The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1602: Shopkeeper, there will be a period later

"The little boy is right."

The shopkeeper smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head very gently, "Come back, how much Fat Cher you want to eat, we will make you as much as you want, just speak up."

Little Bailu's eyes lit up, he didn't know how to be polite, and said quickly: "Okay! I want to eat a lot!"

"Eat whatever you like, you're welcome."

"Okay, I take your words seriously." Little Bailu has never eaten such delicious pastries, and coupled with the maintenance of the shopkeeper just now, he is really not polite at all to respond.


The shopkeeper smiled.

"The shopkeeper’s kindness, we got it.” Duanmu Yawang reached into the universe bag, took out a bottle of medicine, and handed it to the shopkeeper: “This is a pill for protecting veins and veins. It is especially effective for people with damaged muscles and veins. Thank you."

The shopkeeper was taken aback, thinking that he had heard it wrong, "Humai pills?"

"Yes, it's Humai pills?"

The shopkeeper knew that he had heard it right this time, and was stunned, "How did you know..."

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, Xiao Bailu suddenly patted his head and exclaimed: "Sister, we have to leave now! Have we been out for too long?"

After his reminder, Duanmu Yawang remembered this.

They have to go to the next stop for the test. They have been delayed in this restaurant for too long, and others are estimated to have set off long ago!


Duanmu Yawang nodded, shook the bottle in her hand and said to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, I'll see you next time. This bottle of medicine contains about ten pulse-protecting pills. If you take five pills, it's almost the same. Just keep the rest. ."


The shopkeeper listened, and was not welcome, and reached out to take it.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu's hand to leave, and the shopkeeper said to Xiao Si: "Go downstairs and bring it to Miss Duanmu. Don't neglect."


Xiao Si responded and went downstairs quickly.

When Duan Muya watched them come down, he already thoughtfully carried the food box and went out.

After Duan Muya looked out, he gave them the food box.

Xiao Wuzheng took the two big food boxes, put them in the embroidered bag of Duanmu Yawang, and said, "Thank you."


The shopkeeper and Xiao Si both laughed, "There will be a period later."

"There will be a period later."

Duanmu Ya looked at them and left in a hurry.

On the way, they used their spiritual energy to drive, and when they entered the twenty-eighth street, Duanmu Yawang suddenly stopped.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Little Bailu asked with a side look.

"I suddenly remembered something." Duanmuya narrowed her eyes, "When we entered the inn, the shopkeeper seemed to call my wife to come, so when I went upstairs, he called me Miss Duanmu, Mr. Xiao Wuzheng Xiao Is it?"


Little Bailu tilted his head and thought about it, "Is there?"


Duanmu Ya looked at her eyebrows, "I didn't seem to introduce myself?" After finishing speaking, he asked Xiao Wuzheng, "We didn't introduce ourselves, right?"

Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "I don't know."

"How long has this happened, you don't know it?" Duanmu Yawang pouted, "You are not an old man or a child, and you don't remember this thing clearly. If it's all for nothing, you are embarrassed to say this?"

"Why are you embarrassed?" Xiao Wuzheng spread his hands without shame, "I think I am ashamed of you."


Duanmu Yawang was speechless, but her brows were twisted and never loosened.

She remembered that she didn't introduce each other. The shopkeeper claimed to be someone Lan. There was no dialogue between them. How did the shopkeeper know their names?

"The test is about to begin!"

Little Bailu didn't care what Duanmu Yawang was thinking, and quickly urged: "Sister, don't think about it! It's all over, don't worry about it!"

Duanmu Ya took a look, and the test really started, and ran back to her queue.

Duanmuya didn't really care about this matter. After all, the shopkeeper didn't have any malice towards them, and he looked like a kind person.

Therefore, this matter was forgotten with the battles of every street.

In the struggle, Duanmu Yawang attracted more attention from the street.

Every time I go up to the street, I can receive many incredible gazes from others.

On 25th Street, Duanmu Yawang test still passed.

As a result, the audience almost became a sensation.

"How strong is this black-eyed person? This is 25th Street, and it actually passed the test!"

"Yes, I have never heard of the black eye being so strong!"

Some people are in a complicated mood, "What do we purple-eyed people count for if such a person exists?"


Everyone was silent.

They are purple-eyed people, and they have been respected as first-class people since they were born.

As for the Black Eyed... that is an extinct existence!

However, now a black-eyed person is standing at the same height as them!

They feel a lot of crisis!

"No!" Someone gritted his teeth and said, "It's definitely not possible to go on like this. We must find a way to win the battle and drive her out of the test!"


Everyone agreed.

Some people sighed: "We think so, but we may not be able to do it. We don't know how strong she is. The match is also drawn by the messenger. If the strong is drawn to play against her, the odds of winning will be strong."

"I thought it was something. I wanted her to fight the strong. It's not easy." Someone touched his chin, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I can do this."

Someone can get through at one point, "You shouldn't be thinking..."

"That's right." The man nodded, and said indifferently: "Twenty-fifth Street now, it's just right! Just spend more money, it's a trivial matter."

"Yes, it's Twenty-Fifth Street now, and there is no need to fight in pairs. It is a direct choice for the punishment of the opponent. It is really convenient."


Duanmu Yawang naturally didn't know their conversation.

After the test, a group of people were eliminated, and then the rest of the messengers conducted a lottery, and three people were drawn to challenge.

After the three were drawn, the messenger read the names on it, "Fang Min, Liang Yukai, Mu Yang."

Hearing these three names, there was a commotion in the crowd, and there were people walking around in the audience.

When he heard Mu Yang, Duanmu Yawang didn't react for a while, but felt that the name was very familiar. Until a moment, her brain flashed and she patted her thigh: "It's her!"

Night shadows!

She was actually drawn?

She was happy in her heart, and subconsciously looked at Dao Xiao Wuzheng who was standing about ten meters away.

She was very curious about whether Xiao Wuzheng could recognize her in Ye Nongying's dress.

Thinking about this, she heard a ‘boom’, and there was a burst of gongs and drums from the station.

Everyone fell silent amid the sound of gongs and drums, and looked at the stage one after another, as did Duanmu Yawang.

At this glance, I was surprised to find that there were only two people on the stage, and Ye Nong Ying was not on it.

Did she slip away because she was afraid of being seen by Xiao Wuzheng?

Duanmu Yawang thought so, there was another sound of gongs and drums from the stage, and the messenger said loudly: "Fang Min and Liang Yukai have already arrived on stage, please also Mu Yang come up. If Mu Yang is inconvenient, please let me know. With one sound, the messenger can read the name again."


At this time, a hand was raised in the silent crowd, and at the same time a rough voice came, "I am Mu Yang. This time I challenged by drawing lots. I will abstain and ask the messenger to draw again."

"Puff!" After hearing Ye Nongying's voice, Duanmu Yawang was very curious about how she pretended to come out.

She usually took a lot of effort to pretend to be a male voice. She really couldn't learn this rough.

However, she seemed to be really worried that Xiao Wuzheng would recognize her, otherwise, with her character that likes fighting so much, this kind of occasion should be her favorite.

Now he doesn't even dare to be on stage.

It really hurt her.


The messenger listened to Ye Nongying's words, took a look in the direction of her raising hands, bowed his head, and re-drawed lots.

Soon, the messenger read the name again: "The third person in the draw is Ma Ningke. Please come up."

As soon as these words came out, everyone saw a thin-looking woman in her twenties walking up.

All three people drawn are drawn.

Looking at the three people on stage, Duanmu Yawang secretly muttered: "Two women and one man. It is obvious that the number of women is only 30%. Why is the lottery always mostly women?"

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