The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1480: Qualitative, older people may not be easy to manage

After Da Feng left, Duanmu Yawang was still sitting in Wuwei Pavilion, making tea, and Xiao Bailu asked him: "Master, before Mu Qingchen and Mu Feng seemed to say that the pharmacists they were looking for were young people, and they said they were young. People are easy to manage, but it doesn’t seem to be the case now."

After Xiao Bailu finished speaking, he has the shortcomings of continuing to scold young people, "Think about it, young people are unruly, irritable and impulsive, the most prone to accidents, the most important thing is that they are young and frivolous, all of them are pretentious, arrogant and arrogant. It’s troublesome to manage, so it's better to find an older one."

"I don't think the same as you."

Duanmu Yawang took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The elderly are not necessarily easy to manage, and the elderly are not necessarily calm. They will even rely on the old to sell the old and give you pointers and constant preaching. Especially if they know Fenglinwan The boss of is a young woman, and she is probably even more unconvinced in her heart, not knowing what will be driven out."

After that, she said again: "Of course, these are not the most important ones. The most important thing is that the elderly have been qualitative, which is not conducive to the development of Fenglinwan."


Little Bailu didn't understand, "Qualitative? What do you mean?"

"Elderly people at a certain age have little impulse in medicine, and their mentality tends to be unstable."

Xiao Bailu retorted, "Why is it unstable? Older people are calmer than young people anyway?"

"A calm mind is not the same as a calm personality."

Duanmu Yawang's fingertips lightly tapped the tabletop, her eyes flickered: "The so-called standing at thirty, once a person reaches middle age, it is the time to make meritorious deeds. Many of them are easy people with extraordinary strength, and their minds are easy to be on this'name'. Think about it, and how many people can really improve their medical skills?"

"I understand." Little Bailu suddenly realized, "Master, what do you mean is that you are now famous when you are young, and they are a group of extraordinary seniors who do things under your hands. The heart will become very big and troubles will continue. ?"

"Mr. Mu and Mu Feng think so." Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "Of course, maybe our thinking is narrow, but I still like young people more than older people. They may be impulsive, maybe Willful, perhaps unruly, but if viewed from another angle, they are motivated and combative, and they are also particularly malleable.

Since we established Fenglinwan, we certainly didn't let it only exist for a year or two or a few years. Naturally, we hope that it will continue for a long time. I hope that they grew up with me, Feng Linwan. "

Xiao Bailu's eyes were bright, "With such a group of stronger and stronger people sitting in town, Fenglin's reputation will naturally increase in the evening, right?"

"Fool can teach you too!"

When Duanmu Yawang said, he reached in and squeezed his face, put down the cup, stood up, stretched out and said, "I'm tired, it's almost enough time to come out, let's go back."

"That's not right, Master, it's a good thing for young people to be impulsive and aggressive, but can you really be sure that you can handle them and let them do things under your hands obediently?"

Duanmuya stared at him with a half-smile, "Do you think I can't even tame some of their little furry kids?"

"..." It's also called the little hairy kid!

Maybe these people are better than you!

Little Bailu rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Am I not worried?"

"Worrying for nothing!"

Duanmu Yawang knocked his head, and while leaving Wuwei Pavilion, he whispered in his heart: "I found that you lack the most basic trust and knowledge of my master. You are not qualified."


Duanmu Yawang didn't talk too much with Xiaobailu, so he went back to Tianfeng Inn to continue researching drugs.

Although this research did not say that there were results, it really made her discover.

This discovery made her almost happy, so she began to study day and night.

After she has always studied things, she would forget to sleep and eat, and she doesn't know what time is.

When she was carrying a semi-finished product and had to stop because of the stuck in her train of thought, she was already very sloppy.

She naturally didn't bother to care about her own image. When she got out of work, her whole person had become unable to think. She threw herself on the bed and fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long it took after this sleep. I only knew that I was dizzy and painful in my brain, and I was awakened by the impatient knock on the door outside.

"Duanmu Yawang! You won't come out again, believe it or not, I will open the door for you?"

Duanmu Yawang was too noisy, got up in a daze to open the door.

Xiao Lingfan outside the door saw her messy black hair and swollen eyes. Her eyes were wrinkled. At the same time, she stretched out her hand to cover her nose, "What have you done in the room these days?"

Duanmu Yawang lay weakly by the door frame, yawned, and said in a daze, "What am I doing, haven't you seen it?"


Xiao Lingfan was a little guilty, but he quickly changed the subject, "You tell me how many days you have been in the room, and you don’t need to cook food for the young master, but can you let people come all day? Come to Tianfeng Inn to see you late?"

Duanmu Yawang yawned and said weakly, "Who is looking for you?"

"I don't know who it is!"

Xiao Lingfan stared at him irritably, "Anyway, there are at least three groups of people. I feel that I have heard the sound. As for who they are, I don't know, I know they are guarding the door, which greatly affects the guests of our Tianfeng Inn!"

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang's response, he hummed: "You go to solve this matter immediately, otherwise you don't want to live in Tianfeng Inn!"

Duanmu Yawang felt a little more sober after hearing this.

Xiao Lingfan is a young boy with a bad temper, but occasionally he is cute, and he has never really lost his temper with her. Even if he is angry, he just said a word or two to ask her to leave the inn. He has never said so. of.

Since he would say that, it must be no joke.

He is serious.

She shook her head, Bara's wrinkled and knotted hair, sternly said: "Three groups of people, will come to me every day?"

"Yes! It's so noisy, I am about to be complained to death by guests, Xiaoye, every day a bunch of people complain to me, I almost eat a pot of bitterness!"

Duanmu Yawang was amused by the description of a teenager.

"dare you laugh?"

The boy glared at her and said impatiently: "You quickly handle your affairs, and I tell you, if you can't handle it properly, Tianfeng Inn can really keep you!"


Duanmu Yawang's face turned straight, and said warmly: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

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