Duanmu Yawang suddenly gave this three-day deadline, which made everyone's agitated hearts suddenly become even more restless.

There is no other reason.

Of course, they are still not convinced by Duanmu Yawang, and want to go down the mountain quickly, but they still have not solved the three illnesses they have on their hands.

This is simply a torture to them who are obsessed with medicine.

If they didn't untie it, they would definitely be reluctant to go down the mountain, but if they didn't untie it for these three days, would they really have to surrender to a female healer younger than their age?

Not reconciled, not reconciled!

Ever since, in the past three days, they have become more and more serious, united one by one, discussing their views on the disease almost sleeplessly day and night.

However, seeing the end of the third day, they still had no real solution.

They suddenly became anxious.

"It doesn't matter!" Tan Jinxuan stood up, "I always feel that Duanmu Yawang is using this method to contain us, and we must not be led by the nose like this."

Bai Yusi frowned, "Brother Tan, do you want to go down the mountain?"

"I will naturally go down the mountain." Tan Jinxuan raised his jaw slightly and hummed softly: "Don't you want to? Would you like to be an apprentice with a yellow-haired girl younger than me?"

After that, without waiting for Bai Yusi to speak, he said angrily: "Brother Bai, don't forget. The reason why we are willing to be an apprentice is entirely because Mr. Mu said that our master's medical skills are unmatched. Yes, seeing Duanmu Yawang look like this, do you still think that no one can match her medical skills?"

"That's right." Someone also said, and at the same time wondering: "Moreover, I always feel that the name Duanmu Yawang seems so familiar, I don't know where I heard it."

Someone retorted impatiently: "Have you heard of it? I have never heard of it. With so many medical masters, I know every one of them. I have never heard of Duanmu Yawang."

"However, Mr. Mu and Mr. Mu actually have no reason to lie to us." Bai Yusi sighed lightly: "Of course, the two gentlemen may have exaggerated their statements, but I think this Miss Duanmu's medical skills should have a lot of room for exploration. You should have heard that Patriarch He’s illness has stabilized a lot these days."

"Didn't she say that cancer is inherently erratic? Now that Mr. He's illness is stable, it may also be due to Patriarch He's own treatment."

There are also people who are more sensible, "However, to be honest, I have also observed and diagnosed Patriarch He’s illness. In fact, I don’t have a clue at all. Since Miss Duanmu can know what it is, there must be ink in her stomach. ."

"How about knowing what kind of disease it is. It hasn't been for so many days, and people can't be healed. Patriarch He still vomits every day and the pain is still unbearable?"


No one can refute this, because it is true.

Bai Yusi saw that the words had already been said for this purpose, and sighed: "So, do you all want to go down the mountain today?"


Everyone said it almost in unison.

Tan Jinxuan's eyes flashed, and he hummed softly, "However, before going down the mountain, I also need to know the solutions to those three symptoms."

"Huh?" Bai Yu was puzzled, "Brother Tan, what does this mean?"

"We have been on the mountain these days and have been treating Fenglinwan's patients. Now we have gone up the mountain and got nothing. Don't we go down the mountain without asking for some reward?"

Bai Yusi was taken aback, and was about to speak, someone nodded in response: "Yes, we have been up for so many days, and we have paid a little. On weekdays, we are in our hometown, and ordinary people can't ask us for medical treatment. Now we are obedient. After being obedient for so many days, going down the mountain without payment is indeed too self-defeating."


Tan Jinxuan nodded and said: "If everyone agrees with me, we will all go and discuss with Duanmu Yawang!"


When this word came out, most people responded one after another.

Even if there is no responder, there is no objection. After all, the matter of coming to Fenglin Night and being ruled by a young woman is not happy anyway, and even feels humiliated!

When Tan Jinxuan saw everyone agreeing, he sighed in relief and said in a sigh: "Since everyone agrees, then let's go to her and ask for an explanation!"


Everyone went to Duanmu Yawang one after another.

It was too late for Bai Yu to persuade him.

In addition, everyone is in high spirits now, and his satellite TV doesn't know what to say.

When everyone came to Duanmu Yawang's wing to look for her, Duanmu Yawang just finished the day of drug research and was packing up her things.

When he heard a rush of footsteps outside, Xiao Bailu had already felt it, "Master, look at the breath, it should be the apprentices, why are they looking for you together this time?"

"It's time for three days, naturally it's coming." Duanmu Yawang looked calm, and quickly cleared up the things in her hands.

At the moment when the door of the wing was clapped, the things were just packed, just open the door casually.

Tan Jinxuan and others opened the door, and started to ask questions about the three illnesses, but Duanmu Yawang first screamed, "You are here just right, come in and sit down."

After that, she opened the wing door and walked in first.

Tan Jinxuan and the others were so forced into their throats in one breath, wondering why she could be so calm in the face of their unkindness, and then walked in.

"Sit down."

The wing of Duanmu Yawang is very large, and there is also a large table. Duanmu Yawang pulls up the chairs, let them sit down one by one, and personally serve them tea.

Tan Jinxuan didn't take the tea, and stared at her with a mocking smile, "You seem to be in a good mood, don't you think that we came here and told you that we are not going down the mountain?"

"I really think so."

After being ridiculed, Duanmu Yawang was not angry, but said with a smile: "Of course, you want to go down the mountain, but I don't think you will be willing to go down the mountain."


A handsome young man sneered immediately, "With the three symptoms you gave, I want to involve us for the rest of our lives? Do you think we are stupid?"

Duanmu Ya glanced at the young man, her eyes flashed, "Yun Mubai?"

This is the fierce boy she met in the department that day, who would drive her away as soon as she saw her.

Yun Mubai pressed his lips and stared at her without saying a word.

Duanmu Yawang didn't mind, she just thought it was funny, glanced at the crowd, and said in a leisurely way: "Just relying on three symptoms to hold you back forever, I don't know if this idea is I am too naive or everyone is too naive. After all, I never Never thought about it that way."

The implication is that you are too naive.

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