The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1482: Are you also interested in this Gongyu Deyin?

Little Bailu tutted, "It seems that the master of Medicine Master Chu can't solve the queen's illness, so they are anxious and want to start with you."

"Don't worry about them, since they rejected me at the beginning, no matter who came, I can't take over this matter anymore." Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, and immediately changed the subject, "Didn't it say that three people came to me? Why do you only see people from the Anding Palace?"

Little Bailu shrugged, "Even if others are free, it is impossible to come here twelve hours a day and wait. I guess they have left beforehand."

"Then let's go back to the inn first. I'll go to have some food and comfort the little boy." After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he saw a carriage parked in front of her.

Duanmu Yawang originally thought it was a guest of Tianfeng Inn, so he ignored it, but unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, the carriage curtain was lifted, revealing a familiar face of Duanmu Yawang.

"Master Gongyu, please stay here!"

The visitor, who happened to be Medicine Master Chu, had anxiety on her calm face, lifted her skirt and jumped out of the carriage.

"Pharmaceutical Chu? Why are you here?"

"I made a special trip to find the son." Chu Yaoshi's delicate face squeezed a helpless smile: "To be honest, You Xi has made a special trip here to find the son for several days."

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes and asked with a smile, "Oh? I don't know why Pharmacist Chu is looking for Deyin?"

"The son is so smart, how can you not know why Youxi came to see the son for?" Chu Youxi smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it was the last time that made the son angry, right?"

"Pharmaceutical Chu made a serious statement."

Duan Mu Ya bowed his hand and said lightly: "Pharmaceutical Chu, I still have a lot of work to do. If you have something to do with Deyin, why don't you just say it?"


Chu Youxi looked at Duanmu Yawang's attitude, and her heart sank. She felt that this matter was not optimistic, but, anyway, she wanted to give it a try, and said sternly: "My son, please enter the palace again. Let’s treat the Queen’s Niangniang. This time, You Xi has obtained the permission of the emperor. During the entire remediation process, we will never intervene and listen to the arrangements of the son."

After that, he said anxiously: "My son, please save the empress empress this time. Empress empress is really tortured by the disease too much now. As a niece, You Xi is really uncomfortable..."

"Pharmaceutical Chu, please come back. I won't enter the palace again." Duanmu Yawang said unceremoniously, "I'm sorry to let you run away for nothing."

Chu Youxi was startled, but his inspiration flashed, "But the son already has a way to heal the empress?"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Why did Medicine Master Chu say this?"

"You just said you couldn't enter the palace. Generally speaking, you can only say that you are powerless in this situation. The son is not powerless, but just doesn't want to go."

The little white deer tuts, "This Chu Youxi is quite sharp and clever!"

Duanmu Yawang didn't continue, and said indifferently: "Pharmaceutical Chu, you still have to go back, I have something to do on my side, so I won't tell you more."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking at Chu Youxi's expression.

"Master Gongyu!"

Chu Youxi was full of anxious expression, rushed up and grabbed Duanmu Yawang’s wrist, "Young Master Gongyu, please save the Empress Empress, how can you calm down the matter last time? As long as the Young Master says, You Xi will be sure. Do your best to do it for the son."

Duanmu Yawang was grabbed by her wrist, and Chu Youxi's strength was not weak, she was suddenly scratched and hurt, her brows wrinkled, and her face became cold: "Pharmaceutical Chu, please calm down."

When I said, my wrist squeezed.

"Feel sorry."

Chu Youxi also felt that he was rude, and quickly let go of his hand, embarrassed: "You Xi is just too impatient, not intentionally offending, please don't be angry, the son."


Duanmuya glanced at her carriage, did not say a word, nodded, and left.

Chu Youxi looked at her back, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, and turned her head back to the carriage with frustration.

As soon as I got back to the carriage, an old and quiet voice came from inside, "Xiaoxi, this is the Gongyu Gongzi you mentioned to your teacher every day?"

When Chu Youxi heard this, he was taken aback for a while, and quickly got into the carriage, and saw a vigorous old man sitting on the carriage with a calm face, sips the tea he had made before.

"Master? Why did you come? When did you come?" Chu Youxi was surprised, and she didn't even know that her master was in the carriage. She was really shocked.

"You just came out of the carriage as a teacher."

The old man responded faintly, his face was neither salty nor pale, and he couldn't hear the joy and anger: "When did this Gongyu Deyin come to this Ziyun City?"

"This disciple is not clear." When Chu Youxi said, he recalled, and said: "However, Lord Gongyu has been famous in Ziyun City for almost a month."

"One month?"

The old man repeated the number, and it sounded like a question, rather it was more like talking to himself.

"Yes, it is."

Chu Youxi glanced at her master and asked a little surprised, "Master, are you also interested in this Gongyu Deyin?"

The old man did not answer directly, and continued: "I have heard your conversation just now. Do you think he has a way to cure the empress empress' illness?"

"The disciple feels so."

Chu Youxi said, "Furthermore, Lord Gongyu didn't refute what he said after the disciple, did he?"

The old man didn't answer directly, just sip the tea and pondered for a moment.

Chu Youxi looked at her master and didn't dare to speak casually.

My master, since I let myself enter the master’s meeting, I have rarely seen it. Although I have been enjoying the best resources and materials of the master, because of his identity, the person who has been the master has always been the first disciple of the master, but In fact, she has rarely seen her master.

This time, the queen's aunt had an accident. She didn't seem to tell anyone in the teacher's door, but her master personally flew a pigeon to ask about the matter. In addition to surprises, she felt more surprises and doubts.

She didn't understand how her master suddenly became concerned about these things.

After pondering for a while, the old man suddenly raised the carriage curtains and asked: "He has been living in Tianfeng Inn these days?"

"I heard that Young Master Gongyu has lived here since he appeared in Ziyun City."

"anything else?"

"Huh?" More? What else?

The old man raised his eyes, his turbid old eyes stared at her, "He is in Ziyun City, who else is he more familiar with?"

"This disciple is not clear." What did Chu Youxi say, "The disciple only met Gongyu Gongzi three times, once in the palace, once in Liusu Pavilion, and this time for the third time."

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