The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1506: Unwilling, who is the little brother?

Di Sha and Xiao Li stayed, Duan Mu Yawang pondered for a moment, and discussed with Xiao Bailu, "It is boring to let you stay in the medical system all day, how about letting you come out and meet people?"

It’s also good for him to play with Xiao Li. Xiao Li has black hair and black eyes. Here, for the time being, too many people can’t let too many people see him as he is, and I’m afraid he will be scared, so I still have to hide for a while. .

The little Bailu, who had been suffocated a long time ago, nodded vigorously: "Master, you have said too much, I really need to see more people."

"Okay, I'll go out for a while,'by the way,' let's take you up the mountain."

"Thank you master!"

Little Bailu jumped up with joy.

Duanmu Yawang squinted his eyes and warned: "After you come out, play with Xiaoli more and don't bully him, you know?"

"I know!" Little Bailu pouted, "He is so pitiful and looks so much like you. It's too late for the little master to like him, so how can he bully him?"


Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand and squeezed his cheek, and promised: "I will let Da Feng take good care of you when you'go up the mountain'. You can tell him what you like and what you want to eat."


Little Bailu was very happy.

Duanmu Yawang thought of Yin Huiyin, "Little Yin'er, do you want to..."

"no need."

Yin Huiyin shook Erlang’s legs while eating, baring his teeth and smiled: “I’m going to wear a cloak and disguise. Stay here."

Duanmu Yawang sighed secretly, and had to respond.

If you didn't go out, Duanmu Yawang would just bring a child to meet with everyone. Everyone would feel weird. Therefore, Duanmu Yawang went down the mountain and decided to bring the little white deer back from the bottom of the mountain.

Children are all likable, especially the cute and sweet little Bailu, who easily fascinates people.

After introducing Xiao Bai Lu to Da Feng and the others, they all liked them so much. They couldn't wait to put all the delicious food in Xiao Bai Lu's arms, but Xiao Bai Lu was so happy.

Xiao Bailu also knows how to present flowers to the Buddha. When Duanmu Yawang took him to see Xiaoli, he immediately divided the delicious and fun things into Xiaoli, "Xiaoli, I am older than you, you will call me later. How is my little brother?"

Xiao Li is now in the room between him and Emperor Killer. His disguise has been removed. He is still a little dazed by the sudden smile of the child who is so cute and beautiful. His big eyes are unblinking, and he is dazed. Watching.


Little Bailu stretched out his hand and waved in front of his eyes, "Return to mind, what are you thinking about?"

"Me, my name is Xiaoli."

Xiao Li took a step back, holding the things in his arms awkwardly, and said in a small voice: "I'm six years old..."

The little white deer patted his chest, "I know!"

Xiao Li stared at him and didn't speak for a while.

Little Bailu frowned, "Let's talk hard, don't say a word without saying a word, it's so boring."


Xiao Li was a little nervous, "You, I..."

Xiao Bailu frowned more tightly, raised his head to look at Duanmu Yawang. Before he could speak, Xiaoli whispered: "You are shorter than me, you, you should be younger than me, and I am the little brother. "

Little Bailu glared, was anxious for an instant, stomped and said: "You are only six years old, do you know how old my little master is, I..."


Duanmu Yawang gave a light cough and glanced at the little white deer warningly, "Bai Bai, although you are older than others, you are indeed shorter than others."

Xiaoli is actually a little weaker than the average six-year-old child, but Xiao Bailu has lived for a thousand years, but he looks like a four- or five-year-old child. It is... ashamed to say it!

Little Bailu pouted and said grievances: "But people are bigger than him, I'm a little brother!" He is not a brother. It doesn't matter if Fei is younger than him and older than him, why just do it casually now Is a kid who is taller than him?

He is not happy!

He is going to be a brother!

Duanmu Yawang sneered, "Who is to blame for your short length?" He is not to blame for his laziness. He is not eating or not, and he didn't put his mind on cultivation at all, so naturally he didn't grow up.

Xiao Li blinked and asked Duanmu Yawang timidly: "Miss Sister, is he older than me?"

"But he is indeed shorter than you."

Duanmu Yawang bent over to touch his cheek, and said with a smile: "However, it's not good to let him call your brother. Why don't you two balance it out. How about calling each other's names?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoli nodded very obediently.

Little Bailu pursed his mouth and said aggrieved: "Isn't this called according to age? Why is it based on height?"

"Good question."

Duanmu Yawang held her arms around her chest, so she could watch him in time, "Let someone taller than you call your brother. You said that if the people outside heard it, wouldn't all of them be called you little dwarf?"

"The little master is not a dwarf!"

The little white deer stomped his feet again and again, and said angrily: "Little master is just not long for the time being, he's not a little dwarf!"

"Oh, let's talk about it when you grow taller." Duanmu Yawang shrugged, disapproving.

Little Bailu bulged his cheeks, and secretly decided that this time he must practice hard, he must be a brother!

So he bargained, "Then if I grow taller than Xiaoli, can he call me little brother in the future?"

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and asked for Xiaoli's opinion by the way, "What about Xiaoli?"


"Okay, that's it!" Duanmu Yawang touched a child's head with one hand, "Now, shake your hand, let's go play together in a while."

Xiao Li didn't know what a handshake was, but Xiao Bailu was generous, smiled and took the other's hand, shook it, and said, "What do you like to play with?"

It was the first time that a child of about the same age was late with him. Xiaoli was so happy that his face was flushed, "I, I..."

"Don't worry, Xiaoye hasn't played Little Clay Figure in a long time, let's go to make clay figure together!" After Xiao Bailu finished speaking, no matter what the situation is, he dragged people away.

The two children disappeared in a gust of wind. Emperor Killer looked at the direction where they disappeared, glanced at Duanmu Yawang, and whispered, "Thank you."


"You let Xiaoli have a playmate. He has never played with anyone before."

"Don't thank me." Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "There are almost no playmates in vain, and I am also afraid that he will be bored, so I let him come up the mountain and let everyone play together."

The emperor stared at her, "He called your sister, then he is your brother? You don't look like it."

Duanmu Yawang blinked and said with a smile: "Isn't my sister and brother better than my sister and brother?"

When Emperor Kill listened, he ended this topic.

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