The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1571: Provocation, everyone will wait and see!

As soon as he said this, without waiting for Leng Qingyi's reaction, he turned to attack, and a palm fell on Leng Qingyi's shoulder. The power was so powerful that Leng Qingyi couldn't dodge at all. He only felt that the bones of the whole body were shaken. Roll out a few meters away!


The people in the audience were taken aback while others felt distressed.

"Yes, too cruel."

Someone said uncomfortably, "What if I was slapped twice by such a big beauty?"

Listening to these people’s discussion, Pick was furious, and stomped angrily: “When Mulberry was beaten back by her steadily before, they laughed at Mulberry here. Now Mulberry has finally taken action, but they said Mulberry. It's not the work of a gentleman, what should I do with mulberry leaves!"

"Don't worry about some fleas, don't worry." Duanmu Yawang patted her on the shoulder and comforted: "We just watched the battle on the stage well, don't worry about these people's remarks."


Picking this is more comfortable.

Mulberry on the stage did not press on tightly. After being repelled a few steps, Leng Qingyi stood aside and looked at her coldly.

Leng Qingyi had a terrible headache all over her body. He snorted, and took a breath at the most painful shoulder. A pair of eyes flicked over the cold light, "It seems that you still have some strength."


Mulberry pursed his lips and said nothing.

Leng Qingyi sneered, "However, if you want to beat me with this one alone, then you are too whimsical!"

After that, her eyes drenched, a very fast flash, and the aura was coming towards Mulberry!

Sang Ye didn't rush, and a deviation made her attack clean. At the same time, he also took out his palm unceremoniously. This time, the palm wind fell behind Leng Qingyi.

Leng Qingyi felt a pain in his back, and at the same time the internal organs seemed to be severely shaken!


A mouthful of blood came out of her mouth without warning.

She felt a little dark in front of her, and her whole person was a little shaky.

"Ah!" This reversal came so fast, everyone in the audience was shocked, and the distress and pity in the eyes became even heavier.

However, Mulberry didn't give Leng Qingyi a chance to relax this time, and another palm wind passed. Leng Qingyi couldn't dodge this time. After a long sigh of'poof', he was photographed by Mulberry. Go on stage!

With an extremely indecent posture, she lay on the ground weakly and groaning in pain.

"Junior Sister!"

The several seniors in Leng Qingyi were all frightened when they saw this scene. When they rushed up, one of them helped her and took out the medicine from his arms and stuffed her into her mouth.

The other two were extremely angry, staring straight at the mulberry leaf on the stage, "You are so brave, you dare to hurt our junior sister to this point, I will teach you a lesson!"

When they said that, when two people jumped onto the stage, they wanted Mulberry to take action. The pick was a bit nervous, "Do they both beat Mulberry? No, I'm going to help him!"

There is no and no urge to persuade, and the pick has not yet moved. At this time, the middle-aged man with a sheep beard flashed onto the stage and said coldly: "On this stage, only testing and the second ring node are allowed. The people who come to fight are not for private fights."

When the two men heard this, their movements were alive.

The middle-aged man continued: "If you violate the regulations, we are qualified to make fun of your next test."

Only then did the two men die, and they smashed Sang violently, and got off the stage.

They were gone, and the middle-aged man was on stage without warning.


Duanmu Ya looked at the stage where only Mulberry was left, squinted and said this word, and then asked Picker, "What is the origin of this middle-aged man?"

Such a quick retreat is really not so strong.

Also, isn't it that they don't know how to control the people on stage? Why did he make a move this time?

The picking thoughts were all hung on Sang Ye. I didn't hear what she said for a while, and let out a puzzled cry, "What did you just tell me?"

Duanmu Ya looked helpless, so she had to repeat what had just been said.

After picking it up for a while, I realized that Duanmu Yawang asked who was it, "Who is the host? It is said that the surname Ling is an envoy under the noble Fang family."


Duanmu Yawan blinked, what's this saying?

"It's the person who sent out to help with the work." Caixie explained to her: "He is said to be a member of the aristocracy, but how can we know such a big man? We don't know much."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and did not ask any more.

Mulberry leaves on the stage also came down from the stage without expression.

Since there are some personal grievances on the stage that cannot be resolved, the same is true for the off-stage resolution.

As soon as he came down, two lonely seniors appeared and blocked his way.

After the battle was over, everyone was going to disperse one after another. Seeing this, they all paused, wanting to see how things will develop.

The two stared at the mulberry leaf with fierce eyes: "You hurt our junior, do you really think you can retreat?"


Mulberry leaves coldly and sneered.

Hearing such a sneer, Senior Brother Leng Qingyi became annoyed, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at the beginning everyone thought you were of noble background, but they didn't think that all of you were actually gangsters."

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could we be gangsters! You know we are..."

"I am not interested in who you are at all right now." Sang Ye looked at them and sneered: "I only know that on this battle stage, Miss Leng challenged me. I just played according to the rules. Yes. On the battlefield, it’s not normal for me to win or lose, and to have pain? Besides, if I don’t make a move, do I have to stare at Miss Leng and hit me?"

Both Brother Leng Qingyi choked.

Those onlookers listened to it and felt that Mulberry made sense, "Yes, if you lose, you lose. It's too much to settle accounts after the fall. I didn't expect Miss Leng to be so beautiful, and she is such a person. what."

"How do you talk?"

Some people were unhappy, "Did Miss Leng do these things? Miss Leng was knocked out, okay? As a senior, a beautiful junior sister like herself was knocked down. Anyone who is a little emotional will get angry and feel distressed, right?"


Everyone nodded in agreement. Such a beautiful person is really reluctant to be hurt. However, "These two brothers have lived like this. It is really too much. It is too bad for Miss Leng's reputation. Miss Leng is like a white lotus out of silt. Knowing that he is a clean and noble person, he would definitely not want his brother to treat Mulberry leaves like this."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone's conversation with Qingyi's four seniors was listening to them. In fact, everyone didn't want to just let the mulberry leaves go, but for the sake of Lengyi's reputation, they endured it.

However, what should be said is still to be said. They looked at Sang Ye and said, "We will have some time later! Our junior sister is in poor condition today, next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Is it?"

Mulberry knows very well that there will be a period after this, but it is actually a provocation.

In other words, everyone will be watching!

Sang Ye nodded blankly, squinted at the two of them, and suddenly smiled: "Thank you for reminding us that we will have some time later. After all, I won Ms. Leng. According to the rules of the battle, Ms. Leng still I owe me a punishment, but now that Miss Leng has fainted, this punishment is for her to wake up, and I will mention it to her again."


Hearing this word, the cold-hearted brother remembered that there was such a stubbornness, and he was very regretful before he made a provocation.

However, this person is obviously with that Duanmu Yawang, that Duanmu Yawang is jealous of her junior sister, and her junior sister is punished by them, I don't know what the consequences will be!

They were vigilant. Seeing Sang Ye was about to leave, they blocked his way again, and asked angrily: "You have beaten us as a junior sister like this. You still want to punish her for a female stream. Are you too cruel and too much? "

"She is not my junior, why should I pity Xiangxiyu?" Sang Ye asked back.

Brother Leng Qingyi didn't choke.

Sang Ye looked at the arm that lay in front of him, and added: "Besides, you guys from noble backgrounds have never heard of it? Are you really going to make the scene so that everyone can't get off the stage?"

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