The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1606: These people must have investigated her!

In this test, Duanmu Yawang can be said to have gone through five stages and cut six generals. Every street battle will be won. As the street rises, the streets of houses that can be seen everywhere become more prosperous.

Twentieth Street, that's it.

Naturally, Twentieth Street also had to draw lots. I don’t know if Duanmu Yawang’s killing of chickens and monkeys on 25th Street had an effect. In the lottery on Twentieth Street, no one drew her again.

Duanmu Yawang was very satisfied with this.

She went back to Xiao Wuzheng Xiao Bailu leisurely.

When I went back, I found some people sitting at the back of the auditorium where they were.

A long distance away, Duanmu Ya could not see the appearance of those people. He could only see some authors from a distance, and some people stood behind some people.

Look at the appearance, the sitting person is the master, and the standing person is more like a follower.

When she walked out, she didn't know if it was her illusion. Everyone in that direction looked at her.

Duanmu Yawang frowned, and suddenly she didn't see him, she came to Xiao Wuzheng's side, and then asked him, "Do you know who those are?"

Xiao Wuzheng didn't even turn his head back. He shook his fan leisurely, and asked her like a noble son: "Did you forget that I am not a banished person like you?"

"You have a network on Banquet Street anyway, and you are not here for the first time. You must know more than me." When Duanmu Yawang said, he was dissatisfied: "Acknowledgement is a matter of one word, why is it so? What about wordy?"

"do not know."

"You haven't watched it yet."

"I saw them when they came." Xiao Wuzheng said indifferently: "Although Thirty Street is a high district at the beginning, it is really a high district from Twentieth Street. Starting from Twenty Street, every There are some aristocratic sub-mansions on the same street, and some small families gather here."

"Aristocratic second mansion?" Duanmu Yawang's mind turned for a while, "just like the fifth mansion of Zhuzhi Meng?"


Duanmuya was puzzled, "Why is the Fifth Mansion of Dream Chase in the low area?"

"It's about asking his elder brother to chase the maple." Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "It is estimated that the dream makes him unhappy, and punish him. After all, I have never seen a nobleman go to these places in the low area."

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes and smiled, "So, you know a lot of nobles, too!"

Xiao Wuzheng raised his eyebrows.

Duanmu Yawang asked him: "By the way, are you planning to take me into the endless city all the time or..."

"I won't enter the endless city." Xiao Wuzheng said sternly: "I will leave in the polar regions, and everything else is up to you."

"Which street in the Polar Region?"

"One street."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, "Mr. Xiao, according to what you said, there is actually no difference between leaving now and leaving until the first street."

"You can say that." Xiao Wuzheng nodded.

Duanmu Yawang: "In this case, I can't delay you too much time, Mr. Xiao. If you have something to do, you should go back first. I can walk the rest of the streets together for nothing."

"I have nothing to be busy." Xiao Wuzheng was calm and said with a smile: "I have never seen Shengjie in Banishment Street with my own eyes. I think it's good to stay and take a closer look."

In other words, he is not leaving!

Duanmuya looked at her forehead, sighed, and murmured, "Ye Nongying, it's not that I don't help you, it's Mr. Xiao who doesn't want to go, so you can't blame me."

Xiao Wuzheng squinted his eyes and stared at her: "If I don't leave, you seem to be disappointed?"

"No." Duanmu Yawang waved his hand quickly: "I'm just afraid to trouble you too much time."

Xiao Wuzheng didn't believe it, "If you are really afraid of annoying me, you won't ask me to bring you here. Have you encountered something and want to drive me away now?"

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly said, "No."

Damn, Xiao Wuzheng is too keen.

Xiao Wuzheng was suspicious: "Really?"

"Of course it is!"

"you swear?"

When Duanmu Ya looked at it, she was choked by her own saliva. She coughed repeatedly and blushed with a thick neck. Xiao Wuzheng looked at it, but was even more suspicious. Just about to speak, a voice came from behind them: " Miss Duanmu?"


