In other words, these are all Duanmu Yawang's own thoughts?

Picking can't laugh or cry, and whispered in a small voice: "Don't say that next time, especially when there are too many people." Otherwise, people will laugh at her if they hear it.

"Well, everyone is gone, let's go too." Sang Ye said.

Everyone hurried to the next stop.

Leng Qingyi had been in the same situation for two full days. On the third day, when she was walking to Fifty-Fifth Street, several Leng Qingyi seniors carried her and blocked their way.

The picker was angry when she saw them, and said with her arms akimbo: "What do you want to do?"

The few seniors in Leng Qingyi were impatient, "We are not looking for you, we are looking for Brother Sangye."

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes: "Is this going to negotiate?"

Being poked in an instant, several seniors from Leng Qingyi gave her a vicious look, but they held back this time and did not quarrel with Duanmu Yawang, and asked Sang Ye: "Let's talk?"

"Don't talk about it." Sang Ye said coldly: "Miss Leng has pretended to be so many days, and if she keeps on pretending, it won't look good."


Leng Qingyi’s senior brothers couldn’t see that others said they were younger sisters, but they really wanted to ask others. They were immediately angry and annoyed, and said in a vicious voice: "Don’t speak so righteously, then you need money. Tell us. A number, as long as we can do it, we will give it."

After that, without waiting for Mulberry Leaf to speak, he sneered again, and took a look, "Don’t tell us that you don’t need money. Think about how many streets you can enter next. If you want to live, you must practice. You must have money. Also, these streets are so much better than Seventieth Street. You came here by yourself, so you don't want to take your family over?"

After these words fell, Duanmu Yawang found that Mulberry and Caixie both fell silent.

Her eyelids twitched.

Seeing them not talking, the few seniors who were deserted knew that they had struck their lifeblood, and said triumphantly: "If you have money, it's easy to handle everything. You weigh it yourself, don't pretend to be noble."

Picking became angry, "Who is pretending to be high? In order to avoid punishment, I have been pretending to be sick, and I want to use means to get Mulberry leaves out of the test. We pretended to be high, you are simply scumbags!"

These words directly cursed the few seniors who were deserted.

They became angry and snorted coldly: "We have money, and we have a lot of means. If you don't agree, we will have a solution to you in the future. If we are acquainted, we will quickly say a number and take the money to solve the problem!"

After speaking, before they could speak, he glanced at the pick, but turned his head and said meaningfully to Sang Ye: "How strong is she, you should be very clear. If we are on Fifty-Fifth Street, we will let people challenge her and win. She has a lot of people, right?"

If you lose, no one knows what the next punishment will be.

This is obviously a threat.

Sang Ye's face shrank, "Don't be too much!"

"That's why you kept holding on to us!"

The pick is actually very courageous. Hearing this threat from the deserted seniors, they were also frightened. They calmly said: "You, me, we will not be threatened by you!"

"Really?" Senior Brother Leng Qingyi looked contemptuous, "Then you are going to stop at Fifty-Fifth Street, and at the same time, you can't take the test for five years?"

She picked her lips and flicked, and she couldn't say anything.

Sang Ye's strength is definitely not limited to 55th Street. In addition, if she can't participate in the test within five years, she will not be able to rise to the street, and she will only go further and further with Sang Ye in the future.

Even if Sang Ye didn't dislike her, she would drag him down...

She didn't want such a result.

"How much can you give?" When she was at a loss for the pick, the silent Sang Ye suddenly raised her eyes, looked at Senior Brother Leng Qingyi, and asked like this.

When Senior Brother Leng Qingyi heard this, he knew that Mulberry had compromised, and his eyes showed a complacency. He raised his chin and gave Mulberry a number: "One hundred thousand gold ingots."

One hundred thousand gold ingots?

I was stunned when I heard this number. Well, a lot of money...

Mulberry shook his head, "Not enough."

