Duanmu Ya looked towards the stage, Yan Yangbai looked at Xi Junxiu's face, and looked at the child who was indeed a teenager, but his face was a little arrogant.

At first glance, I know that I have been praised a lot, and I have accumulated a lot of arrogance.

However, if it is a newcomer, Duanmu Yawang is relieved a lot. The more arrogant the newcomer, the less likely she will be able to fight.

In addition, the newcomer will not have such a big opinion on her.

Duanmu Yawang analyzed it this way, and then relaxed.

However, accidents always come so suddenly.

Huang Tianjiao, the first challenger, challenged her.

She stood on the stage, looking straight at her direction, "The person I want to challenge is Duanmu Yawang!"


Duanmuya's face turned black, this Huang Tianjiao, no master wants to challenge her, is there something wrong with her brain!


The people in the audience were excited, and raised their hands excitedly: "Miss Huang, knock her down and punish her for five years without participating in the fight, a femme fatale, we never want to see her again!"

"Yes! We never want to see her again, Miss Huang, you must win!"

Huang Tianjiao, who was given high hopes, naturally did not respond, so she stared at Duanmu Yawang. Seeing Duanmu Yawang did not respond for a long time, she smirked provocatively. Don't even dare to be on the stage when I come back? Do I look like such a terrible person?"

This woman, when she talked to her, was stinged.

Hearing Huang Tianjiao's remarks, this was Duanmu Yawang's greatest feeling.

But when they met for the first time, where did she bother her?

"How come, since you ordered me, I will naturally come on stage to accompany you." Duan Mu Yawang said as he walked forward from the stage, and soon came to Huang Tianjiao, smiling at her crookedly: "But Miss Huang You are right, you look very strong, and I am indeed a little afraid of being beaten to death."

"I'm not as cruel as you. I won't kill or injure people seriously. I will only knock you off the stage." Huang Tianjiao said calmly.


Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief, remembering something, and asked timidly: "If I lose, what punishment will you give me?"

Huang Tianjiao's aura is not small, and Fan Lingxiang is not so good to talk. She tilted her lips and stared at her and said, "Guess, what punishment will I give you?"

Duanmu Yawang stepped back two steps, with a look of fear: "You, don't you think I will not be able to participate in the battle of Shengjie in five years?"

Huang Tianjiao did not answer directly, but squinted at her, revealing contempt and disgust in her eyes: "I didn't have much emotion towards you. After all, people like you can't support many streets. But someone told me something. , I clearly know that you only deserve this punishment, other punishments are too light for you."


Duanmu Ya looked at it, and subconsciously thought of Fan Lingxiang.

She smiled.

It is estimated that Fan Lingxiang really hates her, and wants to use Huang Tianjiao's hand to implement her punishment on Liang Baihe.

She looked at Huang Tianjiao and did not answer.

Huang Tianjiao curled her eyebrows, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"It's nothing. It's just that Miss Huang seems to be nostalgic, which has affected her talent and spiritual power. It's a pity for Miss Huang."

Huang Tianjiao squinted her eyes, "How do you know... you have heard of me before?"


Duanmu Yawang waved her hand, smiled and waved her hand and said: "I did only know Miss Huang today, but I came from a medical family. Although I am not talented, I have been fascinated by it since I was a child, and I have some feelings."

"Are you telling me that you know medicine?" Huang Tianjiao smiled, laughing freely, looking at her contemptuously: "This is probably the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life!"

A person with purple eyes and silver hair can learn such difficult medical skills, but a person with black eyes actually told her that she knows medicine?

Isn't this a joke!

"Miss Huang, you don't have to rush to laugh." Duanmu Yawang shrugged and said lightly: "If I'm not wrong, you are extremely talented when you speak out, but because of the insufficient number of birth months, you have some congenital deficiency, tendons, meridians, etc. When you practice too vigorously, you will experience huge pain, and even the heart will be overwhelmed. When I say this, I wonder if there is something right?"

Huang Tianjiao stayed for a paragraph of her fluttering words, looking at her in disbelief, "You, you are impossible, you..."

She cannot be blamed for the shock, because she was born on 65th Street and was still a premature baby in less than August.

When she was a child, her talent value was very high, and her family had great expectations of her.

However, after a few years of growing up, she started to practice, only to realize that her whole body hurts and her heart is also uncomfortable.

At the beginning, she couldn't bear the pain, and she didn't want to practice at all. She cried out for pain as soon as she practiced, and her family invited a doctor for her to look after her.

Such a request will last for almost twenty years.

However, it is of no use at all.

No healer could even tell the reason why she suffered as soon as she practiced.

For so many years, her medicine has not stopped, and she can't listen to her practice. Therefore, for more than 20 years, she has suffered so much, and sometimes she feels that she is better than death!

This time, it was the first time she plucked up the courage to come to the fight.

When she first came, she saw Duanmu Yawang, but she was also told some things about Duanmu Yawang, and she had quite big opinions on her.

She also wants to punish her for others, after all, she doesn't think she can't even win a black-haired and black-eyed person who cheats!

But she never expected that such a dark-eyed person could see that she was suffering from a disease, and easily said that it was a symptom of her disease!

Regardless of whether she believes it or not, Duanmu Yawang said indifferently: "Symptoms like yours are not difficult to treat for my family, and I also have medicine to heal you..."

Huang Tianjiao interrupted her vigilantly, "So you, what do you mean? You don't want me to lose to you, do you?"

"I'm not so shameless."

Duanmu Ya looked at her hands and smiled and said, "I just want to tell you that if I lose, you don't need to punish me, and I can heal your old illness."

"How do I know your words are true?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her hands and looked indifferent: "Ms. Huang listened to my description of your illness just now. If you think you can see your illness by just a single person, or if you just say it, you don’t have to believe me. ."

Huang Tianjiao pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I can give you a medicine and try it first." When Duanmu Yawang said, he reached into the embroidered bag, and after a long time, he found a bottle of medicine and poured it. One handed it to Huang Tianjiao.

Huang Tianjiao didn't answer, she still didn't believe in Duanmu Yawang, she said defensively: "It is said that you have a snake-hearted heart. Wouldn't your medicine want to poison me?"

Duanmu Yawang felt amused, "Miss Huang, if I poison you on stage, I think my future result should not be as simple as not being able to participate in the fight for five years, but I should not be able to participate in the whole life."

When Huang Tianjiao heard it, she also felt reasonable.

However, she remained vigilant, "I take this medicine of you, and it will immediately show its effects? What if it is chronic poison? Or is the poison only revealed after the fight?"


Duanmu Yawang was speechless and helped her forehead, and said helplessly: "Are you sure that you are the first challenger on this stage? If you are worried about this, you can let the other two fight first. After they fight, according to my understanding of medicine, medicine The effect must have worked, your pain will be reduced by more than 30%, and your spiritual power will increase a lot."

After that, she added: "If you can't feel the effect, after you beat me, you can punish me as you want."

Huang Tianjiao was very moved.

She lives in this world and must practice, but it is too painful for her to practice. Duanmu Ya hopes that this medicine is like a poppy to her.

Beautiful and touching.

She thought, even if this medicine is really a poppy, she wants to take a gamble!

Thinking about this, she closed her eyes and stretched out her hand: "Okay, I promise you, give me the medicine."

Duanmu Yawang poured out a medicine and handed it to her. She said: "If it works, you need to take four or five pills according to your illness. If you agree to my request, I can give the last few pills. you."


Huang Tianjiao took it without hesitation, then raised his chin, put it in his mouth, and quickly swallowed it down his throat.

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