The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1540: You are our benefactor to the whole family!

"Why do you trust her so much?"

Manager Xi stared at him suspiciously, "You have never trusted a person like this, and I don't think you are familiar with each other, you should know each other soon."

Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "Naturally, people have good medical skills and are worthy of trust."

Guan Shi looked at him even more weird, and whispered: "I forgive my subordinates for their ignorance, just a little girl. No matter how good the medical skills are, where can I go? On the contrary, I think you probably accepted bribes to take the opportunity. It's true to take people to live here and not be driven away."

"Old Xi, so you think of me that way?"

Xiao Wuzheng covered his chest heartbrokenly, "We have known each other for so many years, and now we know that I look like this in your heart. You really hurt my heart."

Xiao Wuzheng looked like he was going to babble at any time, and Guan Shi could see that his forehead was suddenly jumping. If he didn't care about his identity, he could really throw this person out!

Guan Xi endured the matter and then endured it, and finally endured it in one breath, and was about to speak. At this moment, Duanmu Yawang's wing door opened.

When he saw it, he didn't remember anything immediately, and immediately stepped forward, "Miss Duanmu, how is my master..."

Before he finished his words, he saw Duanmu Yawang pushing Zhuzhimeng out, and Zhuzhimeng leaning on the wheelchair, her eyebrows wringing tired and painful.

As if the whole person had been hit hard!

Director Xi's heart beats, and his heartstrings tighten.

Upholding that the other party is the guest allowed by the master to stay, he tried to restrain himself, not letting himself express anger, and depressed and asked in a low voice: "Miss Duanmu, our master is...what's wrong?"

"Don't be nervous."

Duanmu Yawang saw that the attending steward was worried about Zhu Zhimeng, and was a little dissatisfied with her. Even Xiao Wuzheng's original careless expression changed.

She was afraid that she would really be kicked out, so she had to raise her hand to surrender, and reluctantly explained: "Some treatments are not all treated with a little medicine, and gentle and gentle can be cured. For some different diseases, you have to use it. Very means."

"Extraordinary means?"

Xiao Wuzheng squinted his eyes and leaned against a pillar with his arms crossed his chest, his face smiling nonchalantly, "This is an interesting thing, can you explain it more carefully?"

Duanmu Ya hoped helplessly, and sighed: "It's like a person who is infected with a cold, drinking some **** water is all right. If a person is highly poisoned, he must use his internal strength to force the poison out little by little every day, I said. Can you understand?"

After she finished speaking, seeing that Xiao Wuzheng and Manager Xi’s expressions still did not improve, she was too lazy to explain too much, and simply said directly: "It's only two or three hours ago. I checked his legs for Mr. Zhu and found that There is an 80% chance to be good..."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wuzheng and Guan Shi's expressions immediately changed, and their eyes filled with ecstasy, "Miss Duanmu, can you take this seriously?"

Oh my!

After so many years, it was the first time he heard that a healer said three words to his master's illness!

It's such a happy event!

"The monks don’t talk, I’m more honest in front of the patients than the monks." Duanmu Yawang said, shrugging, "But first, I have to say yes, Mr. Zhu’s leg muscles are atrophied badly. Heal. It takes extraordinary means, so Mr. Zhu will not feel well during the treatment."

After that, she looked at Xiao Wuzheng and Manager Xi with a serious face: "On this point, when Mr. Zhu wakes up, you can see if Mr. Zhu can accept and accept it. I will continue to treat him. can not……"

"It can do it!"

Guan Shi couldn't wait to make a decision for Zhu Zhi's dream. His eyes were red, and his whole body was shaking with excitement: "Miss Duanmu, don't worry, no matter how hard the treatment process is, our master can definitely accept it!"

After that, he walked to Duanmu Yawang, bowed, and said respectfully: "Miss Duanmu, our master is pleased to you! As long as you can make our master's legs move again, you will be our benefactor for the whole family. !"

"You're welcome."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, but did not answer this question.

Instead, Xiao Bailu hummed twice, and whispered to Duanmu Yawang Xinyu's voice transmission: "This steward Xi really likes to speak wild words. Didn't it mean that this dream of chasing dreams is from the Fifth Mansion, the exiled master? He should not be favored. In that case, whether his legs are good or not, it shouldn't have much to do with the family, but he said it as if Zhuzhimeng has a great status in the family."

"If there is no status, people are also sons of each family. Moreover, the dream of Zhuzhi is strong. If the legs are better, even if the status is not top, it will definitely be a proud existence one by one. Such a person Naturally, one by one will not give up."


Little Bailu is not very interested. Anyway, he just took care of things, and he couldn't be happy no matter what they said.

"It's nothing, why do you care so much like a little girl?" Duan Mu Yawang stretched out his hand and squeezed his face.

Little Bailu snorted, "My little master is sleepy, and I need to go back to my room to rest."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Manager Xi was said by Duanmu Yawang. After he suddenly understood what Xiao Bailu said, he laughed, "Little son’s lunch is about to begin, and his subordinates have asked the kitchen to make a lot of delicious food. Sleep again?"

As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, the little white deer, who had just stiffened, stopped in this way, licked his mouth and twisted his head to stare at Mr. Xi, "You mean it?"

"Of course it is." Manager Xi smiled and said, "I didn't prepare well last night. Miss Duanmu has worked hard today. Naturally, I can't wrong the distinguished guests. Today I prepared the best meal."

Little Bailu's saliva is almost flowing out, he coughs lightly, raises his small chin and said: "Well, for your so sincerely, then I will eat first and then sleep!"

"Yes." Guan Shi smiled and didn't care about the children at all.

Duanmu Yawang took a look at Xiao Bailu and warned him that he would accept it as soon as he saw it.

The little white deer sticks out his tongue, and then he behaves.

Guan Shi stepped forward, instead of Duanmu Yawang, pushing Zhuzhimeng away, hesitated for a moment, and still asked: "Miss Duanmu, our master, when will I wake up?"

Duanmuya's eyes flashed, "I performed a water test for him. He was too painful and unbearable, so he fainted, and when he recovered, he would naturally wake up."

Is it too painful and unbearable?

Manager Xi listened and looked at the exhausted face of his master, worried and uncomfortable.

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