The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1559: Nothing is courteous, you will steal if you are not a traitor

"Wake up?" Duanmu Yawang looked at him and asked.

Xiao Wuzheng seemed to be stunned for a while, as if there was no, but he didn't answer Duanmu Yawang's words. He just looked at them and asked interestingly, "Are you chatting?"

Before Duanmu Yawang and Fat Aunt even spoke, Leng Meiren flicked her sleeves, flashed her body, and returned to the door of her room, closing the door with a ‘bang’.


Leng Meiren left suddenly, Duanmu Yawang thought she would definitely make a move this time, was Xiao Wuzheng affected her?

The fat aunt didn't have any expressions, she smiled and carried two buckets of water into the room when she saw the person leaving.

Duanmu Yawang glanced at Xiao Wuzheng curiously. His face is really good-looking. Could it be that Leng Meiren really fell in love with him?

"What did you look at me?" Xiao Wuzheng asked with a smile.

Duanmu Yawang naturally did not answer, and he asked while watching: "Yes, I wanted to ask you to come out to eat noodles before. Did you fall asleep? Have you slept until now?"

Xiao Wuzheng blinked innocently, "Yes."

After that, he turned his eyes and asked, "Where are you from?"

Duanmu Yawang wondered why he would ask: "Just the fat aunt brought it, otherwise, where can I meet."

Xiao Wuzheng nodded, stopped continuing this topic, stared at her and said, "You told the fat aunt that you want to take a bath?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"


Although he said no, Duanmu Yawang always felt as if he had something to say.


Xiao Wuzheng yawned suddenly, "The rest is still not enough. Go back to the room. I will continue to sleep. I remember to wake up earlier in the morning."


Following her answer, Xiao Wuzheng turned and returned to the room.

Duanmu Yawang also turned back to the room, but why didn't she realize that Xiao Wuzheng was sleeping like this before? I have just rested for at least two hours, and are you still sleepy?

"Miss Duanmu, take a shower soon, the water is going to be cold." The fat aunt put two buckets of water in the shower room of the wing and walked out and said with a smile to Duanmu Ya.

"Okay, thank you Fat Auntie."

Duan Muya saw that the fat aunt was covered in sweat, and then remembered what she had talked to her before, with a heart move, he took out several gold ingots from the embroidered bag and handed them to the fat aunt.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

The fat aunt was surprised and quickly pushed the money back.

Duanmu Yawang insisted and said with a smile: "Thank you, fat aunt, for taking such care of us. You should take it." A few gold ingots are big gold ingots, and there are a hundred gold ingots in total.

"no, I'm fine."

The fat aunt was unwilling to accept it no matter what, and the smile on her face faded a lot. "Miss Duanmu, we are very happy to be able to live in. The money I gave before is enough, and I don’t need to give it anymore. Yes, we are angry."


Duanmu Ya looked for a moment, then smiled: "Fat aunt, this money is nothing to me, you need..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about this."

The fat aunt said that she would not accept it, and she pushed Duanmu Yawang into the shower room. She was very strong, so Duanmu Yawang was pushed in by her.

After pushing forward, the fat aunt walked out the door, and said as she walked: "You don't have to worry about these things in the future, I have a very good and satisfying life with your strong uncle."

After that, when you get to the door, tell her: "You take a good rest, don't leave the door of the room in the evening, we also want to rest."

Without waiting for Duanmu Yawang's answer, he went out and closed the door for her.


At this time, the little white deer lifted the thick drape bed curtain and pointed out a head, "How did you give money to the fat aunt?"

"Fat aunt treats us very well."

Thinking of the things downstairs, I told him in a few words, and sighed: "I think they want to give a little money and express their feelings since they are in difficulty. I didn't expect the fat aunt would refuse."

"So that's the case."

Little Bailu frowned and was a little puzzled: "Listen to you, isn't the fat aunt and strong uncle too kind to you? This is the first time you met."

"I feel so too."

This is what Duanmu Yawang couldn't figure out.

Little Bailu pointed at the finger and whispered suspiciously: "If you don't have anything to do with courtesy or **** or steal, will they..."

