
Wang Lingqing smiled, "There is a Lao Fan shopkeeper."

"The prince is polite."

Shopkeeper Fan nodded to everyone, then turned and left the room.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

King Lingqing started to wash the tea by himself, and poured the tea for Duanmu Yawang, "Master Gongyu, this king's tea art is inferior, making you laugh. Next time we will come together to taste the tea made by the girl in the sky."

"If you have a chance, it will be good." Duanmu Yawang responded temporarily. When she said, she took a sip of the tea. The tea was sweet and bitter, with sweetness in the bitterness, and slipped off her throat. Her throat moved and said, "The prince is humble, the prince's. The craftsmanship is not bad either."

"No no."

When King Lingqing heard Duanmu Yawang say this, he was naturally very happy, but he was still humble and said: "Compared with the several tea masters in Tinghai Pavilion, it's not worth mentioning."

Duanmuya smiled while looking at her lips. She didn't take it, and said straightforwardly: "Master, there are no outsiders here. I don't know what the prince wants to tell me, can you say it now?"


Listening to Duanmu Yawang's first mention of this matter, King Lingqing's face tightened and said with a serious face: "Master Gongyu, I will ask you to keep it secret for a while."

Duanmuya squinted her eyes, twitched the corners of her mouth, and shrugged: "Deyin still works well. If the prince believes it, you can say it, if you can't believe it, it's better not to say it."

King Lingqing smiled bitterly, "Actually, even though this king requires the son so, in fact, this king has no choice. No one can do this except the son."


Duanmu Yawang was really curious this time, "What the **** is going on, the prince can just say that it doesn't matter."

King Lingqing pursed his lips and stared into her eyes sternly, saying almost every word, "This king wants to beg you, come to the palace and save the queen!"

"Save the Queen?"

Duanmu Ya looked stunned, she couldn't think of this.

She pursed her lips, "Prince, I have never seen a queen before, and I don't know her specific symptoms. I'm not sure I can save her. I may not be able to help you with this favor."

"You can definitely do it!"

Ling Xiaopeng, who has always been a background board, has never spoken, and is so quiet that Ling Xiaopeng suddenly said firmly, "If you can't save it, there can be no one in this world who can be saved!"

Duanmu Yawang pinched her eyebrows, "What are the symptoms of your queen?" When she said, she couldn't help but think. When the emperor came to negotiate with her, he said that he wanted to wash the marrow flowers. Could these two things be? related?

"The king doesn't understand medicine, so he can't explain clearly."

When King Lingqing said, he sighed: "But what I can be sure of is that this matter is very tricky."

"Yes, even the Jing brothers and sisters are helpless." An Zexi blurted out.

When he said, King Lingqing frowned.

However, An Zexi has already said that, naturally, he can't take it back. Moreover, he is not his own son, and it is not good for him to say something to him in front of Duanmu Yawang, it is too rude.

"Brothers and sisters of the Jing family?" Duan Muya Wangmei's heart beat, "Master Jing and Miss Jing are also involved in this matter?"


An Zexi knew what he said directly, "My father and they came back later than us today because of this incident."

Ling Xiaopeng curled his lips and sneered, "I really don't understand, why your father's mind was confused at a critical moment, such a critical matter is actually going to find two people who don't even know the strength to help, except for this. Apart from the two people knowing, there is no benefit at all!"

"Xiao Peng, how do you talk?" Ling Qing Wang twisted his eyebrows and taught: "You are so rude."

"I'm telling the truth, what's so rude?" Ling Xiaopeng curled his lips and hummed: "The two people came out so suddenly, are they really weird?"

"Okay, okay, you don't want to change the subject anymore."

King Ling Qing was obviously very anxious, and said to his son impatiently: "Ms. Jing, the son of Jing, is probably not good at this type of disease. Have you forgotten how many people were saved yesterday?"

Ling Xiaopeng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to answer.

King Lingqing was so angry that he didn't have the energy to teach him anymore. Instead, he asked Duanmu Yawang urgently: "Master Gongyu, please, I wonder if you can help me with this matter?"

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, An Zexi stood up, came to Duanmu Yawang, and knelt down straight in front of her.

With a boom, Duanmu Yawang was shocked.

"An Shizi, what are you doing, get up soon."

"Master Gongyu, Jersey begs you to agree to this." An Zexi's eyes were red, "The queen's illness has always been treated by the queen's father. Now the queen's disease has never been cured. If the queen's disease The empress really has an accident, and my father also..."

Having said that, he didn't go on, his eyes became even more red, "The father is confused, he offends the son, and the father is guilty. As long as the son is willing to help, Jersey is willing to do anything for the son!"

Duanmu Yawang suddenly had a headache, "You will get up first before talking."

An Zexi was unwilling to get up, and knelt on his knees: "My son, please agree!"

Duanmuya pursed her lips. To be honest, she didn't want to go to this muddy water at all. It had nothing to do with her. Besides, King Anding had a rift with her, and she didn't want to care about his affairs.

But Anzesi...

I have to say that she likes this young man, and he takes good care of her.

"Master, do you want to help him?" Xiao Bailu said with arms around his chest, not very pleased: "But the King Anding teased you like that before, it's too much."

Duanmuya couldn't answer, and said to An Zexi: "An Shizi, you can find another person. Even if I go, I may not be able to heal him."

"The son, would you like to take a look, give it a try?" An Zexi raised his hand and stared at Duanmu Yawang with red eyes.

Duanmu Yawang was silent.

The whole room fell into silence, and the atmosphere was a bit tight.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the room, and the voice of the shopkeeper Fan rang outside the door, "The dishes are here, I wonder if it is convenient to go in?"

There was a slight slack in the tense atmosphere. King Ling Qing glanced at An Zexi who was kneeling, and for a while, he didn't know whether to ask him to get up and let people watch the joke, or not to get him up.

Duanmu Yawang sighed and waved his hand: "You get up first, after you have finished your meal, I can follow you to take a look."

An Zexi's eyes lit up, and she almost burst into tears into a smile: "Thank you, son!"

Duanmu Yawang nodded faintly, "Okay, get up, shopkeeper Fan is going to bring in food, dignified son, don't let people watch jokes."

An Zexi was very happy, and said with a serious face: "Kneeling Gongyu Young Master, Jersey does not feel disrespectful."

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