Duanmu Yawang wrote the list and handed it to the apprentice, telling the apprentice what to do. After dealing with the patient's affairs, Duanmu Yawang and Ye Nong went down the mountain early in the morning the next morning.

This time down the mountain, she did not bring Xiaoli.

Little Bailu also went back to the medical system.

When going down the mountain, Ye Nongying was still reluctant to give up, and said with a sigh: "Oh, what a pity, it's rare to encounter a place as interesting as the Ghost God Sect, so I just left."

Duanmuya glanced at her, "You are so reluctant to do anything, you can come again next time."

"You can welcome me, I'm really happy." Ye Nongying smiled when she said, but soon her smile faded, and she faintly looked at the white mist in the distance, "However, you have to be prepared, we If I go this time, I may not have a chance to come back."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "I am always optimistic, and I think it's okay to come back."


Ye Nongying curled her lips, thinking of something, and quickly disapproved: "You shouldn't be as relaxed as you said on the surface. Don't you really hurt the child named Xiaobai? If you are really so optimistic, why not bring him this time. ?"

The implication is that you should also be worried that something will happen if you take him?

Little Bailu, who was inexplicably named in the medical system, blinked, focusing very differently from others, "Master, do you love me very much?"

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and stared at Ye Nongying with a puzzled frown: "I always thought you were a very optimistic and fearless person." She did not expect that Ye Nongying would be so afraid of the endless city.

"Ignorance is fearless."

Ye Nongying shrugged, "I just know, that's why I'm afraid."

"If you come, you will be safe. I don't know what you have to worry about." Duanmu Yawang disagreed.

Ye Nongying raised her eyebrows and smiled when she said this, "You seem to make some sense."

Duanmu Yawang didn't continue this topic, and asked her: "I don't know where Mr. Xiao is going to take me to start, and Mr. Xiao has a very high level of cultivation. I can't guess at what level he is. If you follow us, you definitely can't. Get too close, can you really ensure that you won't be discovered?"

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

Ye Nongying smiled, her face was confident, "I know where you will start from."


Ye Nongying remembered something, and looked at Duan Muya: "By the way, if you smell my breath after you set off, remember to report it to me in secret so that I can be prepared."

"Okay, I will signal you."

"That `s a deal."

The two chatted, and soon returned to Ziyun City.

As soon as they entered Ziyun City, the two separated. Ye Nongying didn't tell Duanmu Yawang where she was going. Duanmu Yawang didn't worry about her, and went back to Tianfeng Inn by herself.

Back at Tianfeng Inn, Xiao Wuzheng and Xiao Lingfan were drinking tea at the table downstairs.

Seeing her back, Xiao Wuzheng glanced over and smiled.

Xiao Lingfan's reaction was greater, and he stood up suddenly, folded his dissatisfied hands on his chest, and glared at her: "You said, how many days have you not cooked for me?"


Duanmuya looked ashamed, glanced at him, then at Xiao Wuzheng, "Mr. Xiao, when shall we leave?"

Xiao Wuzheng played with the cup in his hand, "Look at you."

That is, when she said she would set off, when did she set off?

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "Then after breakfast?"

"no problem."

Xiao Lingfan curled his lips, "If you cook your dishes for breakfast now, will it be too late? It can already be lunch if you do it!"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, "Let's go to Liusu Pavilion to eat, can we?"

Xiao Lingfan's eyes flickered, and he licked his mouth, but said impatiently, "Then, let's just do it, I don't want to pick it up, I just have to eat it!"

The three went to Tassel Pavilion.

It just so happened that this time Floating Soul was also there.

When Duanmu Yawang saw him, he was pleasantly surprised, "Is the floater back?"

Fu Lingjun gave a faint hum, sat at the same table with them, glanced at her, and asked casually, "I heard that you are going to Endless City today?"


Duanmu Yawang was secretly surprised, "How could the floater know?"

Fu Lingjun said a meaningful sentence, "In this Ziyun City, there are almost no secrets."

Duanmu Yawang frowned. Before he could speak, Fu Lingjun spoke again: "If you go to the endless city, I'll give you a piece of advice. After entering the hinterland, it is best not to leave the east."


Duanmu Yawang said with a serious face: "Thank you, the floater, I have written it down."

"Also," Fu Lingjun stared at her, and said after a pause: "Come back alive."

Duanmu Ya looked startled.

Fu Lingjun's face was expressionless, "I still need your help regarding my father's affairs."

Duanmu Yawang thought of Floating Zero, and was about to speak, Fu Lingjun said again: "What you told me before about my father's position, I have been looking for it all this time, but found nothing."

"That shouldn't be the real place?" Duanmu Yawang thought of the mirror, and said: "I came back from the endless city, and asked someone to ask for a mirror to see if I could get in?"


Fu Lingjun should really take this matter seriously, and added: "This matter, please."

Duanmu Yawang became more serious, "Okay."

For a few moments when the two talked, Xiao Lingfan and Xiao Wuzheng sat aside, not inserting a word, as if they couldn't hear them.

After watching them finish, the dishes came, and the two of them ate together.

When almost finished eating, Fu Lingjun went downstairs, and when he came up, he handed a brocade box to Duanmu Yawang, "take it."

Duanmu Yawang did not reach out to pick it up: "This is..."

"A life-saving thing." Fu Lingjun said: "It's not expensive, you can take it."

Duanmu Yawang hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand to take it, and opened it. It was astonishingly the size of a two-finger, a bit transparent, and it looked like a crystal capsule.

"This is... medicine?"


The answer was Xiao Wuzheng. He glanced at Fu Lingjun and said: "This is an enchantment crystal. It should be specially prepared by the floater, and it is a gift from the heart."

"Enchantment crystal?"

Duanmu Yawang had never heard this name before, and Xiao Bailu screamed, "Master, he actually gave you the enchantment crystal, and the floating spirits are so good to you!"

Duanmu Yawang frowned: "Before you say this, can you explain for me, what exactly does this enchantment crystal do?"

"This is an enchantment!"

The little white deer said sternly: "This kind of enchantment crystal is a crystal built with one's own spiritual power, and then reduced with spiritual power to form the appearance of a crystal. This is very sophisticated, and it is not something ordinary people can do. Arrived."

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