"It shouldn't be."

When Duanmu Yawang interrupted him, he didn't have a good temper: "If they want to steal something, they can do it in the dark. It is not easy to do it clearly. Besides, even if it's really stealing, they see that cold beauty. We are richer than us, why don’t people show their courtesy to Leng Meiren?"

"It seems to make sense for you to say that." Xiao Bailu touched his chin, but was even more confused: "Then why do they treat you so well?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, and said to him: "Go back to bed, I have a bath." The fat aunt gave her hot water, so she can't waste her kindness in vain.


The little white deer stuck out his tongue and went back to the bed.

After Duanmu Yawang took a shower, it was getting late. After drying her hair, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

It's dawn until dawn.

Duanmu Yawang slept quite comfortably. As soon as she got up and put on clothes, there was a knock on the door, and the fat aunt said outside: "Miss Duanmu, here comes the freshening up."

Duanmu Yawang hurried over to open the door.

Then, I saw the fat aunt holding a tray in her hand. The tray was filled with toilet water on which a basin was sitting, and there were all kinds of objects.

It can be seen that the preparation was very meticulous.


Duanmu Yawang took the things, and the fat aunt didn't say much, and said seriously: "You can get up late. It's breakfast time in a quarter of an hour. Don't miss it."


Duan Muya looked at it, and the fat aunt walked away in a hurry.

Duan Muya looked back to the room, showered with what the fat aunt gave, and then she frowned.

Little Bailu lay lazily on the bed, aware of her look, and asked while yawning: "Master, what are you frowning? There is something wrong with these things?"

"No problem, and very good."

"Then you still frown?"

"You know, what kind of medicine is contained in these little powders for brushing teeth?" Duanmu Ya looked at him.

Little Bailu blinked: "I don't know medicine, how can I know."


Duanmu Yawang twisted her eyebrows and said, "Although this kind of thing cannot be said to be rare, it can be regarded as relatively expensive. When I go out, I added the toothpaste I made myself. Except for my own, it is only used in the palace. To this kind of toothpaste."

Yingxiangzhi, only a careful and capable doctor knows that it has a cleansing effect.

In addition to its cleansing effect, it can also leave fragrance on the lips and teeth, but the price of Yingxiang sticks is high, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

Little Bailu stayed for a while, finally understood, and said in amazement: "This is Seventieth Street. How can a fat aunt have such a good toothpaste?"

Duanmu Yawang pursed her lips and said nothing. She felt that the small inn she lived in seemed to be full of mysteries.

There is not much time, and no matter how many questions Duanmu Yawang has, she hastened to freshen up, and then go out.

As soon as I left the house, I also happened to ran into Xiao Wuzheng.

He still looked lazy, glanced at her face, smiled and said, "It looks like he slept well?"

"It's calm and the waves are not too noisy. It's a good sleep." When Duanmu Yawang said, he glanced at him, but found that he seemed a little tired: "You have black eyes under your eyes, so you don't sleep well?"

As he walked, Xiao Wuzheng said, "Sleep too much before nightfall. After waking up, I haven't been able to fall asleep for a long time. I only slept for a while before dawn."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, remembered about Yingxiangzhi, and talked to him for a while, and finally concluded, "Is the fat aunt being too kind to me?"

Xiao Wuzheng stared at her, and tweeted, "You are really narcissistic. According to you, the fat aunt treats me very well, and I also use toothpowder with Yingxiangzhi."

The two walked side by side, the scent of Yingxiangzhi was very obvious, after what he said, she did smell the scent of Yingxiangzhi from him.

Duanmu Yawang's heart then relaxed.

They did not come down late, but the others came down earlier than them.

After they went downstairs, they found that the tables were filled up like last night. Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Wuzheng swept away. Dramatically, only Leng Meiren still had three seats left at their table.


Little Bailu held his forehead speechlessly, "Why do you want to sit with them again?"

Duanmu Yawang also had a headache and pinched her eyebrows, "No matter what, we still have to eat for breakfast. We can't starve ourselves for some people who don't like it. At best, we just can't see them."

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