
The little white deer gobbled up, while clicking on his head, "Mr. Xiao shouldn't have eaten it."

Duanmuya raised her eyebrows, always feeling something that didn't fit Xiao Wuzheng's personality. She thought that he was hungry a long time ago and had a meal, but he hadn't eaten it yet.

Duanmu Yawang also had a conscience, and said helplessly: "Let's keep some for him."

Little Bailu naturally had no objection.

After Duanmu Yawang left a good meal for Xiao Wuzheng, she was still a little unsure, "What if there is a robber?"

Little Bailu rolled his eyes and was very angry: "If there is, I will drive people away, how can this be? However, according to Xiaoye, this is not possible at all. Look at how fast the spacecraft flies. If you can **** such a ship away, the opponent's force must be very high. Since he is an expert, how could he do such sneaky things?"

"You seem right to say that!"

Duanmu Yawang patted Xiao Bailu's head appreciatively, and said, "Recently, I always feel that you have become smarter."

Little Bailu was very proud, and said with a smile: "My little master has always been smart, alright?"

Duanmu Yawang was about to speak, but a voice rang out loudly at one end, "Hey, eh, where is this cuteness? It looks really cute."

It was a very immature girl who sounded only four or five years old.

However, on their spaceship, there were only three of them. Where did the little girl's voice come from?

The voice fell, Duanmu Ya looked at the tip of her heart trembling, suddenly became vigilant, suddenly twisted her head and looked at it smoothly.

At this look, the pupil shrank.

She saw a little girl who was about the same age as the little white deer, wearing a cherry blossom-colored sarong with beautiful patterns printed on the skirt, and her silver hair was not long or short, and she was cleverly attached to her shoulders.

Her eyes are big, her purple eyes are shining, and when she looks at people, her eyes are big and innocent, very beautiful.

At this moment, the little girl is standing behind her but one arm away, very girlishly clasped behind her, her petite body leaning forward slightly, looking at her with a big smile and squinting, she looks cute and tender enough to touch. she.

Duanmu Yawang only felt that the hair was terrifying!

Because this little girl actually appeared behind her, she didn't even feel it at all! If it weren't for her to speak, she would never notice it!

This is a flying ship, how did she do it?

Duanmu Yawang tried her best to make her face look natural, swallowed her throat lightly, and then she said, "Who are you?"

"Do adults like to ask someone's name as soon as they speak?" The little girl blinked innocently, with a puzzled face: "I thought, before asking someone, she would introduce herself first!"

Duan Mu Yawang looked at her and didn't answer, "I think it's not a polite behavior to get on someone else's spacecraft without authorization."


The little girl looked disappointed, and sighed: "Sorry, I disturbed you."

The little girl was really well-behaved and seemed harmless to humans and animals. Under normal circumstances, Duanmu Yawang would kindly ask her to sit down and have a meal with them.

But before Xiao Wuzheng entered the cabin, and her sudden appearance, Duanmu Yawang couldn't take off his defenses, "Your apology, we understand it, but we also ask you to disembark, thank you."

"Miss Sister, you are so cruel." The little girl pouted and stared at her aggrievedly. "You are so beautiful and I am so beautiful. Why are you being so cruel to others?"


When these words came out, both Xiao Bailu and Duanmu Yawang's eyes widened.

Because, Duanmu Yawang is still dressing up in Ziyun City before, using a male voice and covering her face with a gauze cap, just in case, she also wears a half mask under the gauze cap.

Under such circumstances, how did the little girl know that she is a female?

Of course, this is not the most weird thing, but, if she can see her face, she will naturally know that she has black hair and black eyes, why is she not surprised?

Duanmu Yawang’s heart beat faster, she took a deep breath and tried her best to keep her emotions as low as possible, "I am not the owner of this spacecraft. ."

"Miss Sister, what you said is wrong." The little girl didn't look very big, but she was very clever, her big eyes were no longer innocent and pure as they were before, and the sly light flashed away.

She smiled and said: "It's just a spaceship, why do you want to guard it? After all, with your strength, it's impossible to guard it!"

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched.

Little Bailu usually likes to talk poorly, but at critical moments, he never persuaded him, threw his chopsticks with a snap, and said angrily: "Hey, what's the matter with you **** kid? Swear when you come up, do you understand the rules?"

The little girl seemed to have discovered Little White Deer only now, and she moved her eyes when she heard the sound, turned to his face, and stared at him closely.

For a moment, she narrowed her eyes, "Who are you?"

"What kind of person is Xiaoye? You don't care!" Little Bailu was actually worried. Although he is a god, he can see if he can fight, his small body is very weak.

Seeing that she seemed to be more jealous of herself than Duanmu Yawang, she set up her score and said coldly: "You should be the robber who came to grab the spaceship. so bad?"

The little girl pursed her small pink mouth like cherry blossoms, and looked straight at him without speaking.

The little white deer was slightly timid when she was about to speak. The little girl suddenly smiled and said, "You have antlers. It should be a deer. Although I don’t like eating deer very much, my sister-in-law always says that my brother needs it. Deer fills up the body, otherwise I will catch you and send my brother back to stew you?"

This can be said to be quite bloody.

Don't look at Xiao Bai Lu's appearance that he is not afraid of the sky, but he is actually going to die.

Besides, people also saw that he was a deer. This is something that has never happened before!

As long as I think that I will be stewed and eaten, my eyes are red with fright, "Lord, master, I..."

"Don't cry."

Duanmu Yawang hugged him over, held him in his arms, patted comfortingly with his hands, raised his head and looked at the girl’s eyes without any kindness, "With me, I’m afraid you can’t help him. ."

"Miss sister, don't make trouble, you are such a big person, so why don't you know the current situation." The little girl frowned, and a small ghost persuaded her, "Being a person, you must be self-aware, I'm pretty good. People who like you don’t want to hurt you. Why don’t you think about it so much? You don’t cherish life too much."

Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, resisting the cleverness of cursing.

After enduring it for a while, she was about to speak, and a violent, rough voice sounded, "Ying Yue, why are you slow, do you want to go home?"

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