The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1574: Sprinkle dog food, the air is so small

Duanmu Ya narrowed her eyes, "The possibility is very high."

"What a small air!"

Picking angrily said: "If I lose, I don't even have the courage to be punished. It's really too much!"

Duanmu Yawang felt that this was more like the style of Leng Qingyi and her senior brothers.

Leng Qingyi left, Duanmu Yawang must give Liang Baihe's punishment.

However, they waited and waited until the last person had finished the test, but they still couldn't see Liang Baihe.

Picking frowned and said: "Should you not be afraid that you will punish him, you really run away and will not continue to rise to the street?"

Sang Ye shook his head: "It's also possible that we were just talking and didn't pay attention to the stage and missed him."

"It's hateful!" The picker clenched his hand into a fist, and his teeth were itchy. "Let's pay attention to the next street, and we must find him!"

"I originally wanted to punish a little lighter." Sang Ye narrowed his eyes and smiled, "It seems that it's unnecessary."

Duan Muya raised her eyebrows, "I suddenly looked forward to it."

Participating in such a test, the test time is actually not long. It takes a long time to transfer from one street to the next. In order to save time, everyone has no time to rest.

After the test, he took his cloth strip and entered the next street.

After tossing and turning two streets in this way, Duanmu Yawang was already tired and hungry on the next street. She touched her belly and complained: "Shall we keep changing streets like this?"


Picking felt that Duanmu Yawang didn't understand anything. It was not surprising, and said, "Seventh Street, and the time to upgrade each time can't be more than half a month, so time is still very tight."


Duanmu Yawang touched his belly again.

The picker saw that she was hungry, and took a water bag from her waist, and another bag, "I have water and dry food here, how about you eat some to top your stomach?"

"No, I actually have something to eat." Duanmu Yawang reached out to touch her waist and took out the food that the fat aunt had prepared for her before taking it out of the embroidered bag. "I just want to have a table to sit and sit on. Have a meal."

Picking looked at the food container in her hand, dumbfounded.

The people around also looked towards Duanmu Yawang, their eyes jealous and mocking.

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Of course!"

Picking laughed and said: "We are fighting, but we don't have time to give us leisurely food. It is best to bring dry food. If you bring such exquisite food, there is really no place for you to sit and eat."

"Oh I see."

Duanmu Yawang sighed and felt that there were so many people here that it was really not suitable to eat these things that can only be eaten with bowls and chopsticks.

However, she didn't know that the test was going on like this, and Xiao Wuzheng didn't tell her that if it weren't for the fat aunt, she really didn't have anything to eat!

She grinds her teeth, and screams Xiao Wuzheng in her heart: "What a Xiao Wuzheng, aren't you familiar with this place? Why don't you tell me about such important things! You think you don't need to eat. , Don’t everyone need to eat it?"

"You'd better put your things first." Picking said: "You can eat two dry foods to fill your stomach. Later we have time, and you will eat your delicious food."


Duanmu Yawang was really hungry, and he was welcome. He took the dry food in the picker's hand, took a sip of water, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

While eating, she put the food container back into the embroidered bag.

"This should be your Qiankun bag, right?" Caixie was full of envy. "It's great. I've always heard that there is such a thing. It's convenient to use, but we can't use it."

Duanmu Ya looked at eating, and said warmly: "My friend seems to have one. I will ask him for one next time and give it to you."

"no, I'm fine."

Picking waved his hands again and again, and said embarrassedly: "How can you be embarrassed to accept such a valuable thing?"

"It's Xiao Wuzheng."

Duanmu Yawang curled his lips and said: "This is what he used for me. I think he doesn't need it. It doesn't hurt me at all. It's not a problem to give you one more. Don't worry about it, it's just a small matter."

The big deal, she owed Xiao Wuzheng a favor, and she would just repay the favor in the future.

"No, no." Picking is still under psychological pressure, "Really can't take other people's things, it's so expensive..."

"All right."

Duanmu Yawang shook her hand and said with a smile: "I think you will have these things when you enter a better area in the future, and you will pay him back if you have a chance."

After speaking, she glanced at Sang Ye, squinted and asked: "Sang Ye, do you think I made sense?"

Mulberry took a look at the pick and hummed, "It makes sense."

"Such a valuable thing, is Mulberry broken?" Picking was incredulous.

"Sang Ye is so calm, how could he have a bad brain?" Duan Mu Yawang smiled: "Didn't you always say that Mulberry leaves are very good? You are right to believe him."


"No but." Duanmu Yawang couldn't let her beak: "That's it."

Mulberry responded: "Yeah."

When he answered, he no longer gave the pick a chance to refute.

Duanmu Ya looked at the mulberry leaf, patted it and said: "Good vision, good luck." If they get things right, Mulberry is really a very reliable person.

Pick knows what she is referring to, her face is burning hot, and her blush is glowing, and she is hammering her: "Didn't you say it before, don't you say it, you say it again, you say it again!"

"Hahaha... ahem!"

Duanmu Yawang was originally laughing, but she forgot to eat dry food, so laughed, she was choked.

He blushed with a thick neck.

At a loss, he squeezed the lid of the water bag and said, "I won't bother you. Drink water quickly."

Duanmu Yawang poured water for several sips before calming down.

Picking looked at it and hit her again, "You are eating by yourself, and what are you still smiling at? Beware that you are really angry."


Duanmu Ya looked and smiled and glanced at Sang Ye again. Seeing that his face was gentle, his eyes looked gentle towards Pick.

She was startled.

The dog food was fed too much, and suddenly she felt a little bit gong Yulan stopped.

I don't know how he is now.

It seemed that I would always visit her when I went out to do errands every one or two months. Now the time is a bit longer, and it is getting longer every time, and I haven't said when Fei Fei will come back.

However, even Fei needs help in the past. It should be tricky, right?

"Hey, Yawang, what are you thinking about?" Caixi saw her suddenly startled and worried, "Couldn't you just be choked up?"


You are just being choked.

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes unhappily, looked at the stage, and said, "The battle is about to begin."


When the fight started, the whole venue was no longer so noisy.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Duan Muya looked at him and said: "Let's take a closer look later, and we must find Liang Baihe. This time we can't let him escape."

I thought he was hiding behind, but he hadn't paid much attention, but now he should always pay attention.


Picking his hands into a fist, he solemnly nodded his head: "Don't worry, I will definitely stare carefully, no matter how he disguise, I will definitely recognize him!"

The pick was vowed, but all the people who tested it passed the test, and most of them finished the test, and they didn't see Liang Baihe.

Before long, it was deserted.

This time, she was still supported by several of her seniors.

Seeing her eyes closed and weak, Duanmu Ya frowned, "Isn't she awake yet?"

Mulberry also frowned.

The others in the audience felt sorry for her and stared at Mulberry with blame.

The newly recruited people felt distressed when they saw the appearance of the pitiful beauty. They asked the people from Seventy Street. After listening to them, they looked at Mulberry and said angrily: "The world doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade. Man, such a person is definitely not willing to marry!"

Picking gritted his teeth and wanted to run out loudly: Whoever wants them to marry, Sang Ye can marry her!

The five senior Leng Qingyi brothers and sisters passed the 68th Street test. After the test, Leng Qingyi was helped off the table.

Duanmu Yawang's eyes followed them all the time.

Then, after seeing it, Leng Qingyi was helped into the sedan chair, and then her four senior brothers bent over to lift the sedan chair.

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched, "Are they leaving now?"

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