but he didn't succeed!

He even wondered whether it was possible that Ning Sanye didn't even know his existence alone!

Ning Sanye smiled with satisfaction. He looked at Duanmu Yawang and asked with a smile, "Miss Duanmu, let's sit together for at most two quarters of an hour. Let's just chat casually, okay?"

If it can, Duanmu Yawang naturally doesn't want to go with them to drink some tea. It might be a Hongmen feast.

However, the status of the third master Ning is extremely high, and his purpose is unclear, so naturally she will not give any face to her if she is not tender.



Ning Sanye smiled and said to Master He: "Then please Master He to lead the way."

Master He seemed to have swallowed a fly, uncomfortable and afraid to say, he had to answer in a quizzical manner, and Baba led the way.

Master He really has a house near the street, don't care, it's not grand or big, but it's not bad overall.

After Master He took Duanmu Yawang and Ning Sanye in, he quickly ordered his two sons who dare not even speak to ask someone to come and serve him, for fear that he would neglect Sanye Ning.

Ning Sanye acted very casually, tilting his legs, holding up the tea slowly, without saying a single word, nor expressing a sense of oppression.

However, for Master He, his presence was almost overwhelming him.

Duanmu Yawang was very calm, drinking tea with her eyes down, and giving Xiao Bailu snacks.

Little Bailu was a little unhappy at first, but if he had something to eat, he relaxed, too lazy to take care of it, and ate obediently.

However, few people talked from the moment they came in, Lord He, to sit down and drink tea.

Ning Sanye sipped half a cup of tea, then put the tea cup down, and looked at Master He, who was at home but restrained, and smiled leisurely: "Master He, didn't you say that Miss Duanmu was invited to come to the house for a chat? Why did Miss Duanmu go to your house, but you don't speak anymore?"

Master He has always been smiling, his face almost stiffened, he smiled, and sighed: "Actually, He was abrupt. If you want Miss Duanmu to be a woman, He will invite people to the house casually. inappropriate."

"That's true."

Ning Sanye nodded and said in agreement: "Next time Master He wants to chat with a woman, he can't be so impulsive."

These words made Master He's face turn blue and white.

He just said this casually, as the opening remarks, but Ning Sanye's remarks made people think that he was ill-intentioned when he invited the woman back to the house.

He squatted again and again, Master He was so frustrated, but he dared not speak.

Duanmu Yawang was surprised when he heard this. This Ning Sanye was really good at speaking and handling matters.

As if he didn’t see Master He’s face, Master Ning leisurely took the remaining half of the tea and drank it. After drinking, he put the cup down and looked up at Duanmu Yawang: "Miss Duanmu, Ning Mou I have to go first when I have something to do. I happen to have to go back. There are also transportation tools waiting outside the door. Do you want to go together?"

Is this an excuse to take her away?

Fools don't nod their heads!

She said: "If that's the case, I will trouble Third Master Ning."


When Sanye Ning said, he said to Master He again: "We don't want to harass Master He for too long, so let's go back first?"

Master He was naturally unwilling, "Miss Duanmu, the test shouldn't start so soon. You can wait for the place where you go. Why not stop here?"

"no need."

Duanmu Yawang stood up and said lightly: "My friend should be back soon. I don't want him to see my worry when he comes back. Master He's heart is my heart. If you have the opportunity to sit down and have a tea and chat."

She had said so, Master He was no longer reconciled, and could not threaten Duanmu Yawang in front of Ning Sanye, so he had to grit his teeth and let the people go, and personally sent him to the door.

Outside the door, there really was a valuable carriage waiting.

Master He endured his unwillingness, smiled, and watched Duan Muya as she watched Ning Sanye's carriage and drove away.

After the carriage was completely far away, Master He was angrily scolded: "Today is really hell, a good start, but it has become a wedding dress for others!"


At this time, Master He and his two sons ran out, and the two also saw the carriage going away, frowning unwillingly, "We really just let people go like this?"

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