It's not an immediate medicine, it's a good medicine.

It depends on whether it is suitable.

Moreover, a medicine that has immediate effect may not always have the highest value.

Fan Lingxiang's physical function has reached its limit. She can't bear the violent medicine, so she can only adjust it with this slow, but lifelong medicine.

Immediate medicine can only increase part of the strength on the basis of the original one at a time. It is not as good as lifelong, and slowly increase.

It's like a big wooden barrel. The board inside is different in length. It breaks and fills it with water. It can only reach the height of the shortest board. If you slowly repair the short board, keep strengthening and heightening it, the days will be longer and you will be rewarded. It is better.

However, Fan Lingxiang did not believe in Duanmu Yawang's words, "How can such a medicine be as expensive as the medicine in my hand?"

The implication is that you definitely don't want to give me that kind of medicine!

"Ms. Fan can think what she likes." Duanmu Yawang said coldly: "I have done my best."

"You actually said that you have done your best!"

Fan Ling's aroma knotted, "I came to ask for medicine sincerely. Not only did you insult me, but you were also unwilling to give me good medicine. This is what you call the utmost benevolence?"

"Why are you so self-righteous?" Xiao Bailu couldn't help it. "My sister can give you medicine and you are already very generous. You still dislike it here. You treat you as our old man, and you really owe you. How much is it?"

Fan Lingxiang's face was green and white.

"Sister, does she like this medicine or not!" Xiao Bailu snorted: "If I have the ability, I don't need this medicine. Let's see who suffers and who regrets it!"

Fan Lingxiang gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Huang Tianjiao also didn't dare to persuade Fan Lingxiang a word. After such a show, she understood something, and some friends still couldn't make it.

Duan Muya glanced at you at Fan Lingxiang, and said lightly to the hand holding Xiao Bailu: "Let's go."

After talking, Sang Ye and Xiao Wuzheng also followed.

Only Huang Tianjiao and Fan Lingxiang remained in place.

Both of them were silent for a while, before Huang Tianjiao said, "Miss Fan, I'm leaving too."

When she said this, she became a lot rusty.

The title has also changed from the original Lingxiang to Miss Fan.

Fan Lingxiang didn't know, she didn't move her lips and eyelids. From her point of view, Huang Tianjiao took advantage of her own, but didn't help her. Seeing her humiliated, he was not worthy of being her friend.

Huang Tianjiao sighed secretly when she saw her complaining, and finally walked away.

She hurried to catch up with Duanmu Yawang, and apologized: "Miss Duanmu, I am sorry. I told Miss Fan about the previous incident. She said that she also wanted to ask you for medicine, so she begged me to look for it. You, I didn't expect..."

"This matter has passed, so there is no need to mention it again."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand to interrupt her, her tone was rather cold: "And Ms. Huang, you'd better not talk to outsiders about the transaction content of you and me."

Huang Tianjiao's eyes flashed, and she nodded very obediently, "Okay, I listen to Miss Duanmu."

Seeing her low eyebrows and pleasing appearance, Duanmu Yawang's brows wrinkled, no longer caring about her, a few people continued on their way.

Huang Tianjiao followed them and followed them.

So many outsiders followed behind. They couldn’t say anything they wanted to say. It was extremely uncomfortable. Little Bailu endured this little talk for a while, but after all, he couldn’t hold it back. He spoke to Duanmu Ya Wang Xinyu: "This What do women want to do?"

"Naturally want to behave in front of me to please, or to make friends with me and ask me to get more medicine."


Little Bailu was taken aback for a moment, "You gave her so many pills, so you are still not satisfied? She looks pretty good, do you think too much?"

"Do you think that she just brought Fan Lingxiang to me just for Fan Lingxiang?" Duan Mu Yawang clearly saw Huang Tianjiao's envious and greedy look when she was administering Fan Lingxiang.

Fan Lingxiang's original character was really not bad, but it changed so much in a few days, and they walked so close, Huang Tianjiao must have stimulated her.

