The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1532: Those who are not strong enough are not allowed to enter

After he finished speaking, he frowned and looked at Xiao Wuzheng, "Why didn't you tell this little girl clearly about this?"

Xiao Wuzheng smiled helplessly, "Why didn't I make it clear, even if I say that, people have to listen."


Duanmu Yawang coughed lightly and looked at Zhu Zhimeng, "Mr. Xiao has told me the danger of the endless city, but because I am in a hurry, I am very determined to come in. It has nothing to do with Mr. Xiao."

"You are also courageous." Zhu Zhimeng seemed to persuade her, "However, the endless city is really dangerous. If you really cherish your life, you must not go."

Duanmu Yawang shook his head firmly, "I must go in."


Zhu Zhi Meng shook his head helplessly.

Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "Look, is persuasion useful?"

Zhu Zhimeng ignored him, raised his eyes and looked at Duanmu Yawang with a serious face: "Although you really want to go in, but you still said that just now. At the time you are now, you really can't go in."

Duanmu Yawang was sensitively aware of something, "I can't get in with my ability, or can't I get in?"

"Can't get in."

"Could it be that there is still human consciousness in the endless city, knowing to pick people?" Then those who are not strong enough are not allowed to enter?

… Isn’t that too smart?

"It's not the endless city that picks people, but this exile street picks people."

"Huh?" Duanmu Yawang didn't understand, so he couldn't react for a while.

Zhu Zhimeng gave Xiao Wuzheng a white look, "It seems that there are some things that you still haven't explained clearly to others."

Duanmuya stared at Zhuzhimeng, pinched her eyebrows, waved to the steward, and said, "You can explain for Miss Duanmu."


When Mr. Xi heard this, he did not speak immediately. Instead, he took out a picture scroll from a large porcelain bottle in the hall.

Manager Xi unfolded it and said, "Miss Duanmu, please take a look."

Duanmu Ya looked at it and looked at the picture scroll.

The paintings in this scroll are not masterpieces, but simple line drawings.

That's right, it's the line graph.

This line graph is two circles.

Inside a big circle, there is a small circle, and inside the small circle, the words "Endless City" are written impressively.

Where the two circles do not overlap, there are three more lines, dividing the big circle into four areas.

And these four parts are marked with the four directions of southeast, northwest, respectively.

Duanmu Yawang felt that she understood, but she didn't. She pointed to the small circle, "What does this represent, the endless city?"


Guan Shi nodded respectfully and said, "Actually, there are four streets in Banishment Street, namely Banish East Street, Banish South Street, Banish West Street, and Banish North Street."

"In other words, the ranges of the southeast, northwest and northwest respectively represent the four streets of exile?"

"That's right." After Mr. Xi finished speaking, he added another sentence, "We are here in Banshee West Street. Our four streets, the closer we are to the Endless City, the higher the area, and the more at the periphery, the lower the area."

This Duanmu Yawang understood, "It was said that the entrance to the endless city appeared near the polar region, that is, the polar region is the closest to the endless city, right."


Manager Xi finished speaking and said: "I should have talked about the promotion area before, so if Miss Duanmu wants to enter the endless city, she must be able to enter the polar area."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, "I understand this, how can I enter?"

"This is exactly what we are going to say, every district will hold a battle for district promotion within a certain period of time."

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "In other words, if the struggle is won, can the district be promoted?"

Xiao Wuzheng knocked Duanmu Yawang's head with a fan, and said, "The promotion zone is more complicated. You can let Xi Guan explain in advance, don't interrupt."


Duanmu Yawang calmed down immediately, staring at Guan Xi.

Manager Xi smiled helplessly: "In fact, it's not complicated. It's just a matter of limiting the number of people in the promotion zone. If it's in the promotion zone, the number is unlimited, as long as it reaches a strength value.

In addition to reaching a strength value, there is also a limit on the number of people to upgrade. In the lower zone to the middle zone, there can only be a maximum of five people at a time, the middle zone to the rise zone has a maximum of three people, and the high zone to the pole zone allows a maximum of one person at a time. "

Duanmu Yawang frowned, "In other words, if I want to enter the polar region, I have to beat everyone competing in the same period?"

"Yes, that's it."

Duanmu Yawang didn't know about Banshee Street. She didn't know the strength of the people on Banshee Street, so she asked: "People from Banshee, people from the Polar Regions, are they strong?"

Manager Xi closed the picture and smiled faintly: "Exiled from the street, the most indispensable is the master."

Duanmu Ya's eyelids twitched. What did Xi Guanshi mean by saying that this promotion area is not easy?

Zhu Zhimeng asked: "Miss Duanmu, we exile from the streets and the four streets, and we are fighting four times a year, and it happens that our West Street just ended a few days ago..."

Duanmu Ya looked at it, and instantly became nervous, "In other words, I have to wait a few months?"

"Don't be nervous."

Xiao Wuzheng said helplessly: "It's all on West Street. Are there any other three streets? We can't participate here. We can also participate in other three streets."

Duanmu Yawang was startled, "It turns out that the four streets are holding such struggles at the same time?"

"Of course not. Power stones are required to detect power values, and there is only one power stone. How can the four districts fight at the same time?"

Duanmu Yawang suddenly realized: "That's how it is."

Zhu Zhimeng touched his chin and smiled lightly: "As far as I know, the other three streets will choose a few days to fight for the promotion of the district. You can pay attention to it."

Xiao Wuzheng sneered and rolled his eyes, "You don't want to tell us, you don't know when the other three districts are fighting?"

Zhu Zhimeng waved his hand innocently, "I don't know for the time being."

"You also know that for the time being, and this is because the time of the other three districts has not been set yet. If it is set, you shouldn't know it for the first time?"

Xiao Wuzheng finished speaking and snorted: "We are all outsiders. Are you ashamed to let us pay attention? Before the time is set, we have stayed here. When the time is set, you just tell us directly."

Zhu Zhimeng played the emerald flute lightly, smiling silently.

He did not agree to let them live, nor did he refuse to agree, but it looked more like a refusal.

Duanmu Yawang looked at Zhuzhimeng, and felt that this person's temperament was a bit elusive, because, judging from his appearance, Zhuzhimeng should be a gentle and immaculate person.

However, his temperament was similar to Xiao Wuzheng, and he was moody and elusive.

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