Duanmu Yawang was taken aback, "The life span is so short?"

When she said that, she glanced around and found that the people around were really not children, almost all of them were young people, and there was not a single old-fashioned person!

Xiao Wuzheng did not answer, and continued: "The other thing is, they are not unwilling to go out, but once they leave this exile street without authorization, they will not live outside for a year, that is why they have such talent and strength. But because of being stuck in this place."

Duanmuya trembled as she looked forward to her heart, paused, and looked at the others. However, such a young group of people were all tired and depressed, and their vigor and happiness seemed to be separated from them.

Little Bailu bit his lip, "The people here are so pitiful."

"So, if they are close to forty, they will have to wait to die?" Thirty is exactly the time when how many people are flourishing and ambitious, but they must die.

It's really cruel.

"This is not absolute, they have another way out."

Duanmu Yawang immediately asked: "What way out?"

"It's to become a higher person." Xiao Wuzheng glanced at her, "Each level rises up to five more years."

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "There are three opportunities for promotion. If you go to the Polar Region, wouldn't you be able to live to forty-five?"

"Forty-five a lot?"

Duanmu Ya sighed, "Not much, but it's better than 30 years old." At least there is a spiritual sustenance.

Xiao Wuzheng didn't speak for a while, and turned into a street with Duanmu Yawang. The street changed from the arid loess to a little more green.

Across the small street, there is a thick wall with two people in front, and a door that looks like the door of a city.

And on the plaque above the door, four words were written impressively-Sixty-four districts.

"This is District Sixty-Four?"


Xiao Wuzheng took her forward and walked to the old steps in front of the door.

There were eight people stationed on the steps, one by one looked good.

The door of the 64th area has been tightly closed, and almost no one has ever walked in front of the door. It seems that few people can step into this area.

Duanmu Yawang followed in the footsteps of Xiao Wuzheng, thinking about how Xiao Wuzheng could get through this door, when the two came to the front of the steps, they were stopped by the two purple-eyed people standing in the front: "If you want to upgrade the district, come up with something!"

Xiao Wuzheng said nothing, and took out a golden token-like thing from his waist.

"Token by household?"

When the eight people saw it, they were shocked, and the two in front of them even retracted their hands when they were about to stop them, "I don't know if it's a distinguished guest from house to house, please don't be offended by the distinguished guest."

"Those who don't know are not guilty." Xiao Wuzheng said indifferently, "Now, can we pass?"


The gatekeeper quickly opened the door for Xiao Wuzheng.

As a result, as soon as the door opened, dust rolled for a while, drifting to the noses of Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Wuzheng, causing both of them to sneez a few times.

The gatekeeper was embarrassed for a while and quickly apologized: "Sorry, sorry, because no one has been promoted to the district for more than a month, so the dust has fallen. Please don't be angry."

Duanmu Yawang was startled, "No one has been promoted to the area for more than a month?" The total life span is only 30 years. Even if he reaches the polar area, he can only live to 45 years old.

However, no one has been promoted to a zone in a month, and there are so many zones in each level, it is simply difficult to upgrade!

Little Bailu sighed: "The people here are living so hard."


Duanmuya closed her eyes and sighed secretly. This was no longer so difficult.

The people here are indeed a pity.

Several gatekeepers heard Duanmu Yawang’s words, with mixed emotions on their faces, “The weather has been bad in the past few years, and there has been almost no rain. It's even more difficult to get to the sky."

Duanmu Yawang's face was not very good-looking, but Xiao Wuzheng's face was calm. After crossing the gate, Xiao Wuzheng thanked him, and then went on with Duanmu Yawang.

Then they survived because they were upgraded to a district, there was more vegetation around, the pedestrians on the road were not so dense, and the ragged clothes were a little better.

Seeing this, Duanmu Yawang felt a little bit more frightened and comfortable.

Xiao Wuzheng kept taking her away, and Duanmu Yawang suddenly remembered, "Mr. Xiao, we are going to find your friend now, right?"

"Well, otherwise there is no place to stay."

"Which district is your friend in?"

Xiao Wuzheng did not answer, but instead asked, "Do you still think they are pitiful?"

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment, and finally nodded slowly, "Yes, it's really pitiful. According to Mr. Fang Cai, don't we see the elderly here?"

"Generally yes."


Little Bailu sighed again.

This is really a depressing place.

Xiao Wuzheng took her away for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a door.

Duanmu Yawang was still thinking about things, and suddenly stopped. She didn't even notice. She almost ran into Xiao Wuzheng. Xiao Wuzheng took her back collar, raised her chin and motioned her to look ahead, and said: "Here."

Duanmu Yawang looked up and saw the vermilion atmosphere door and the clean and beautiful steps. She looked to the side. Apart from these, she found that the house was similar to an ordinary mansion.

Of course there is a gap between such a mansion and the Zhongyong Palace, but in the environment where the land is barren and the houses are low and dilapidated, this is simply a big villa next to the small cottage!

The contrast should not be too obvious.

Above the vermilion gate, there is a plaque, which is worthy of the words-Zhufu.

The house was very grand, but there was no one guarding the gate. Xiao Wuzheng stepped forward and shook the door buckle a few times.

Although there is no one in front of the door, there is no dust, and the steps underneath are all clean. It looks like they are often cleaned.


There was a sound of footsteps inside, and almost at the same time, the door was also opened.

Duanmu Yawang saw the face of a man with a beard, who looked almost 30 years old.

Thirty years old...

Duanmu Yawang looked at the man, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xiao!" The visitor saw Xiao Wuzheng with a look of surprise on his face, "You will be in the future, our lord has been talking about it for a few days. I don't want you to come now. It's great. !"

"Well, the manager Xi, please inform me."

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Guan Shi answered repeatedly, and at the same time opened the door to let them in, glanced at Duanmu Yawang inadvertently, and then froze for a moment.

But he quickly recovered, and then smiled, in a gentle voice: "This little girl is so beautiful and has beautiful eyes. Why do you keep staring at me with my pitiful eyes?"

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