Duanmu Yawang coughed so that her face flushed completely, and when she heard the words, she turned her head and looked over and saw a man in his thirties looking at her in silence like a tree.

Duanmu Yawang was coughing, and did not answer for a while, until she gradually eased, she said: "Yes, I am."

The man nodded at her respectfully, "Miss Duanmu, I'm sorry to bother you, our master would like to invite you to come and chat."

Duanmu Yawang asked: "Your master?"

The man silently moved two steps to the left, and the group of people sitting in the last row of the audience who had looked at Duanmu Yawang just entered her eyes.

The man made a gesture of kindness and respectfully said: "Miss Duanmu, please."

Duanmu Yawang didn't move for a while, looking at Xiao Wuzheng.

Xiao Wuzheng smiled at the corners of his lips and nodded: "Xiao Yawang, since others are kindly invited, it would be rude to refuse, go."


Duanmu Yawang suspected that she had heard it wrong, and gave Xiao Wuzheng a stern look.

She doesn't want to deal with any nobles, okay?

Once dealing with the nobles, she will definitely be very troublesome next!

But the nobles are naturally not easy to provoke, she just looked at Xiao Wuzheng, in fact, wanted him to help her find an excuse, so that she did not have to go, he actually opened his mouth and let her go!

Really mad!

Xiao Wuzheng had already said it, and Duanmu Yawang was naturally hard to say no. She pinched her eyebrows and walked towards the back of the auditorium.

Finally, he stopped at a distance of about two or three meters from the group of people.

Duanmu Yawang secretly counted this group of people, they were sixteen.

Among the sixteen people, there are eight young people sitting in two rows, with four in each row. Almost all of these eight people are young and noble sons. This looks like they are in their twenties, but there are also two or three. Childish, a teenager about her age.

The remaining eight people were standing, and the cloth they were wearing was quite different from the eight people who were sitting. They looked more like guards or entourages.

She approached, and everyone saw her face clearly. The people who were sitting narrowed their eyes and looked straight at her. Someone laughed: "It turns out that people with black eyes and black hair look like this."

"We have seen it today." One of the noble sons in the second row raised Erlang's legs, and scornfully answered: "Let's not talk about the color of the eyes and hair, as far as this face is concerned, it seems to be really good. It is better than I have seen before. The portraits of many of the beauties look better."

Another noble son curled his lips: "Ye Yushu, did you send someone to collect portraits of the beautiful women who participated in the fight this year?"

"That's natural, so there is a great chance of success in this beauty hunter, okay." Ye Yushu took it for granted, half-truth and angrily said: "However, this year's painter's vision is really bad. There are so many portraits. It's a pity that Miss Duanmu didn't paint."

Duanmu Yawang pursed her lips and lowered her head in silence.

"Do you know who we are?"

In the first row, the one on the far left, wearing a gray-white, gold line stroke, a nobleman suddenly asked Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang shook his head.

"That's right, you are an outsider, you definitely don't know us."

"..." Now that you know, you still ask?

"It is said that you are very smart, can you guess what we are looking for you for?"

"You guys have praised me, Yawang is clumsy and can't guess what you are coming from."

"I can't guess, or don't want to guess at all?" The noble son narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became sharp and abnormal in an instant.

Duanmu Ya looked down and said nothing.

"What level of spiritual power did you reach?" Seeing that Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, the noble son didn't get angry, so he paused and continued to ask.

"I don't know."

"I don't know?" The noble son was not very satisfied with the answer, he snorted softly, "I came in to take the test, but no one has ever said that he doesn't know his distance ability."

Duanmu Yawang didn't know what the other party meant. In order to keep fighting steadily, she didn't want to offend these people, so she looked down and replied: "I haven't tested the specific power, so I really don't know."

"You said you still know medicine?"

Duanmu Yawang: "Understand a little."

"What medicine is there on you?"

These people must have investigated her!

Duanmuya looked at the words, did not answer, raised her head and looked at the noble son, "This son, this is my private matter, forgive me for nothing."

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