The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1450: Enter the palace, give pointers one or two

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang's answer, he said: "Master, do you think they will deceive, so they slip away deliberately now?"

"If An Zexi and Ling Xiaopeng were not there, and the people who invited me were King An Ding and King Ling Qing, there might be fraud, and I would never go."

"Can't it be King Anding let his son lie to you?"

"An Zexi is not a person who listens to what his father said. He is very opinionated." Duanmu Yawang went upstairs and commented. At the same time, thinking of Ling Xiaopeng, he couldn't help saying, "It's Ling Xiaopeng. The feeling he gave me recently seems to have changed a lot."

"It seems to be the case."

Little Bailu touched his chin, agreeing: "There is no hostility towards you at all, and it seems to be helping you everywhere."

"Well, I feel it."

"Could it be because of previous hunting activities, you saved him, that he made such a change?"

"I don't know."

Duanmu Yawang didn't care too much either. After all, she and Ling Xiaopeng weren't familiar with each other, and she was about to leave Ziyun City, and they wouldn't have too much intersection.

While talking, Duanmu Yawang had already gone upstairs.

After going upstairs, she took out the Qiankun bag, and then took out the intensive chat tools from the medical system, as well as a few bottles of medicine that had not been developed for a long time.

Also packed some other things into the universe bag.

At the same time, some important things were taken out of the Qiankun bag and put into the medical system.

After she finished cleaning, she went downstairs again.

When she went downstairs, Xiao Lingfan lay on the table and stared at her angrily: "Why are you going in and out all day? Believe it or not, I won't open the door for you!"

"Little son, tomorrow I will make you a delicacy that you have never eaten before." Duanmu Yawang smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work today."

Xiao Lingfan's eyes lit up, but soon he felt that his emotions were too exposed, and asked sternly, "Do you take this seriously?"

"Children are not deceived."

"If you break your promise, the young master will be angry."


Xiao Lingfan snorted, stood up and walked up to her, patted her on the shoulder twice, and said casually: "It's a big night, you have to be careful when you go out."

Duanmu Ya looked warm in her heart and said with a serious face: "Thank you, I will."

Xiao Lingfan ignored her and went upstairs while yawning. Duanmu Yawang glanced in the direction of the door, only to realize that the door had already been opened for some time.

When she went out, King Lingqing's carriage stopped at the door. As soon as she came out, the two of them saw it.

Ling Xiaopeng glanced at his father, and he was the first to speak: "Look, father, I always said that Lord Gongyu can't break his promise. He did it when he said it."

The moment King Lingqing saw Duanmu Yawang, he was also relieved and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are right."

When he said, he saw Duanmu Yawang come to the carriage and opened the carriage door for her, "Gongyu, please."

"Lord Lao."

After Duanmuya got on the carriage, they went straight into the palace.

Duanmu Yawang didn't know anything about the palace. She thought that after entering the palace, she went directly to see the empress or the emperor.

However, she was taken and met three acquaintances first.

The three acquaintances were King Anding, Jing Jixing and Jing Lingxing.

Seeing these three people, Duanmu Ya narrowed her eyes and stopped immediately.

And the three people in the room stood up after seeing them coming in. King Anding saw Duanmu Yawang's first glance, a little embarrassed, and his face was blue and white.

An Zexi looked at her father, and then at Duanmu Yawang. With a turn, she acted as a peacemaker: "Father, Lord Gongyu is here." After finishing speaking, he smiled and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Prince Gongyu, Please come in."

Duanmuya pursed her lips and walked in without saying a word.

"Master Gongyu."

The King Anding wanted to look at Duanmu Yawang, and had to take the lead in breaking the awkward situation between the two of them. At the same time, he meant to reconcile, saying: "There are some unexpected sons in this king who are willing to come. This king thought..."

Duanmu Yawang's voice was particularly cold, and interrupted him: "Indeed, if it weren't for the face of An Shizi, I really wouldn't have come."

Duanmu Yawang's words can be said to be very shameless. King Anding's face sank and An Zexi became tense. Before speaking, Jing Jixing and Jing Lingxing walked over with smiles at the corners of their mouths, and said, "Master Gongyu. ."

"Young Master Jing, Miss Jing." Duanmu Yawang replied. At the same time, looking at these two people, Duanmu Yawang was a little curious why they were still here?

If they can't heal the queen, shouldn't they leave?

Jing Zhixing said: "Young Master Gongyu, I have seen the illness of Empress Empress and my sister. I am going to see Empress Empress. We kind of want to share our humble opinion with Young Master."

"Young Master Jing is humble."

Duanmu Yawang bowed his hand and said with a serious face: "Deyin is not talented, and I hope Young Master Jing can give me some advice."

"I don't dare to point, it's really just a humble opinion." Jing Zhixing said warmly: "After Zhixing and my sister have seen the symptoms of the empress empress, we can be sure that if you want the empress empress to be intact, a certain medicine is necessary."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Oh? I don't know what medicine?"

"Wash the marrow flower."

Duanmu Ya looked at her without a hint of surprise, but she said in surprise: "Wash the marrow flower?"

"Yes, this kind of flower is very rare."

When Jing Zhixing said, a pair of eyes stared at her straight: "Moreover, I heard the two princes say that the emperor asked the son to help find the marrow flower on Donggong Mountain, right?"


"I wonder if the son can find it?"

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, King Anding interrupted: "Should you not find Young Master Gongyu?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled faintly: "I heard what Prince Lingqing and the two elder sons meant that I came to see the empress empress, why is it a conversation now?"

Everyone present heard that Duanmu Yawang was upset.

However, they all think that Duanmu Yawang is actually because she did not find the marrow flower. Now when asked by everyone, she feels that she has no face, so she is angry.

King Lingqing finally invited people in, so naturally he didn't dare to offend him easily, so he pacified and said, "My son, please don't be angry. The marrow flower is too precious and too hard to find. It's normal to find it, stable. The prince and Lord Jing just asked casually, which was meaningless."

"I'm not angry."

Duanmu Yawang’s voice was calm, without the slightest anger: “It’s quiet in the middle of the night. I don’t like to waste time in doing things. After I came, Lord Anding and Lord Jing kept talking about the marrow flower. I don’t know why? I don’t like wasting time. What do you want to say?"

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