Huang Tianjiao is definitely not an innocent little white rabbit. This time, she might be the one who teased Fan Lingxiang to come to her!

"So she wanted to ask for medicine too." Little Bailu made it through at one point and nodded and said: "I said you were so cold to her, so I saw her through."

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head and ignored it.

Huang Tianjiao followed them to the next street. Before returning to her own queue, she timidly asked Duanmu Yawang expectantly: "Miss Duanmu, can I walk with you in the future?"

Duanmuyan raised her eyebrows, "Inconvenient."

Duanmu Yawang refused too straightforwardly. Huang Tianjiao's face became stiff, and she smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, Miss Duanmu is angry with what happened today. It was because Miss Fan kept begging me to come to you with her for medicine, so I..."

"As I said, this matter has passed, and there is no need to mention it again. Different ways are not conspiring, we are not suitable for walking together."

When Huang Tianjiao heard this, he was a little panicked, "Miss Duanmu, I have no friends here, so why can't we be together?"

Duanmu Ya glanced at her, smiled silently, didn't answer, and replied: "Miss Huang should go back. The test is about to begin."

There are things that people won’t admit, even if they are blunt.

She was tired of such entanglement.

Huang Tianjiao's heart was in turmoil, and she didn't want to leave at all, but as Duanmu Yawang said, the test was about to begin, and she was going to fall into class.

She squeezed a smile, "Miss Duanmu, then I'll go first."

Duanmu Yawang ignored her at all.

She left helplessly.

After she left, Sang Ye pondered for a moment and said, "Yawang, the less people know about the medicine in your hand, the better, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble."


Duanmu Yawang pinched her eyebrows and felt a headache, "If I don't use medicine, I think if I am challenged again, how can I buy them."

Sang Ye was a little curious, "I feel that you can beat Fan Lingxiang and Huang Tianjiao, but you have lost. Is it to hide your power and keep people from paying attention to you?"

"if not?"

Her presence is so eye-catching, she persuades others to spit on her, she will definitely be too lazy to care about her below, if everyone can win, those people can't wait to challenge her in a swarm.

Then how can she live in peace?

Sang Ye listened, his eyes moved, "Why don't you try to buy it with money next time?"


Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "Can you?"

Sang Ye said gently: "A person like me can be bought off, can you say it? This person who is exiled from the street lacks money most. Money is excellent for his family and cultivation."

Seeing him calmly taking himself as an example, Duan Muya felt a little stunned, but saw that his expression was the same, and he was relieved, "Sang Ye, one million things, do you actually blame me?"

"What are you complaining about?" Sang Ye said with no anger: "Besides, I promised first, and you made more than 800,000 yuan for me. I thank you for not having time, so why do I complain about you?"

"Then do you regret it?"

Mulberry shook his head firmly, "No."

Duanmu Yawang fell silent.

If she thought that Sang Ye was pretending, then, Sang Ye's next remarks completely dispelled Duanmu Yawang's thoughts. He said: "Yawang, what I told Caixie before was not a lie to comfort her. It’s true."

Duanmu Yawang was thinking about what he had said to the pick, and he continued: "I have a good talent since I was young. My parents don’t steal or steal. In order for me to have better conditions to practice, buy better medicine for cultivation, I get up early every day. Selling small things alive, every day, no matter how tired they are, I have to show a flattering smile to people. With such dedication, I will lose a little dignity in exchange for them to live in peace in the future. What's wrong?"

Duanmu Yawang felt a lot more relaxed when he heard him say this.

It is true.

No matter which world, people rely on their parents when they are young, and when they grow up, they should know how to pay for their parents.

"I'm glad you can see it so clearly."

One million, she has no shortage. If Leng Qingyi uses this to insult, and she is still branded in the mark of her life, she will definitely not be happy.

But everyone's environment is different, and the way they look at things is also different.

Mulberry and the others need money too much.

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