"I do not have."

Duanmu Yawang felt helpless, and felt that Ye Nongying had come abruptly this time, "I wonder why Miss Ye came to me this time?"

"Oh, yes, my purpose."

Ye Nongying patted his forehead and grinned, "My memory is really getting worse now."

Duanmu Yawang frowned and looked at her.

Ye Nong Ying fainted, "I heard that you are going to Endless City, when will you be free? I will take you there?"

Duanmu Yawang narrowed her eyes sharply and stared at her sharply: "Why do you know that I am going to Endless City?"

Not many people knew about this. For outsiders, she knew about brother Xiao Wuzheng, Fu Lingjun, the emperor, and the two princes. She had never revealed this before anyone else.

How would she know?

Ye Nongying looked at her directly, curled her lips and smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes: "Miss Duanmu, you are still too naive. In this Ziyun City, there is almost nothing secret."

After finishing speaking, before Duanmu Yawang spoke, he said: "Of course, you don't have to worry about why I know, Miss Duanmu, you only need to answer my words."

Duanmu Yawang thought of Xiao Wuzheng agreeing to her, but she has dragged on until now and no one is seen. She also remembered that Yin Huiyin was talking about phantoms today, and her heart moved.

But, "The endless city is said to be very dangerous. You didn't mention any conditions, but you want to take me there. I have to doubt your purpose."

"Don't be so defensive against me!"

Ye Nong Ying’s smile is refreshing, and his smile is completely different from the smile just now. "You also said that the endless city is dangerous. I want to go and go together naturally. You and I are just taking care of each other. What conditions are there to mention? Woolen cloth?"

"You also have to go to the endless city because of something?"


Ye Nongying gave her a very positive answer, "This matter is very important to me."

Duanmu Yawang was silent, she didn't know if she should believe in Ye Nong Ying, she was a little weird suddenly...

At this time, the food came, Ye Nong Ying saw Duan Mu Yawang fell into deep thought, and did not bother her. After Xiao Er went out, she picked up the chopsticks and shrugged and said: "You can seriously consider whether to go or not, give me a result. Just fine."

Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment, "Okay, I'll consider it well to tell you."

"no problem."

Ye Nongying put food into her mouth and said vaguely: "However, I only have three days at most. If you don't reply within three days, I will leave by myself."


Duanmu Yawang took a sip of tea and asked, "How can I find you?"

"Come here."

Ye Nongying was a little anxious to eat, and Duanmu Yawang saw that she had the illusion that she hadn't eaten for several days, "I will come here to solve three meals a day from now on. Just look at the time and come to me."


Ye Nongying glanced at her and waved his hand: "Our conversation is over, you go, I won't greet you anymore."


Duanmuya twitched at the corner of her mouth, stood up and said with no good breath: "You eat slowly, don't choke."

Ye Nongying raised her face grinningly, and winked at her: "Look, you're just hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, in fact, you still care about me!"

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes, turned and left.

Back to Tianfeng Inn, Xiao Lingfan, Xiao Bailu and Xiao Li happened to be sitting at the table in the lobby of the inn to eat. Several food boxes were spread out, and almost all the food inside was taken out.

Little Bailu and Xiao Lingfan had a great time eating, and every plate of snacks were eaten at least half of them.

Xiao Li was probably full, and sat obediently watching the two eating.

Duanmuya looked black, "Are you planning to finish eating these today?"

"You're back?"

As soon as he saw her, Xiao Lingfan stood up, wiped his mouth, and quickly asked: "Why are you so fast? What did you talk to her?"

Duanmu Yawang looked at him with her arms folded, "Before I answer, I want to ask you again, do you really know Ye Nongying?"

"do not know!"

Xiao Lingfan answered without hesitation and snorted softly, as if he didn't want to chat with Duanmu Yawang, and returned to his position to continue eating.


Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath, "Okay, I won't follow up on this, I just want to ask, when will Mr. Xiao come back?"

Xiao Lingfan disappeared after eating, and said vaguely.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't hear clearly and frowned, "What did you say?"

Xiao Lingfan swallowed the thing and hummed: "Little master said, little master doesn't know either!"

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes, "You really don't know?"



Duanmu Yawang was angrily laughed, "Don't you want to know why Ye Nongying is looking for me? I can tell you that she came to me to go to the endless city with me."


When Xiao Lingfan heard this, he was choked immediately. He kept patting his chest, drank a glass of water before he came back, raised his head and gritted his teeth and asked, "You said she is going to the Endless City with you?"


Duanmu Yawang stared at him carefully, not missing the slightest expression on his face, "She raised it personally, and only gave me three days to think about it."

"She is really crazy!"

Xiao Lingfan looked very angry, his eyes were rolling, and he stood up abruptly without knowing what he thought of. Duanmu Yawang didn't have time to react, and he disappeared in a flash.


Xiao Bailu and Xiao Li were both frightened. Xiao Bailu asked hurriedly, "Sister, where is he going?"

"do not know."

She was too lazy to care.

But she knew very well that Ye Nongying and Xiao Lingfan must have known each other.

Knowing but treating each other as strangers is worth pondering.

Little Bailu frowned, "This night Nong Ying feels so complicated. At the beginning, there was her on the street of Wandering, but now we also have her when we go to the endless city."

Duanmuya's eyelids twitched.

Indeed, she hasn't figured out why Ye Nongying went to Wuzhi Street in the first place.

And this time, why did she go to the endless city for what?

She was thinking like this. A light breeze passed, but Xiao Lingfan came back, and it looked like she was very angry, panting with a pale face, gnashing her teeth and akimbo, "Everyone is really wrong!"

Duanmu Yawang smiled with interest, "Who are you talking about one by one?"

Xiao Lingfan glanced at her sideways, snorted softly, sat down and continued eating, without answering her words at all.

"Won't you go to Ye Nong Ying just now?"

Duanmuya looked at her chin and tentatively said.

"I don't know her, I'm looking for her to be sick!" The young man was a bit grumpy, and seemed to be gnashing his teeth. He was almost out of anger.

He desperately held back, clapped his hands and said: "My little master is full, you continue, I'm leaving." After that, he disappeared.

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

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