Picking is a little nervous, and looking at the mulberry leaves is even more incredible. Isn't that enough?

One hundred thousand gold ingots can do a lot of things. If you buy one to punish something, think about it carefully. Although you are insulted, you still feel okay. At least Mulberry can use the money to take a few family members out...

"Not enough?" Senior Brother Leng Qingyi's face turned black. "One hundred thousand gold ingots are already a lot. You won't be able to earn it in your entire life. Actually..."

"There are some things, don't say too full. With the abilities of Mulberry Leaf, you can go to a higher position in the future. Are you really able to go to heaven with a hundred thousand gold ingots?"

It was Duanmu Yawang who said this. She snorted and said: "Ms. Leng, I knew she was from a famous family. I originally thought it was a generous person, but I didn't expect such an important thing. I only got 100,000 yuan. Gold ingots, from this petty family, I can't help but doubt Miss Leng's "famous" identity."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Senior Brother Leng Qingyi said angrily: "How simple is our sister's background?

"Since you are a celebrity, don't be so petty and lose the face of your own family in doing things." Duanmu Yawang said, curling his lips and said: "This kind of thing, there is no one million gold ingots, so I am embarrassed to speak."

One, one million?

Listening to this number, I almost fainted.

Even Mulberry leaves for a while, and the lion opened his mouth when Ya Wang could really say this.

Leng Qingyi's brother is not stupid either, he stared and said angrily: "One million, why don't you grab it?"

"That said, one million is a lot for you?" Duanmu Yawang smiled, "I am not a well-known person, and you can take it out now. Can't you take it out?"

Brother Leng Qingyi almost jumped his feet: "If you can get it, you won't be cheap to others!"

"It's funny to say the word stingy so straightforwardly."

"You said so easily, can you really come up with a million?" Senior Brother Leng Qingyi sneered, "If you want to take advantage of the fire, say it early!"

"What if I take it out now?" Duan Muya narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment. She stretched out her hand and took out the Qiankun bag from the embroidered bag, and then took out two cards from the Qiankun bag, and said with a smile: "I heard that there is something nearby. There are businesses in the inn that can be checked. Would you like to check with me now?"

"Ghost city card?"

Brother Leng Qingyi saw one of the cards in Duanmu Yawang's hand, and his lips flicked, "You, why do you have this card?"

"The master of the ghost market gave me it." Duanmu Ya looked interesting when he could recognize the card of the ghost market at once.

However, almost every empire has a ghost market, so I don't know which empire they belong to.

Senior Brother Leng Qingyi snorted: "Just talk nonsense, you must have never seen the principal of the ghost market, and you even said that you got the card, you didn't know how to get it!"

"Even so, so what? I still have this card." Duan Muya shook the card lightly with a smile, "Ghost city card, it's impossible to have one million cards, right?"

The cold-hearted brother pursed his lips and said nothing.

Duanmu Yawang: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that you just seemed to remind me that you have money but do whatever you want. If I take money to buy some people and tell someone what you have done, what will happen to you? Woolen cloth?"

"When people see you, they just go around, so you want to buy people?"

"Who would have trouble with money?" Duanmu Yawang was not angry at all, and said leisurely: "I can remember that the three people who were punished by Mulberry leaves were very reluctant to test the bench when they left. If I give them Enough money, let them come over and say the'truth', do you think..."


Before Duanmu Yawang's words were finished, the sedan chair next to them sounded in a deserted and haughty voice, "It's a million, what can you do if you give it to them, it's better than someone biting you like a lice."

Leng Qingyi’s brother stayed, "Junior sister, but one million..."

"I can't take out a million?" Lieqing asked.

"Of course not. I don’t care how many senior sisters don’t have. Naturally, I don’t care about this." Seeing that Senior Brother Leng Qingyi was so determined, remembering that she was in a bad mood during this period and had to stay in a sedan chair all the time. tight.

One million, just give it!

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