According to Xiao Wuzheng's narrative, the legs of Zhuzhimeng, the simple summary is that he was conspired by his trusted relatives, was poisoned in a dangerous safari battle, and was thrown into the ice cave.

At the same time, the relative, worried that Zhu Zhimeng was not dead yet, kept throwing boulders at his motivation.

The poisoned Zhuzhimeng was powerless to resist, and his legs were hit by a boulder and crushed to pieces.

However, fortunately, his elder brother came in time, rescued him, and invited a famous doctor to treat him.

However, his legs couldn't move anyway.

After listening to Duanmu Yawang, she was silent for a moment before she said: "Mr. Zhu's legs, where do you start to feel unconscious?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "I wonder if Mr. Zhu would mind taking off his pants, or rolling his pants up to his thighs, let me check the condition of your two legs?"

Zhu Zhimeng glanced at Duanmu Ya, but didn't answer for a while.

Because, if it is a general medical practitioner, such a request is naturally no problem.

However, Duanmu Yawang is a woman.

It was really hard for him to imagine whether men and women were giving or receiving a kiss. A girl squatted on his leg, showing himself... pictures of her legs.


Xiao Wuzheng seemed to understand at a glance what Zhu Zhimeng was thinking, rolled his eyes, and said in an angry voice: "The doctor's parents, in the face of treatment, there is no difference between men and women, understand?"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I have to say, I agree with Mr. Xiao's words."

"I'm narrow-minded."

Zhu Zhimeng quickly admitted his mistake, but he still looked at Duanmu Ya very seriously: "Miss Duanmu, if this matter affects your reputation, I am willing to take responsibility at any time."


Duanmu Ya looked at black lines on her forehead, and couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Mr. Zhu, you think too much."

"That's right." Xiao Wuzheng feared that the world would not be chaotic, and said: "You are a disabled leg, and you are not worthy of someone. You still want to marry someone. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Zhu Zhimeng heard this sentence but didn't respond, as if he didn't care at all.

The little white deer touched the tip of his nose and muttered softly, "My sister has a future husband. There is no shortage of people to like it."


Xiao Wuzheng had never heard of this, but he was very curious, "There is such a thing? Why have I never heard of it?"


Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head, so that he should not look for a sense of existence, and then said: "Let's continue the topic just now, Mr. Zhu, please rest assured, the doctor's parents, in my eyes, There is no distinction between male and female patients, they are just patients."

"Okay, I understand."

Zhu Zhimeng nodded, "Take off the pants is not suitable for the time being, why not just lift up the trouser rolls and let Miss Duanmu take a look at the situation first?"


After listening to Zhu Zhi Meng, he set his sights on Xiao Wuzheng.

Xiao Wuzheng blinked, "What do you think of me?"

Zhu Zhimeng happily squeezed the flute and played with it, and said with a smile: "Old Xi has gone out. He usually takes care of me. He is a little bit more. Now there is no other person to serve me. I lifted my trousers rolls like this. It’s also troublesome. It’s too embarrassing to let Miss Duanmu help me, so I have to trouble you, my old friend."

Zhu Zhimeng said a lot, but only had one purpose-to let Xiao Wuzheng help him roll up his trousers.

Doing this is probably to protect Xiao Wuzheng just because he was too mean, and he didn't leave him any affection.

For this, Duanmu Yawang wanted to roll his eyes a little, these two men were really naive!

Xiao Wuzheng guessed that he was wrong, but he didn't argue this time. He put the fan away, put it on his chest, squatted down, removed the blanket on Zhuzhimeng's legs, and rolled up his pants for Zhuzhimeng.

Duanmu Yawang stared at Xiao Wuzheng's movements.

Following Xiao Wuzheng's movements, Zhu Zhimeng's legs appeared before Duanmu Yawang's eyes.

Zhu Zhimeng himself is tall, with snow-white skin, but his legs are completely different from his face. His legs atrophy due to unconsciousness.

He looked thin and weak, his thighs were probably only as thick as an adult's arms, and the skin was wrinkled and pale, and they all looked uncomfortable.

Of course, this is not true everywhere.

The ankle part of Zhuzhimeng seems to be a little swollen, it is a big circle, and it is about the same size as the calf technique.

After Xiao Wuzheng did his own thing, he stood up, sat down in the previous position, and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Okay, Miss Duanmu, come and have a look."


Duanmu Yawang stood up and squatted down in front of Zhuzhimeng. She didn't touch Zhuzhimeng immediately, but asked: "Where did Mr. Zhu start? Isn't it conscious?"

Zhu Zhimeng took a deep breath and touched the position of his middle thigh: "Here."


Duanmu Ya looked at the words, reached out and pressed **** the original position.


She didn't have much strength, so she took a breath after the dream, her face turned pale.

Duanmu Ya looked up and looked at him: "It hurts?"

"Yeah." Zhu Zhimeng nodded with a pale face.

"The muscles and veins here are a little swollen because of long-term blood veins that are not stretched. In the future, I will need more people to massage them and flatten them."

Chase the dream: "Lao Xi massages me every day."

"Press the unintuitive part of the leg, right?"

Zhu Zhimeng stared at her, "Yes, how do you know?"

"According to what Mr. Xiao said before, you had problems with your legs three years ago. To be honest, the time is not too short. Besides, your legs were in such a serious condition at the time, but you didn’t need to ampute your legs. Your legs were well maintained, so you can guess. Come out."

Duanmu Yawang said, pressing the legs of Zhuzhi Dream here with both hands, and pressing there, there was no pattern at all.

She continued: “However, it’s not good to just press the unconscious part. It’s not conducive to good muscle cell activity for a long time. If you can press it, it’s better to press all the thighs.”


Pursue the dream for a moment, "I wrote it down."

Duanmu Yawang pressed and pressed, and suddenly stopped at the place of Zhu Zhimeng's left ankle.

Zhu Zhimeng felt it and asked: "Why don't you continue to press?"

"Mr. Zhu has always had his legs in the soup?"

Zhu Zhimeng nodded: "That's right."

"This habit is good, but remember to add a few more medicines in the future, otherwise there will be toxins in the acupuncture points here, and moisture will not be discharged."

As she said, she raised the sachet that Xiao Wuzheng gave her before, took out the silver needles and a few bottles of potion, she mixed the concentrated potion, dipped a few silver needles into it, and continued to press them one by one. The legs of the dream.

"Does Xi know medical skills?" Duanmu Yawang asked.

Zhu Zhimeng shook his head, "I don't understand, but I went to study some acupoint maps specifically to give me a massage."

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